Rosa Black Magic (Black Magic) refers to the elite hybrid tea varieties with dark buds, as close as possible to black. A variety was created for cutting, suitable for forcing in greenhouses. The rose is grown in rose gardens and gardens around the world. Varietal features make it possible to cultivate Black Magic both in the South and in the temperate climate zone of Our Country.

History of breeding

On the basis of the German company “Tantau” Hans Jurgen Evers in 1995 created a new tea-hybrid variety of culture. As a basis I took roses with dark flowers Cora Marie and TANorelav. The variety in the color of the petals turned out to be much darker than the species taken as a basis, so the originator called the rose Black Magic (Black Magic), which means black magic.

The culture was registered in 1997. The variety debuted at an exhibition in Baden-Baden, where it received the Golden Rose award (2000). In 2001, the American company Jackcon & Perkins acquired the patent and became the sole copyright holder and distributor of Black Magic.

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

In 2011, Black Magic became the winner of AARS (American Rose Society)

Culture was awarded the title of “Queen of the Show”.

Black Magic rose description and characteristics

The variety was created for cutting – this is the most popular and common variety for commercial cultivation in Europe, as well as in America and Australia. In Our Country, the Black Magic variety appeared in 2010 and entered the top 5 most popular hybrid tea roses in floristry and ornamental gardening.

Black Magic is a stress-resistant plant. The culture is not afraid of a temperature drop to -25 0C and can do without watering for a long time. Does not tolerate stagnant water in the soil. High humidity adversely affects the decorativeness of the flowers, they freeze, the petals lose their elasticity. Only with a sufficient supply of ultraviolet radiation, the rose fully reveals the varietal color feature. In the shade of Black Magic, it forms smaller buds with a solid dark red color. In the sun, the petals do not fade, burns do not appear on the leaves.

During the season, Black Magic blooms 2 times. The first buds open in late June or early July, depending on the climate of the growing region. In the South, flowering begins earlier, and in the Central and Middle lane 7–10 days later. A month after the flowering of the first wave, the second begins, no less plentiful, which lasts until October.

External characteristics of Black Magic roses:

  1. The bush is dense, compact, leafiness is weak. It grows up to 1,2 m, width – 80 cm.
  2. The stems are erect, rigid, stable, do not droop, end with one, rarely two or three buds. If the rose is grown for cutting, then the side flower stalks are removed.
  3. In spring, the stems are maroon, by the time of flowering they become light green, bare at the bottom. The surface is smooth, the arrangement of spines is rare.
  4. The leaves are complex, consist of three leaf plates, arranged alternately on short petioles. The surface is glossy with a matte finish. In spring, the color is burgundy, in summer it is dark green, a reddish border may appear along the edge.
  5. Buds of a conical shape, almost black in color, up to 25 pcs bloom on a bush per season.
  6. A goblet-shaped flower with a diameter of up to 15 cm. Petals up to 50 pcs. The lower ones are horizontal, the edges are curved, forming sharp corners. The core is closed. The surface is velvety.
Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

In a bouquet, Black Magic stays fresh for 10-14 days

The upper part of the petals is maroon, in the sun it looks like black. Located in the middle, half-open, rich scarlet, with a darker shade along the edge. In the middle of the bud, the petals are dark crimson.

Attention! The aroma of Black Magic is delicate, sweetish, stable. The smell remains after cutting for about a week.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Black Magic is not a rare variety, but finding a rose is not easy. A seedling purchased from a dubious seller may not match the varietal description in color. This factor is considered the main drawback of the rose.

Advantages of Black Magic in comparison with other hybrid tea roses:

  • flowering time;
  • large flowers with a dark color;
  • a large number of buds;
  • the bush keeps its shape, does not fall apart from the wind;
  • grown for cutting and landscape design;
  • good indicator of frost resistance;
  • calmly reacts to moisture deficiency;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • stays in a bouquet for a long time.
Important! Black Magic has strong immunity. Bushes are affected by powdery mildew only in the shade and on waterlogged soil.

Methods of reproduction

The rose gives a full-fledged planting material for generative reproduction. Seeds are sown in the ground or in a container for seedlings. A year later, the seedlings dive into separate containers, for the next season they are assigned to the site.

You can propagate the variety by cuttings. In spring, the perennial stem is fixed to the ground and covered with earth. The material will be ready for cutting in a year by autumn.

