Teeth: should babies be given fluoride?

Today, what are the recommendations for fluoride, to prevent cavities and protect their teeth? In most cases, babies are no longer given fluoride tablets or drops. We know today that brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is the best way to ensure good dental health.

No fluoride before 6 months

“We should no longer prescribe between 0 and 6 months of fluoride to babies,” says Dr. Courson. In February 2017, the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) even restricted the indication of fluorine-based medicines such as Zymaduo, Fluorex, Fluosterol to children over 6 months. “This story of ‘fluorine or not fluorine’ has been a great debate which has continued to evolve”, comments the specialist. “At one time, it was even prescribed to pregnant women from the 5th to 6th month for temporary teeth in formation, and to children up to 12 years. Today, we are back: the rule is no fluoride in drugs, except for children at particular risk of cavities, and only after the age of 6 months. “


Indispensable, fluoride toothpaste

“We realized that fluoride is more effective in local application”, analyzes Dr. Courson. Provided by toothpaste, it attaches to the enamel as a protective layer protecting the tooth from cavities. Why ? “On the one hand, because the fluoride supplied locally remineralizes the enamel of the tooth with each brushing. On the other hand, because it acts on the metabolism of bacteria by limiting the attack on the teeth. »The action of fluoride provided orally is less and different: it is incorporated into the crystal of the enamel while the tooth is forming. The problem: “When added in excess, it weakens the enamel instead of strengthening it. It is fluorosis, which is manifested by white or sometimes brown spots on the teeth. “

Learn to brush your teeth

From your baby’s first teeth up to 18 months-2 years old, you can teach him to brush them, but only with water. Then, for each age, there is a dosage of fluoride in the toothpaste. This is why it is necessary to respect the age groups indicated on the packaging of toothpastes for “kids”. “Important message for parents: we put very little toothpaste, the equivalent of a tiny pea, in the center of the brush. Because the little child does not yet know how to spit well and swallows a lot of toothpaste… and consequently too much fluoride sometimes! », Insists Dr. Courson.

We monitor the fluoride level of the water in the bottle

“On the label of the mineral water you choose to make the bottles, check that it has a fluoride content of less than 0,5 mg / liter. Always to avoid fluorosis (excess fluoride). “

Avoid snacking

In fact, the palate is a constantly changing environment. The enamel on the surface of the tooth is not fixed: it remineralizes and demineralizes permanently depending on brushing and what we eat. This is why, explains Dr Courson, “children should be avoided to snack all day long, because each time, this creates small waves of demineralization. And then each time you put sugar in the mouth, the bacteria transform it into acid: this is the mechanism of decay! So we recommend two brushings a day – and three would be ideal – after breakfast and just before going to bed. The best for good dental hygiene. And no candy on the way to school or a bottle of milk in bed, otherwise goodbye to the benefits of brushing. “

Brushing: at what pace?

From 2 years : The child brushes once or twice a day with a toothpaste dosed between 250

and 600 ppm fluorine.

From the age of 3 : Twice a day, with toothpaste dosed between 500 and 1 ppm fluoride.

From the age of 6 : Two brushings, with a toothpaste dosed between 1 and 000 ppm, according to the recommendations of the French Union for Oral Health.

Who are the children at risk for cavities?

In children at risk of caries, fluoride is given from 6 months. To identify them, the pediatrician observes the family: dental past of parents, brothers and sisters… “In dental caries, there is a large part of genetics. “

As long as they have not acquired the brushing method, around 18 months, we give them fluoride systemically. But be careful: you must respect the number of drops according to age. Otherwise we risk fluorosis. The expert adds: “Before prescribing, after 6 months, this fluoride to these children, it is necessary to take stock of the fluoride intake. For example, there are regions where the water is more fluoridated. Finally, in these at-risk children, local application of fluoride varnishes, every

six months between 4 and 6 years, can be beneficial. “

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