Tea bags: benefit or harm?

Tea has useful properties due to the trace elements that the tea bush absorbs from the ground. It has the entire periodic table! However, the excessive content of certain minerals can harm our health.

The British tea company Newby Teas, together with employees of the EUROFINS laboratory, conducted a study of the products of modern tea brands. The results are impressive. It turns out that the packaged teas of some brands are literally stuffed with fluorides. The daily norm of fluoride for an adult is 7 mg, and its consumption in larger quantities can be dangerous for the body. Fluoride is found not only in tea, but also in other daily consumed products: toothpaste, milk, water, etc. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to products containing fluorides, so as not to poison your body with them.

On the one hand, everyone needs fluoride, since it takes part in the formation of tooth enamel, strengthens bones, supports the immune system, participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, ensures a good condition of hair and nails. However, an excess of fluorine leads to a completely opposite result. Chalk and brown spots appear on the teeth, the enamel becomes very fragile, osteoporosis develops, bone spurs and cough appear, blood pressure decreases and the risk of cancer increases.

Why do some packaged teas contain so many fluorides? The fact is that high-quality tea is rarely put in tea bags. Basically, this is tea dust or an old tea leaf, cheaper and, accordingly, rich in fluoride. In addition, the bags themselves are often made of low-grade material containing a large amount of fluorides and other substances that are unfavorable to health. In high-quality packaged teas, for example, in Newby products, only young leaves are used, in which there is a very low concentration of this trace element. Actually, this was revealed as a result of laboratory tests.

Among all the tea samples that took part in the experiment, the lowest level of fluorides was found in Newby teas. The calculations were carried out for a 200 ml cup of tea. For example, “English breakfast” tea contains 0.35 mg of fluorides, “Assam” – 0.32 mg, “English breakfast” in pyramids — 0.31 mg, and “Upper Assam” (pyramids) showed the best result — 0.25 mg.

You should not save on your health and buy a cheap low-quality product. Packaged tea does not always mean bad. The main difference between Newby packaged teas is that they have a smaller gradation in contrast to a large leaf and are packed in a more convenient form for brewing — bags made of biodegradable material. Crushed tea leaf has the same taste characteristics as large-leaf tea, but it is brewed faster and is convenient for everyday quick use. All Newby tea is collected on the world’s best plantations, is subjected to minimal processing and passes careful quality control at all stages of production.

Newby tea has an exquisite taste, unsurpassed aroma and health benefits!

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