Tea rose is a fragrance that cannot be confused with anything

At the beginning of summer, a tea rose blooms: a dark green bush is covered with terry flowers of a rich joyful pink color, a very pleasant sweetish aroma spreads in the air, by which it can be unmistakably recognized. Other roses (most of which originated from it) can boast of complex pleasant smells or their absence, a huge variety of colors, but we are treated only with tea rose petals or simply enjoy, feasting on jam from them.

History of origin

The first tea rose that came to Europe from China was yellow. It happened at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, and pink roses came later from the East Indies. Breeders crossed these two types of delicate southern plants with French roses – this is how the modern variety of varieties and types of hybrid tea roses began.Tea rose is a fragrance that cannot be confused with anything

It is said that the aroma of Chinese roses resembles the smell of fresh tea leaves, hence the name. They brought roses along with tea on ships that called themselves “tea clippers”, perhaps that is why such a name stuck. Or maybe because the half-opened flower has the shape of a Chinese tea bowl. One way or another, but the petals of this particular species from the entire large family can be added to tea, other roses are not considered edible. Since childhood, we have known the taste of an unusually fragrant liquid rose jam with thin, slightly rubbery petals, which we added to ice cream or tea, poured over pancakes and pancakes.

Traditional medicine recommends picking petals from half-blown flowers at dawn, when their fragrance is strongest, drying or boiling. Teas, infusions and decoctions are prepared from them, which can improve the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, cleanse the body of toxins, improve the blood formula, and strengthen immunity.

Petals are used not only by culinary specialists, cosmetologists prepare special preparations for skin and hair care from them. Rose water, used for baths or washing, helps to preserve youth, gives a wonderful aroma, is an aphrodisiac. Rose petals contain not only vitamins C, D, E, PP, but also important elements (calcium, iron), resins, tannins, acids, essential oils. The British believe that the tea rose should grow where they drink tea, so that they can enjoy its view and improve their health by inhaling its aroma.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn a lot of interesting things about this type of roses.

Vintage roses. tea roses

Botanical description

A tea rose bush can be quite compact or sprawling and lush, with a height of 50 cm and above, and a width of one to two meters. There are climbing roses with a shoot length of over 2 meters. The stems of roses of this species are thin, but strong, they proudly carry not only single double flowers with about 60 petals, but whole inflorescences, which can consist of 6 buds. The diameter of a fully bloomed flower reaches 10 – 12 cm. The buds are round, like peonies, or elongated with elongated pointed petals. Flowers of pink shades are considered classic; yellow stamens are visible inside a fully bloomed flower.Tea rose is a fragrance that cannot be confused with anything

Dark green dense leathery leaves have a correctly oval shape and even teeth along the edge, they look very decorative, even if there are no flowers on the bush, it still looks beautiful from all sides thanks to graceful twigs and leaves located in different planes. The fruits look like wild roses, by autumn they become red or orange in color, and decorate the bush in their own way.

Along the roads and on the forest edges, wild tea rose can still be found in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar. There are only 4 of its varieties that tend to disappear. This southern sissy is afraid of the cold, the weather conditions of Europe, like a century and a half ago, do not suit her. It took many years, and the perseverance of breeders in love with her, for acclimatization to occur, species and varieties that can be cultivated even under the conditions of our harsh winters.

Features of a modern hybrid tea rose

Modern hybrid tea roses are striking in their diversity – it’s hard to believe that it all started with classic pinks and yellows. Today you can choose different shades of red, pink, yellow, white, blue, green, there are black and brown roses, there are wonderful varieties with double color or those that change their color as they open. The size of luxurious double and semi-double flowers varies from 6 to 18 cm, their petals have different shapes. The growth of bushes and the length of the shoots range from 30 cm to 2,5 m. Bush, climbing and standard varieties are cultivated.Tea rose is a fragrance that cannot be confused with anything

Breeders have tried to develop varieties that are resistant to diseases that are not afraid of pests and can tolerate light frosts. Hybrid tea roses are considered heat-loving, but they have learned to grow them in the middle lane, there are specialists who even grow them in the open field even beyond the Arctic Circle, which, of course, requires some effort. By crossing the classic tea rose with remontant varieties, the breeders gave us the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of their flowering all summer long.


At least one of the many varieties of this fragrant beauty can be found in almost every summer cottage. In order for her to please her with her healthy appearance, they create comfortable conditions for her, bringing the soil to the desired state, loosen and mulch the earth, water, feed, cut, protect from pests and save from diseases, shelter for the winter.Tea rose is a fragrance that cannot be confused with anything

The tea rose prefers a lot of sunlight, but does not like overheating of the soil, the petals and even the leaves can lose color, fall off if the heat lasts too long.

