Techniques for managing your thoughts and emotions

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of the site! Today we will talk about how to manage your thoughts. After all, it depends on what a person thinks, how he lives.

You can fixate on fears and not notice something beautiful, bright and good around you. Thus, attracting negativity and making sure that the world is really dangerous and unfair. And you can send a positive message to the Universe, looking for opportunities instead of restrictions. And move forward, enjoying and enjoying the achievements.

So, if you are more prone to pessimistic views of the surrounding reality and decide to make changes in your way of thinking, this article is for you.


So, if you learn to manage your thoughts and emotions, then in addition to getting rid of the chaos that periodically happens in your head, you will:

  • Become mindful and increase your emotional intelligence. It is very important to be able to listen to yourself and your feelings. This gives an understanding of when, to what and how I react. Accordingly, in the future I can choose how to act in order to still fulfill my needs, and not provoke depression.
  • Improve your sleep quality. Insomnia often occurs due to the fact that a person is overcome by painful thoughts. And the more attention he pays to them, the more they gain power over him. As a result, phobias, anxiety and confusion appear. The meaning of existence is lost, and so on. Lack of proper sleep affects health, as strength is not restored at night, and then during the day the body has to function on the energy that is necessary for internal processes until exhaustion makes itself felt.
  • Achieve peace and a sense of inner harmony. And isn’t that what happiness is? Meeting each day in a peaceful state, a person notices more than when he is distracted by a swarm of thoughts in his head. And this suggests that he gets opportunities that others ignore and advances in a career, relationships and so on.
  • Improve memory and attention. Again, without being distracted by unnecessary processes, you will concentrate on what is really worthy of your attention.


white room

Imagine that your mind is a room. Completely empty and bright. It has two doors. Through one thought enters this room, and through another leaves it.

Breathe evenly, calmly and deeply. Your task is to imagine yourself as a scientist who simply explores, considers every idea that comes close to him. Not giving a rating. Then the feelings will not arise. Except curiosity.

So, “twist” it, and, having examined it from all sides, let it go. Others will follow, who will also have to devote time.

This exercise will allow you to understand that in fact it is you who choose what is worth thinking about and what is meaningless. If you try to avoid scary and disturbing ideas, they will not go anywhere, they will only “live” deep inside you, making it difficult to breathe deeply.

Techniques for managing your thoughts and emotions

A diary

Take a piece of paper and write whatever comes to your mind. Even if it seems like it’s complete nonsense. Then you’ll figure it out. Give free rein to your feelings, freedom of fantasy.

So you can “pick out” from the subconscious what is really important, and bring it to the level of consciousness. When it becomes clear what it is and what to do with it.

Chaos is dangerous because of the lack of structure. Therefore, having written about everything that worries, re-read and try to distinguish between topics and problems. Simply put, «separate the flies from the cutlets.» Then rank them in the first positions, identifying the most difficult and requiring urgent intervention.

Those that cause you panic, anxiety, fear and anxiety — give in to rationalization.

For example, you can be terribly afraid of anacondas, but if they are not found in the environment where you live, the chance of meeting them is negligible. Then the intensity of experiences can decrease. Logic saves in such moments.

Travis Robertson’s method

It consists of five steps:

  1. Stop. You should learn to stop the flow of thoughts. During the day, ask yourself the questions “How do I feel?”, “What exactly am I thinking about now?”, “Why?”.
  2. Definition of negative. Try to find the root of the problem, because of which you are anxious and experiencing, sadness and so on.
  3. Film recording. I mean, create pictures in your head that capture the essence of what you’re worried about.
  4. Lie identification. Watch your mental movie, paying attention to every detail. Your task is to detect false beliefs, characteristics, that is, everything that distorts reality. Let’s say the expression «I’m a loser» is actually not true. A person is sometimes lucky, sometimes not, some more, some less. But to directly constantly — does not happen.
  5. Identification of truth. Now it is time to understand what is the truth then. If we take the above example about bad luck, then you can write 10 facts from the biography when a person was still lucky. That is, your task is to write a certain number of points that refute the false statement.


Finally, I want to recommend you an article on how to get rid of obsessive thoughts. And also subscribe to site updates to always be aware of new and interesting information.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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