Cleaning moonshine through a water jug attracts home distillers with its availability, simplicity and low cost. Instead of a relatively expensive carbon column, it is enough to buy a cheap plastic tank and replaceable cartridges. The method gives good results, but has several “pitfalls” that it is better to know about in advance.
Any filter jug consists of three main elements: a bowl, a replaceable cartridge (cassette) and a receiving container for the purified liquid. The cartridge is filled with substances absorbing harmful impurities: activated carbon, ion-exchange resins, flint, zeolite and fibrous materials. The composition of the filler depends on the specific task: mechanical, bacterial, chemical cleaning.
Since the main component of the cassettes is activated carbon, the filter jug is suitable for cleaning moonshine. The main thing is to choose the right cartridge and follow the filtration technology.
Criticism and shortcomings of the method
1. On the official websites of manufacturers there is information that cassette filters are intended only for drinking water, whether it is possible to clean moonshine – it is not indicated there, and the support service does not give a definite answer.
Explanation: pitcher-type filter systems have been developed, tested and comply with state requirements for water, therefore the manufacturer does not have the right to officially expand the functional purpose of its products without obtaining the appropriate permits. Due to the design features, such filters do not exactly comply with GOST for the industrial purification of alcohols and distillates, but this does not mean that cartridges cannot be used at home. It’s just that the state and the manufacturer are not responsible for the result.
2. Water filter tanks are made of plastic, which, in contact with alcohol, can release harmful substances – phenolic compounds and formaldehydes.
Solution: branded tanks are made of high-quality food-grade plastic, and during filtration, the contact time of the material with alcohol is insignificant, so hazardous substances do not have time to stand out.
![Technology for cleaning moonshine through the filter “Aquaphor”, “Barrier”, “Geyser”](
Another option to secure moonshine is to use, instead of the factory receiving container, a regular three-liter jar with a filter element installed on the neck – a cartridge in the tank (see photo).
3. In addition to activated carbon, many filters contain other water-cleaning and softening substances, such as fluorine or bromine, it is impossible to predict their effect on alcohol.
Solution: to buy the simplest and cheapest cartridges for cleaning moonshine, consisting only of coal and ion-exchange resins (do not react with alcohol), the presence of other (especially chemical) components is undesirable and can lead to an unpleasant odor, discoloration and (or) distillate taste.
![Technology for cleaning moonshine through the filter “Aquaphor”, “Barrier”, “Geyser”](
4. After filtering, the strength of moonshine drops by 10-50%.
Solution: properly prepare the cassette for use (see instructions below), do not use reverse osmosis systems, change the cartridge in time (maximum after 15-20 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40%, preferably earlier). Normal losses are up to 3 degrees, often the fortress drops by no more than 0,5%.
How to filter moonshine through a water jug
- to obtain the highest quality distillate, it is advisable to use this method before the second distillation, but you can also filter the finished drink;
- jug cartridges are not suitable for cleaning mash, wine, tinctures, other drinks and fruit moonshine (part of the aroma disappears);
- most moonshiners use three brands of water filters: Aquaphor, Barrier and Geyser, since these are the most common systems;
- the simpler the cartridge (usually called “classic” or “standard”), the better the result;
- it is advisable not to combine the purification of alcohol and drinking water, but to purchase a separate cartridge for moonshine.
Step by step guide
1. Dilute moonshine. If a second distillation is planned, up to 18-20 degrees, the finished distillate is slightly higher than the desired strength, leaving a margin of 2-3 degrees.
To improve the quality of filtration, it is advisable to cool the drink very much, but not to freeze it.
2. Prepare the filter according to the package instructions. It is usually necessary to drain the first few batches of water to flush and hydrate the system.
Attention! You can’t immediately pass moonshine through a new cartridge, otherwise the coal will absorb almost all the alcohol and the output will be low-alcohol water.
3. Place the bowl with the prepared cartridge in a receiving container (jug) or on the neck of a three-liter jar. Pour moonshine into a bowl. At the time of filtration, it is desirable to transfer the system to the refrigerator.
4. Wait until all the purified moonshine is in the receiving tank. The approximate speed is 150-200 ml per minute.
It is advisable not to leave alcohol-containing liquids in plastic for a long time (more than 12 hours).
5. Repeat the filtration 1-2 more times, because in the case of alcohol, the jug filter is not long enough for only one pass.
It is not advisable to do more than 3 filtrations of one distillate – due to too strong purification, the drink will become hard (a characteristic “vodka” taste will appear).
6. After filtering, rinse the pitcher cassette with cold water, place in a plastic bag and leave in the refrigerator until next use.
It has been empirically established that one cartridge is enough for normal cleaning of 10-15 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40%, but the exact amount depends on the apparatus, distillation method and raw materials, so I recommend that you navigate by the smell and taste of the distillate, changing the cassette in time so that the accumulated harmful substances do not turned into a drink.
7. If the second distillation is not planned, pour the purified moonshine into glass containers, close tightly and leave for 3-5 days to stabilize the taste.
To check the strength, heat the drink to 20 ° C, otherwise the alcohol meter will show the wrong value.
![Technology for cleaning moonshine through the filter “Aquaphor”, “Barrier”, “Geyser”](