Teach your child to swim

Swimming: the rules of early learning

Pleasure : having fun with your family in the small bath is the best way totame water. Everything has to be done in the form of games. Is your child surprised by a jet of water? Take it with a laugh: little ones often “copy” their attitude and reactions to those of their parents when they find themselves in situations that are unusual for them.

Rhythm : it is your child who will determine the duration and frequency of swimming. Listen to him, don’t skip steps and don’t force him. Do not forget either that it will go through periods of regression, around 2/3 years. It will then be necessary to agree to go back and start over what he has already done.

Trust. If your child feels tense, worried, he is unlikely to feel comfortable in the water. It is the confidence you have in him and in yourself that will make him progress, dare to risk new exercises. Finally, don’t forget to applaud him and de congratulate him every step of the way.

  • To read: ‘My child and water’, by Michel Pédroletti, ed. Amphora.

Swimming from 2 to 4 years old: a discovery for the family

First in the tub. While bathing, get your child used to getting water on their face, blowing bubbles with a straw, lying on their back ‘to wet their hair’ and on their stomach using your arms. At the pool, of course. Play with your child, make him jump off the ledge holding his hands, splash around, run hand in hand. Get him used to lying down: on his stomach, use a small plank on which he will rest his hands and forearms, and move around. Same thing on the back, make him do the plank by supporting him by the shoulders. Small reminder: before entering the water, you must go through the toilets.

Mandatory armbands. In addition to the security they provide, they make the child feel more secure. From 3 years old, you can opt for a belt with floats, so that he gets used to lying in the water and moving around by kicking his feet, if he holds your hands.

Constant monitoring. A moment of inattention by adults is the leading cause of drowning in children under 13 and a few minutes are enough to drown even in a small amount of water. On vacation, by the pool, ban cellphones, thrillers and other distractions when the little ones are around the pool.

From 4-5 years old: swimming with a pro

The pool, the best place. A delimited space, temperate water, without eddies or waves. The swimming pool is the ideal place to learn to swim. Swimming is a technical and rigorous apprenticeship that must be taught by a professional, otherwise your child may develop bad habits that will be difficult to get rid of.

A swimming belt. Equipped with floats, it is essential for learning to swim since it allows you to lie down feeling safe and, suddenly, facilitates learning. The number of floats depends on the morphology of the child. With or without a board, he can do leg movements that must be integrated before those of the arms, or even put his head under water if he wants to.

About fifteen sessions on average. Knowing how to swim means being able to put your head in the water and take it out to breathe, to open your eyes and to blow in the water. In principle, ten sessions are sufficient (between 10 and 30 euros per session), but for some children, twenty or thirty will be necessary. Here too, everyone has their own pace. On the other hand, two weekly sessions are recommended to allow your child to keep in mind the achievements of the previous session and to move on to the next lesson.

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