Do not thoughtlessly rely on what your feelings tell you.
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It can be difficult for women to make decisions using only their mind and will. Women are more emotional, pay more attention to their feelings, and the technique of choosing a female model has its own characteristics.
The essence of the female model choice technique is that you take turns living through each of the possible options and carefully examine your emotional reactions. It is perfectly normal that this method is perfect for many men: no one has canceled individual characteristics and habits. This technique is especially suitable in cases where the question of choice has been standing for a long time, the possible options have long been considered, but it is still difficult to make a decision.
First stage. Fixing possible options
Think about the choices you have. Write each of them on a separate sheet of paper and put it in front of you. Watch for yourself: Which one do you want to take first? Which one is scary to take?
Second phase. We study each option and our reactions
Now imagine that the time for reflection is over and the choice must be made right now. By the way, how do you like this?
Take one of the sheets of paper. Read what is written on it. Imagine that you have resolved all your doubts and have chosen exactly the option that you hold in your hands. It is very important to imagine as vividly as possible that the decision has been made and there are no more doubts. Say out loud (preferably several times) what you have chosen. Stay in this state — walk around, do what you want and see what changes at the level of feelings and thoughts. Congratulate yourself on finally making a decision. What feelings came up? What are the sensations in the body? What are you thinking about? What do you want to do?
Imagine that several years have passed since you made your decision. Now you can see the consequences of your choice. How has your life changed? Do you like these changes? Perhaps there is something you now regret? Be with your feelings for a while.
To enhance the effect, go to the mirror and talk about how you made this decision — what doubts did you have, why did you discard other options, what are you doing now, how your life has changed. If there is a close person nearby who will treat your experiments with understanding and be ready to help you, share your decision with him. How do you feel when you talk about your choice to another person?
Third stage. Recording the results
Write down your observations on the back of the sheet. Key Points of Attention: Your feelings, ideas, bodily sensations and energy levels. How easy was it to imagine that you made a choice? How did you feel when you spoke out loud about your choice? Can you imagine the consequences? Don’t jump to conclusions just yet, just write down your observations. Do the same for the remaining options. That is, you repeat the second and third stages as many times as you have options.
Conclusion. Making a choice
Lay out the solution sheets in front of you. What have you learned about yourself? What decision would you like to make?
If you still find it difficult to make a choice, write on a separate sheet “I choose to doubt and not choose” or “I am not ready to choose now, I need time” and repeat the second and third steps for this option. Perhaps you really need time to collect the missing information and prepare. Accept your choice, whatever it may be, and move from doubt and hesitation to real action.