The beneficial properties of thyme tea deserve careful consideration. The drink has a pleasant taste, tones well and comprehensively strengthens the body.
What thyme is used for tea
Creeping thyme has the most pronounced medicinal properties – a semi-shrub plant with bright pink or purple flowers. The herb contains:
- iron and potassium;
- essential oils;
- tocopherol;
- vitamins of group B;
- ash and organic acids;
- carotenoids;
- manganese;
- vitamin C;
- flavonoids and tannins.
Other species also have a therapeutic effect. But it is in the creeping thyme that the most active components are concentrated.

You can drink thyme tea with frequent migraines
The benefits of thyme for the human body in tea
The usefulness of tea with thyme, or thyme, extends to all body systems. In particular, a medicinal plant:
- liquefies sputum and promotes its removal from the lungs and bronchi;
- fights infections and pathogenic bacteria;
- has a good effect on the nervous system and normalizes sleep;
- relieves muscle spasms and soothes joint pain;
- promotes the removal of helminths from the intestines;
- improves the condition of blood vessels and lowers cholesterol levels;
- strengthens the immune system and protects against viruses and colds;
- due to its astringent properties, it stops diarrhea.
You can use useful thyme for inflammatory diseases of the excretory system. The plant eliminates pain and normalizes urination with cystitis and urethritis.
Benefits of thyme tea for women
Thyme tea has a good effect on the reproductive system. It is useful to use it for difficult menstruation and cycle failures, for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and hormonal disorders. The drink evens out the emotional background in women with menopause and makes it easier to endure the entry into the menopause.
During pregnancy, thyme is not prohibited for use, but its intake should be agreed with the doctor. A useful plant strengthens the immune system, but at the same time increases uterine tone and can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, it is advised to take thyme for medicinal purposes mainly in the later stages and only if there is a serious need.

Tea with thyme during pregnancy helps to remove edema
During lactation, you can use thyme in the absence of allergies in the baby. The plant will not only help to recover after childbirth, but also increase the amount of milk.
Benefits of thyme tea for men
The healing properties of thyme tea for men are beneficial for prostatitis and urethritis, as well as for weakening libido. Thyme enhances the production of testosterone and increases potency, as well as improves the quality of seminal fluid.
It is useful for men to take a drink with a tendency to baldness to strengthen hair. Tea is recommended to drink with alcohol addiction – it causes an aversion to alcohol and helps to give up a bad habit.
Can children have tea with thyme
It is possible to offer children weakly brewed healthy tea with thyme from the age of three. The drink has a good effect on dry cough and bronchitis, whooping cough and pneumonia. At the same time, it is forbidden to combine tea with medicines, which also contain thyme. This can cause an overdose in a child and lead to the development of side effects.
Thyme (thyme) tea recipes
You can brew tea with thyme deliciously according to several popular recipes. In any of the options, the drink has pronounced healing properties.
Classic tea recipe
According to the classic recipe, a healthy drink is prepared exclusively on the basis of dry thyme. The brewing algorithm looks like this:
- A large spoonful of dried herbs is placed in a small ceramic teapot.
- Pour raw materials with 500 ml of boiling water.
- Cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour.
- Pour into cups through a strainer.
You need to take the remedy up to two times a day in between meals.

According to the classic recipe, healthy tea with thyme is drunk without additional additives.
Green tea with thyme
You can make tea with thyme in combination with ordinary green brew. The recipe looks like this:
- 5 g of dried thyme and green tea are poured into a ceramic container.
- The ingredients are steamed with 500 ml of boiling water.
- Insist for 20-30 minutes.
- Strain off the sediment.
The benefits and harms of green tea with thyme are that the drink calms the nervous system, pleasantly tones and increases efficiency.

Green tea with the addition of healthy thyme has good diuretic properties.
Black tea with thyme
With a breakdown and gastric disorders, black tea with thyme is beneficial. Prepare it like this:
- Mixed in a ceramic teapot, 5 g of black tea leaves and thyme.
- Pour 500 ml of hot water.
- Leave closed and wrapped for half an hour.
- Poured into cups.
To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the drink. It is undesirable to use sugar, it reduces the beneficial properties of black tea with thyme.

Black tea with thyme has astringent properties and helps with diarrhea
Ivan tea with thyme
To strengthen the body and in case of nervous disorders, it is recommended to brew thyme together with Ivan tea. Prepare the tool according to this scheme:
- Combine in a ceramic or glass container of 15 g of thyme and Ivan tea.
- Steam 500 ml of fresh boiling water.
- Infuse for 20 minutes in a closed form and filter.
Drink the remedy twice a day, one cup, you need to use it about a couple of hours after eating.

