Tea: an overview of types and useful properties

One of the most popular drinks on our planet. The morning of people around the globe begins with a cup of fragrant brewed drink. Russia is no exception, as they drink tea in almost every family.

Black tea

Not everyone knows that the caffeine content in tea is about the same as in coffee. But unlike the drink from grains, in the drink we are considering, this caffeine has a slightly different chemical formula: such caffeine does not affect the body so much. But, be that as it may, the effect, although weak, but longer. Thus, tea is able to have an invigorating effect on us.

The second useful property of black tea is its effect on the heart and blood vessels. It cleanses the vessels of toxins, normalizes the work of the heart, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves blood circulation (for this reason, tea leaves are often applied to inflamed eyes.), Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Thus, tea is extremely beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

Black tea normalizes the production of gastric juice, restores intestinal microflora, regulates metabolism, saves from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It also stimulates the production of insulin, which in turn leads to increased production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness and joy. Tea will allow you to return to your rut after stressful situations much faster. Stimulates mental activity, improves the work of the mind, increases attention, allows you to process information faster.

Green tea

Green tea is a perennial evergreen shrub growing up to 10m in height. The plant has beautiful, long, languid green leaves that have the shape of an oval. The leaves contain supporting sclereids in their pulp. In the axils of the leaves are fragrant flowers, collected 2-4 pieces or singly. The florets and bracts are arranged in a spiral. The fruit of green tea is a box, slightly flattened, consisting of three valves. Inside the fruit there are round-shaped seeds, dark brown in color.

Green tea accelerates the decomposition of cholesterol and fats in the blood (and this is atherosclerosis, heart disease); its regular use maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents fatty liver, and inhibits the general aging of the body. It also reduces weight, pressure, washes out salts. No wonder Japan ranks last in hypertension among developed countries.

When brewed, green tea contains much more minerals than black tea, in particular a lot of zinc, which is very useful for pregnant women. Zinc is a very important element for the development of the fetus and also has anti-carcinogenic properties. For nausea, it is good for pregnant women to chew dry green tea leaves, and also use this remedy for motion sickness and motion sickness.

The Japanese advise brushing your teeth with thick green tea: it contains fluorine, which, combined with general bactericidal properties, prevents the destruction of tooth enamel. And if you drink a few cups of green tea immediately after a strong feast, there will be no hangover.

Relevance: 20.09.2016

Tags: soft drinks

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