Teacher’s (Teachers)

Once the Scotsman William Ticher conducted an experiment – he mixed grain and malt spirits in certain proportions. The result was a blended whiskey, which was in high demand in the grocer’s creator of the drink. When the production of Teacher’s whiskey gained industrial momentum, the entry of single malt alcohol in most cases did not go beyond 45-50%. And this has become the highlight of the brand.

Today, Teacher’s whiskey is sold in taverns in Scotland and England, and is also exported to 150 countries, including Brazil and India. Scotch “Teechers” takes an honorable third place among the most popular brands of whiskey in the UK.

Historical reference. The mass distribution of William Teacher’s Highland Cream whiskey began in 1863, and in 1884 a trademark was registered. The path of William Teacher was continued by his sons – William and Adam, the head office of the company moved to the central square of the city in a chic mansion. The new management was passionate about the matter and was not afraid to experiment:

  • in 1887, the company decided to save on storage space, loaded barrels of ready-made drink on merchant ships cruising along the Scotland-Australia route. Barrels on ships were used as ballast, and perhaps this made the whiskey even more delicious;
  • in 1899, in one of the largest Scottish regions – the Highlands (Highlands) – the first distillery Ardmore opened, where the production of whiskey with a smoky taste began;
  • in 1913, followers of William Ticher developed a capsular cork that did not require a corkscrew to open, and 54 years later oval-shaped bottles appeared with a cork in the form of a measuring cup;
  • in 1962, the management of “Teechers” oversees the opening and launch of the largest blending and bottling enterprise in Glasgow. Whiskey production volumes have grown significantly since that time;
  • in 1972, Teacher’s whiskey delivered 1 cases a year, some of the bottles being ordinary, some being innovative packaging with a dispenser.

Teacher’s (Teachers)

According to one version, William Ticher named whiskey after his name only after the perfect blend was developed. It happened in 1863. Since the date of release, the scotch has not lost its taste, it has remained the same soft with dominant hints of malt.

Types of whiskey Tichers

  • Teacher’s Highland Cream is the brand’s best-selling blended cold-filtered whiskey with 43% and 40% ABV. The composition includes about 30 varieties of whiskey, but Ardmore products, produced according to old technology, play a key role. The percentage of single malt whiskey in the blend is at least 40%. The color of the drink is golden with orange reflections. Scotch scotch is best served as a digestif, that is, at the end of a meal. Sold in bottles of different sizes, from 200 ml to 1 liter.
  • Teacher’s Royal is a 12-year-old honey-golden whiskey with a rich taste of honey and fresh malt, which perfectly complements the notes of smoke. The aftertaste is dry, the aftertaste retains the smell of smoke.
  • Teacher’s 50 – Designed specifically for the Indian market, it features 50% malt spirits.
  • Teacher’s Single Malt is a unique double aged Scottish single malt whisky.
  • Teacher’s Origin Scotch Blended Whiskey with 42,8% abv and 65% malt content. This drink does not go through the process of cold filtration and is stored in special wooden barrels.

Teacher’s (Teachers)

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