The most effective method of propagation of Black Magic is cuttings. The material is taken from a perennial stem and determined in fertile soil. In the South, a cutting is planted in open ground and covered with a plastic bottle or a mini-greenhouse is made. In temperate climates, the cuttings are placed in a container and brought indoors for the winter.

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

A rose is planted in the ground at the age of two

It is better to purchase a seedling with the logo of the copyright holder. A self-grown plant does not guarantee that the flowers will be the desired color.

Cultivation and care

Under the rose, an area is taken in an open place, protected from the north wind, without stagnant water. The most important requirement for the soil is good aeration and a slightly acidic composition. If the soil is poor, then increase the frequency of top dressing.

Black Magic is planted in the spring or at the end of the season, the choice of time for work depends on the weather in the region. Plant a rose in a hole with drainage and a fertile organic-based substrate.

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

Deepen the root collar at least 4 cm

Agrotechnica Black Magic:

  1. If there is no rain, they are watered in the spring at the rate of 15 liters for 10 days and during the budding of the second wave according to the same principle. In the main rose, there is enough rainfall.
  2. After planting, the seedling is mulched with organic matter mixed with peat.
  3. Weeds are removed, if the soil is not closed, they are constantly loosened, the topsoil must not be compacted.
  4. Black Magic is fed for the second season after placement on the site. Nitrogen is used in spring, superphosphate is added during flowering, and potassium is needed in autumn. Organic liquid rose fertilizer can be used regularly.
  5. Cut the rose in autumn (up to 35 cm), remove weak, old shoots, thin out the bush. In the spring, the stems are shortened to four lower buds. In summer, wilting flowers are removed.
Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

Before frost, the rose is plentifully watered, spud, covered with compost with dry sawdust, ideally coniferous, and covered with agrofiber

Pests and diseases

Thanks to stable immunity, Black Magic suffers from powdery mildew only at high humidity. It is advisable to transplant the rose to a dry area. If this is not possible, then in the fall the soil around the bush is dug up and the damaged part of the crown is removed. In the spring, they are treated with a copper-based agent, during the formation of green mass they are sprayed with Topaz or Skor.

Of the pests, aphids cause significant damage to the rose. Apply “Fitoverm”, “Karbofos”, “Confidor”. In autumn, the soil is cultivated with Iskra.

Application in landscape design

A variety with a dark color of flowers is grown in gardens, in personal plots. Rosa calmly reacts to air pollution in the city. It is grown in flower beds, with the help of bushes they decorate squares and recreation areas. More often use Black Magic in a single landing. In rose gardens, they are placed next to white or cream varieties to emphasize the colorfulness of the color. The rose goes well with all flowering plants that do not have red buds. Black Magic is included in compositions with coniferous dwarf crops and ornamental undersized shrubs.

Below are a few examples with photos of how you can use the Black Magic rose in landscape design.

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

Solo in the flower bed to create a color accent

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

Designing a recreation area in the style of wildlife

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

Garden zoning by linear planting

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

Decoration of lawns in a residential neighborhood of the city

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

In the quality of solitaires on flowerbeds

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

Mixes with different varieties of roses and flowering plants near garden paths


Rosa Black Magic is a selection variety created in Germany. Its distributor is an American company. The tea-hybrid variety is characterized by long repeated flowering. Rose large-flowered, maroon color with a black tint along the edge. The culture is grown for cutting and landscape design.

Reviews with photos about Black Magic rose

Olga Zueva, 50 years old, Taganrog
For a long time I could not find the Black Magic variety. I accidentally saw in a hypermarket, took 4 seedlings of two years of age. Roses took root safely and bloomed in a season. My bushes are already 4 years old, they have at least 10-12 stems with flowers and buds. The description indicated that the variety reaches its peak of flowering by six years of growth. The variety is drought-resistant, unpretentious in care, but for the winter I close the bushes completely.

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

Ninel Tanchenko, 35 years old, Moscow region
At the summer cottage 5 years ago I created a rose garden, tried to plant varieties with an unusual, original color. I bought Black Magic a couple of years ago, according to the description, the variety should be with different shades of burgundy. This season the rose bloomed, beautiful, large, but not what I expected. Only a few buds had shades, the rest of the flowers grew solid.

Tea-hybrid rose varieties Black Magic (Black Magic)

Black magic rose

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