In hot weather, Ivan-tea and healthy thyme quench thirst well.
Tea with thyme and ginger for weight loss
The healing properties of thyme tea for women are in demand when losing weight. A healthy drink stimulates metabolic processes and promotes the breakdown of fats, helps to remove toxic substances and toxins from tissues.
The recipe for preparing a dietary remedy is as follows:
- Thyme is brewed according to the classic recipe – 15 g of dry herb per 500 ml of water.
- Infuse the drink for about half an hour and pour into a cup.
- Add 1/2 small spoon of grated ginger root and stir.
You need to take a drink shortly before meals up to three times a day. At the same time, in a state of severe hunger, it is undesirable to use it, this can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and pain in the stomach.

Thyme and ginger strengthen the immune system and protect against colds
How often can you drink tea with thyme
It is recommended to brew tea with thyme for drinking for no longer than two weeks in a row. After that, you need to take a break for two months, and then, if necessary, return to the use of a healing agent. Useful thyme with prolonged use can harm the liver and the cardiovascular system.
How to make tea with thyme for the treatment of diseases
The beneficial properties of thyme in tea for the human body can be used to treat diseases. Thyme strengthens stamina and helps to cope with the symptoms of ailments.
From the common cold
With a cold, useful thyme helps to reduce temperature, frees breathing and speeds up recovery. For medicinal purposes, the following collection is prepared:
- Make ordinary tea with thyme from 15 g of dry plant and 500 ml of water.
- Mix 5 ml of the resulting drink with an equal amount of honey.
- Add another 5 ml of aloe juice.
- Bring the components to a homogeneous state.
The medicinal mixture should be taken three times a day on an empty stomach.
From parasites
The plant enhances the effect of pharmaceutical drugs and helps to quickly remove helminths from the intestines. The recipe is used as follows:
- About 3 g of dried healthy thyme is poured into 250 ml of warm water.
- Under the lid, the solution is kept until it cools completely.
- Strain through cheesecloth or strainer.
You need to use the remedy 15 ml up to six times a day.
From cough
You can make tea with thyme when you cough. Useful thyme promotes expectoration and removes phlegm from the bronchi. Use the plant as follows:
- Measure 30 g of dry thyme and pour boiling water in a volume of 500 ml in a thermos.
- Infuse the drink for eight hours.
- Strain off the sediment.
The tool is used 1/3 cup up to four times a day. With sore throat and tonsillitis, you can gargle with thyme infusion – this will help get rid of pain when swallowing.
Gathering for peace
Useful thyme has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces stress and eliminates depression. For emotional disorders, the following collection is prepared:
- Mix 5 g of healthy thyme, lemon balm and mint.
- Pour medicinal herbs with 500 ml of hot water.
- Insist in a thermos or under a tight lid for about 40 minutes.
- Filtered through gauze.
A sedative useful collection is recommended to be taken in the evening shortly before bedtime. The drink will help you quickly relax and contribute to a good rest.
Tea with thyme for gastritis
The plant normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines, eliminates heartburn and heaviness after eating and improves appetite. For medicinal purposes, the following remedy is prepared:
- Mix 10 g of healthy thyme, cumin and fragrant mint.
- Add an equal amount of centaury herb.
- Measure 30 g of medicinal collection.
- Pour raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
- Keep closed for 20 minutes.
Strained useful collection is taken 150 ml three times a day on an empty stomach.

Thyme has a beneficial effect on gastritis with delayed production of hydrochloric acid
Harm of tea with thyme and contraindications
Thyme tea helps to improve the condition of the body, but in some situations it can be harmful. Drinking a healthy drink is not recommended:
- with chronic kidney disease;
- with gastric ulcer and pancreatitis in a state of exacerbation;
- with individual intolerance;
- with gastritis with high acidity;
- with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative intestinal colitis;
- with chronic ailments of the liver;
- in severe depression and apathy.
It is important to observe the safe proportions of tea with thyme and use the healing drink in strict accordance with the recipes. In case of an overdose, the drug can provoke tachycardia or bradycardia, cause nausea, vomiting and headache. With an allergy to thyme, the appearance of skin itching and rashes is not excluded.
The beneficial properties of thyme tea improve the condition of the body with colds, increased anxiety and digestive disorders. Thyme is brewed for drinking in its pure form or mixed with other medicinal herbs. It is necessary to take funds based on it in small dosages, since the plant has contraindications.