If stagnation of water forms at the level of the roots, then there will be a danger of their decay, and a lack of moisture will make the rose bloom less, the flowers will become small. Therefore, flower growers plant it in an open place, but protect it from the north wind, water it regularly, but no more than its deeply located root system requires. When the air temperature rises above +25 degrees, the rose is shaded, watered to cool, and the ground around is mulched, protecting it from overheating.

The rose responds well to liquid top dressing, which is carried out only after watering. In spring and early summer, the rose gratefully accepts nitrogen supplements, which help it grow intensively, and closer to autumn, potassium-phosphorus is preferred, which will help gain strength for wintering. In order for the plant to prepare for winter, top dressing is stopped by the beginning of autumn, several fruits are allowed to ripen – so it is easier for him to go to a dormant period.Tea rose is a fragrance that cannot be confused with anything

For the winter, roses are spudded, covered with spruce branches and dry leaves, a frame is built over them, covered with lutrasil on top. Such a shelter is good because you can ventilate the plant if necessary. The shoots are bent to the ground, but they should not lie on it, spruce branches, boards or other waterproof material are placed under them. Moisture under cover can kill the plant.

In autumn and spring, pruning is carried out, forming or rejuvenating a bush, sanitary pruning is carried out throughout the season. Many varieties grow wild shoots, which must be removed on time so that an elegant rose does not turn into a wild dog rose.Tea rose is a fragrance that cannot be confused with anything

By following the basic agrotechnical rules, you can enjoy the long lush flowering of healthy rose bushes all season long, and for many years in a row.

garden option

For planting seedlings, the soil is prepared in advance in a bright place chosen for the rose. The earth is dug up to the depth of a shovel bayonet, at the same time humus, compost, superphosphate and potassium salt are added. If the soil is acidic, then lime, dolomite flour, or at least wood ash are added. Then watered and left to stand until planting. If the earth is heavy, then sand and peat are brought in when digging, if it is too sandy, then dry clay is brought in. For spring planting, the site is prepared in the fall, and for autumn – in summer or even spring.

In spring, planting is done when the earth is warm enough, and in autumn – a few weeks before frost. The root grows deep, so the rose does not like transplants, so the place must be chosen carefully so that you do not have to change it later. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the roots, you can even dip them in a clay-dung mash so that the fertilizers added to the planting pit do not burn them. The root neck should be 2 – 3 cm below ground level.Tea rose is a fragrance that cannot be confused with anything

A young seedling is watered every week, an adult bush – once every two weeks. The earth around the bush needs to be loosened and mulched, weeds must be removed. The rose responds well to top dressing with a solution of slurry or bird droppings. To prevent fungal diseases, you need to make sure that the bush is well ventilated, and does not become too thick, if necessary, it is sprayed with a decoction (or infusion) of St. John’s wort, nettle, horsetail, powdered with chopped wood ash, which helps protect against pests.

With the advent of frost, roses must be spudded, sheltered, building a whole “house” over them.

Room Option

There are medium-sized types of roses that can be grown at home. They are arranged on a window, preferably east, so that there is enough light, but not too hot. In summer, you can take the pot to the balcony, but the air temperature should not exceed +25 degrees, and you will have to shade the bush from direct sunlight.

At home, the rose is watered more often than on the street, they usually do it weekly, the earthen ball should not dry out, but water should not be allowed to stagnate either. Top dressing should be carried out regularly, since the pot significantly limits not only the amount of land, but also the amount of nutrients.Tea rose is a fragrance that cannot be confused with anything

They are satisfied with a dormant period that is not as long as their counterparts in the open field have to endure, they simply reduce watering, transfer it to a room with a temperature of about +5 degrees. The plant may not even shed its leaves, and then they return it to a bright and warm place, cut it off, resume regular watering and feeding, stimulating the rose to grow and bloom.

A rosette can bloom even in winter, if you provide it with a long daylight hours, illuminating it with fluorescent lamps. At home, especially in winter when heating, the air becomes too dry so that the spider mite does not disturb the bush, you need to put the pot in a tray with wet pebbles or put water nearby for evaporation. In the apartment, you can also create conditions for long-term lush flowering and a comfortable life for a fragrant beauty.

Video “Landing”

From the video you will learn how to plant these flowers correctly.

FEATURES OF LANDING OF CHINE-HYBRID ROSES in the soil in early spring. What to look for

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