Predicting restaurant industry trends is critical to your continued success as a business.
Companies with artificial intelligence can monitor the media to see what comes up, using data analytics to get an idea of how it might work for them, but you don’t have to be a magician to imagine what trends there will be in restaurant technology next year. starts soon.
We mention some in the following decalogue, which will surely give a lot to talk about in this new techno-gastronomic year.
1. AI and machine learning
While most of the time we think of artificial intelligence as science fiction, the concept has evolved to fit our modern paradigm. From an iPhone to Alexa, there are many examples of accessible contemporary AI.
But how can that improve your restaurant operations?
2. The Big Data business
Machine learning is exactly what it sounds like, the ability of a computer to analyze and act on patterns. You can see this anywhere from your Netflix account to algorithms on Amazon that offer helpful suggestions for buyers.
For restaurants, machine learning can be applied to everything from container management to helping predict customer orders.
In some cases, the kitchen visualization system can already provide some data analysis that can help you make the right decision.
In relation to machine learning, business intelligence tools help restaurants process large amounts of data, which has become big business.
3. Deliveries outside the establishment
Whether through third-party options like DoorDash or GrubHub, off-premises dining is big business that continues to show solid growth in countries like England or the United States.
Employing a strategy for that now can give you options tomorrow, either by using a kiosk or properly routing internal and off-site orders.
4. Mobile apps for off-site ordering
Part of the off-site dining experience is using mobile apps to streamline the ordering process. This comes in all shapes and sizes, from allowing users to browse a menu and order from their mobile device to interacting directly with businesses for mobile dining experiences.
5. Delivery very far from establishments
Some companies are going further with their commitment to eating out, finding new and innovative ways to bring food to customers. For several years now, companies like Domino’s or Amazon have experimented with drone delivery, which has faced infrastructure challenges, although not technological ones.
While drone delivery can still withstand regulatory woes, companies like Burger King have developed a method to deliver orders to the hungry caught in traffic.
6. A greener future
Climate change is already disrupting our food supply chain, and that trend only promises to continue.
Restaurateurs have responded by implementing a series of steps to help mitigate these changes, including managing food waste, packaging, and more.
7. Food waste management
Restaurant food waste is an ongoing problem that is harmful to the environment. In response, many operators have begun experimenting with zero-waste restaurants.
A growing phenomenon, these restaurants have structured their operations around a commitment to eliminate waste. The kitchen staff is challenged to use as much food as possible, and the leftovers go to compost.
Going to zero waste may be a stretch, but luckily, there are many ways to combat food waste.
That includes using technology to your advantage to help with container management and to measure demand for specific items.
Planning ways to donate leftovers or reuse food safely are hot topics that have remained in the public eye and will become increasingly important in 2020.
8. Recyclable Packaging
Like food waste, food packaging has remained a constant concern. Especially with the rise in off-premises dining trends, restaurateurs are looking for alternative packaging methods, from eliminating plastic straws to implementing biodegradable packaging.
Note that you can also have your slice of the cake and eat it, using their eco-friendly efforts as part of your restaurant’s marketing campaign.
9. Farm-to-table options
Locally sourced ingredients continue to attract attention and for good reason. The farm-to-fork movement reduces everyone’s carbon footprint and gives back to your community at once. Restaurateurs have taken notice and are responding, incorporating regionally available rates into international recipes, adding local flavor to the world market.
10. No meat? An impossible choice
Over the past year, meatless alternatives have captured the public’s attention. From the inclusion of impossible meats at places like Burger King to the enhanced vegan / vegetarian menu at Taco Bell, now is the time to consider meatless dietary options.
Every year brings new challenges to your restaurant, whether it’s keeping up with changing tastes or technological change.