“Teach people to unlearn” – Svetlana Mironyuk about the future of education

Svetlana Mironyuk held a meeting at the Clubhouse on February 22, where she discussed the future of education in career and life – EdTech, Lifelong learning and Global Skills

Svetlana is Professor of Business Practice and Vice-Rector of the Skolkovo Business School. She is responsible for the operational activities and digital development of the school, combined with her work at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Previously, she led marketing and communications at Sberbank. For more than ten years she headed RIA Novosti.

The meeting was held in the joint Clubhouse-room of the Skolkovo business school on February 22. The meeting discussed:

  • how to confirm knowledge and who needs your diplomas;
  • which is better: two higher or five additional educations;
  • How has the perception of content changed?
  • what will be the role of offline education in the future;
  • what will happen to education when geographic boundaries are completely erased;
  • how to build your educational track and gain the missing competencies.

Conversation highlights

Nobody needs your education except yourself. We ourselves become the main manager, designer and customer of the educational model for each of us. This is a new discovery of the 2020s. Previously, this customer was the state, industries and companies. Companies influence the main criteria by which education is built at universities. But people without a higher education diploma began to come to various career scenarios.

I would not talk about professions and skills, but about the properties and tricks of a person’s settings that will help him in the development of any scenario to be in demand. I see successful people with successful careers who have 10-15 more years of very busy professional life ahead of them. Past scenarios were great, but in the digital world, this linearity will no longer be. Therefore, the most important thing that people should learn today is adaptability. The ability to critically reflect on past experiences.

The challenge of today’s adult education is how to teach people to unlearn. How not to apply the concepts and approaches of the past to the analysis of the future. We are trying to describe this future with the words and scenarios of our past, but this is a dead end.

The media script – how we from the media interacted with the audience in terms of news and information – is not suitable for education. Because education is “long content”. For me, the conclusion of 2020 is that media and educational approaches are merging. The user benefits from this. For example, he may take a Harvard course and a self-development course that helps him better understand complex economic content. These things are interconnected.

Online learning will never completely replace a live human scenario in terms of the depth of impact on a person. This does not mean that one is good and the other is bad. They complement each other, especially in adulthood. We learn by overlaying layers of knowledge on past experience and the internal map: “I tried it, I know it.” In live communication, this goes deeper.

The mission of technology in education is engagement and motivation. Education is becoming one of the creative industries in the attention economy. For example, we fight for the client’s attention on a par with show business and advertising. Technology is one tool that education can use to compete with other creative industries for the attention and depth of acceptance of their content.

The audience is set for pragmatization – more dry, pragmatic, structured courses are needed. But, on the other hand, education becomes a background environment, as well as media consumption. Media is no longer an object, but a medium. We do not notice how we consume media. Education and lifelong learning are becoming part of our daily lives.

The ability to unlearn – not to drag your victories, regalia and the past into the future, reset your experience and start your journey from scratch – this is what we must learn today.

Project “In the Room” – a series of professional conversations with experts on business, marketing and training. The conversation takes place in the Clubhouse with the support of the SKOLKOVO Business School and Trends. Project leaders: Albert Usmanov and Irina Khrapchenkova.

At Trends, Svetlana leads a series of conversations with entrepreneurs, managers, visionaries, ideologists, consumers and analysts about the future of education and its challenges in a changing world. Here is some of them:

In the Telegram channel “Will not write off” we talk even more about trends in education and how to learn throughout life and do it with pleasure. Subscribe!

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