Techniques and exercises according to the Jose Silva method

Hello dear readers! Did you know that a person is able to control his mind and manage it, revealing such possibilities that he could not have guessed before? If not, then I want to bring to your attention the Silva method, which helps to improve life and achieve harmony, success, recognition and, most importantly, become healthy.

History of occurrence

This method got its name for a reason, but thanks to the name and surname of its creator, Jose Silva. Born into a family so poor that he had no opportunity to receive at least a basic education. Therefore, in the future, in relation to his own children, he sought to do the maximum, if only to send them to a good school, and at the same time facilitate the learning process.

He asked this question at about 30 years old, when he was already an accomplished man and had his own business in the field of repairing radios. With a great understanding of technology and electronics, he knew that maximum results can be achieved with minimal resistance. And when I started studying psychology and hypnosis, I realized that the human brain is able to generate electricity by sending certain waves into the Universe.

Deciding to check whether it is realistic to reduce the resistance of the brain in order to achieve completely different results of his activity, Jose revealed a completely paradoxical thing — the less mentally active he is, the more productive his activity. Subsequently, it became clear that during hypnosis it is impossible to teach a person to think creatively, since at this moment he is unable to reason and evaluate events, so experiments were started using various meditative techniques.

They allowed to suspend the activity of the brain, calm the mind, and, importantly, improve cognitive processes. About three years of research were not in vain, his children’s grades at school improved significantly, and the newly-minted scientist himself made another discovery — a person is able to independently regulate alpha and theta frequencies. But all these achievements were nothing compared to the ability to read minds.

Reading thoughts

Techniques and exercises according to the Jose Silva method

Yes, there is no typo here, around 1953, Silva accidentally discovered that his developed practices helped his daughter develop an extrasensory perception of reality. Usually in the evenings, when the girl was in a meditative state, he asked her various questions, thus checking the lessons done. And while the little girl was talking about what she remembered from the material she had learned, he was thinking about what to ask next.

But one evening changed a lot. Out of habit, mentally forming a question, but not yet asking it aloud, the researcher heard how the daughter began to answer it, and this was repeated until José was convinced that the girl really read minds. Deciding to check whether she learned this thanks to special techniques, or simply had an innate psychic gift, the researcher repeated his experiments with other children who were trusted by neighbors and acquaintances.

Indeed, each of them over time could read minds and foresee the future, which proved the direct influence of the scientist on abilities. This added to his desire to move on, modernizing and adapting each exercise to the human brain, for which he spent about 22 years of his life, in order to eventually provide us with an effective and perfect Silva method.

Outcomes and spheres of influence

  • If you constantly use Jose’s techniques, then your IQ level will increase significantly. You can even conduct your own experiment by passing an intelligence test before starting the practice, and after about six months.
  • Memory will improve, and, consequently, your efficiency and productivity, both at work and in school.
  • Self-confidence will appear, and you will “look” at the world more optimistically and joyfully.
  • With a positive attitude and energy, you will find creative solutions to different problems faster. Inspiration will become your constant companion, and this threatens to create something new and beautiful.
  • There will be an opportunity to get rid of chronic diseases, and gain health.
  • You will achieve success due to the fact that you will intuitively understand which way to move, and where it is better not to meddle.


1. Intuition

Techniques and exercises according to the Jose Silva method

This is knowledge that arises unconsciously and is not subject to investigation of its nature of origin. They are also called premonition, which helps to avoid danger and any trouble. Oddly enough, but the level of intuition depends on the level of intelligence. The more developed and conscious a person is, the more likely he is to rely on his inner voice.

Those people who cannot boast of this skill can, with the help of Jose’s techniques, learn how to receive information from the depths of the subconscious. Let me give you an example of an exercise for the development of intuition, which is called «Glass of Water».

Think about what worries you, for example, you do not know how to act in a certain situation, or you want to know what the outcome of certain actions will be. And, before going to bed, take a full capacity of water, close your eyes, lift it up, and mentally say: «This is all I have to do in order to get an answer to my question.» After that, drink about half, and, without talking to anyone or doing any other things, try to fall asleep.

In the morning, in the same way, silently, finish the rest, saying the same phrase to yourself. Over time, you will be able to receive answers to your questions in a dream, learn to anticipate dangerous moments and likely opportunities. By the way, morning water will be considered «charged», so you can use this method to improve the body, changing only the wording.

You can read more about intuition here.

2. Self-control

It is important to be able to control yourself, otherwise you can destroy both relationships with loved ones and partners, and your health. After all, every, even the slightest stress is reflected in it. By learning the Three Fingers technique, you will become a more stable and resilient person.

It is only necessary, if you feel the slightest discomfort, to connect the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers together, as in prayer, when you are baptized, concentrate your attention on them and say: “Calm down”, “Everything is fine” and the like.

3. Imagination

Our subconscious is arranged in such a way that it perceives any picture created by the imagination as real. Accordingly, our body reacts according to the mental images that have arisen, which have not been criticized by consciousness. You can experiment right now by imagining a lemon. Did you feel your mouth fill with saliva?

And if it works, then why not use these exercises to your advantage?

Basic ways to use imagination

Techniques and exercises according to the Jose Silva method


It consists in presenting the desired, thus setting the subconscious mind for a positive result. Collage is very effective and popular, it does not spend a lot of time and effort. You only need to think carefully about what you want, subsequently choose pictures that symbolize your dreams and stick them on a sheet, and then hang them in a conspicuous place. Everything, the process of translating images into reality has been started.

You can learn more about how to properly make a visualization board from this article.

Alpha rendering

It is the intentional invocation of a certain state at a frequency capable of changing our future by attracting the events currently represented by the personality. We also wrote about it earlier, you can see detailed instructions in the article “What is the alpha rendering method and can it be used?”.


Without it, it is impossible to achieve alpha visualization, relax, tune in to the necessary wave and calm down if something happens. You yourself know how stress can unsettle, sometimes leading to depression and various diseases that have arisen against the background of a weakened nervous system. So practice relaxing completely by closing your eyes and imagining the tension leaving you, little by little, from every point in your body.

For example, you can do the exercise «Mattress». Remove all sources of noise in advance and make sure that no one disturbs you, lie comfortably on your back and close your eyes. Imagine that you are an air mattress and try to feel the elasticity and heaviness of the body. Then mentally remove the stopper to bleed the air. And carefully watch how you gradually turn into a rag, relaxing to the maximum. Stay in this state for a couple of minutes and open your eyes.

Breathing plays an important role in relaxation, so choose the most optimal way in the article «Basic breathing techniques for calming and relieving stress.»


It allows you to pause and look deep into yourself, slow down the processes of the body and find answers to exciting questions, relax and even recover. Yes, many things become real through meditation, which is why it has been so popular since ancient times. If you have never attended yoga classes and do not know how to achieve a meditative state, then it’s okay, study this article.


If you want to learn more about this method, I recommend that you read the book “The Silva method. Mind control”.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! I wish you inspiration and patience, and for motivation I want to draw attention to the fact that the Silva method is used in their lives by Madonna and Richard Bach, Jacques Chirac, Louise Hay … Even Margaret Thatcher did not remain indifferent at one time. So good luck and success to you!

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