Taurus man – Virgo woman: horoscope compatibility

The Taurus man and the Virgo woman have a fairly high compatibility. Both signs belong to the elements of the Earth, which means that the views of partners on life and relationships intersect. They have everything in its place: both in their personal lives and in their heads. These are orderly zodiac signs that strive for perfection. Often Taurus and Virgo are united by a common hobby: it can be playing sports, hobbies, working on the same project, etc. They are not looking for adventure and new experiences. These are balanced people who clearly know what they want from life and a partner. In the union, the leading position is occupied by a man. He, like a locomotive, drags people close to him. The woman, in turn, has a positive attitude towards such a model of behavior and dutifully follows the chosen one. She does an excellent job with the role assigned to her and supports Taurus, as she adheres to traditional views on the family.

Virgo and Taurus are realists who take a sober look at life and do not hover in the clouds. They know the value of money and happy relationships. Order and stability reign in their union. It is for this reason that their tandem can be considered favorable and durable.

To understand how these signs fit together, it is worth dwelling in more detail on the nature of each of them. Let’s start with the leader of this union – the imperious and unshakable Taurus. Men born under this sign of the zodiac are determined and assertive. Financial stability is important to them, so Taurus are somewhat careerists. They do not agree to dubious earnings, but are looking for a job that gives a sense of confidence in the future. I must say that the wards of Venus do not really like to take the initiative. But they are distinguished by diligence: Taurus can stay at work until late in order to properly complete the assigned task. In the professional field, they push ahead, reaching heights through hard work. Undoubtedly, Taurus love money and know its value. They will not buy cheap things: men born under the auspices of Venus value comfort and surround themselves only with quality products.

Taurus are capricious and categorical, they rarely agree with someone else’s point of view and do not accept when the opponent continues to prove his case. As for personal life, men born under this zodiac sign converge with a woman for a long time. They are selective and do not immediately reveal all the cards. But, if Taurus truly fell in love, he has no equal in courtship. There will be flowers, and expensive gifts, and unusual dates. For girls who are in a relationship with Taurus, it may seem that their chosen one is a little tight-fisted. But this is not so: a man really will not spend money on useless gifts, but he will definitely please his beloved with a useful present.

Women born under the auspices of Mercury, at first glance, seem cold and indifferent to everything that happens. One gets the impression that Virgo is the Snow Queen, whose heart cannot be melted. Yes, they are really reasonable and rational, they think with their heads, not with their hearts, they are constantly engaged in self-education and self-improvement. Wards of Mercury are perfectionists to the core. Everything in their house is in its place, even the cosmetic bag is in perfect order. Virgo strives for this in love too: her chosen one must be a specific guy, without difficulties and mysteries. Exactly like a Taurus.

Love compatibility

A man born under the auspices of Venus is known for his stubbornness, Virgo for being critical of others. Yes, the character of both is not a gift. It seems, well, what kind of compatibility can these people have? But here is where the fun begins. It turns out that these people have the same views on life and relationships: Taurus and Virgo have approximately the same moral values. They do not fly in the clouds and do not build castles in the air, they know perfectly well that everything valuable is achieved through hard work, they do not expect gifts from fate and people – they build their own lives and confidently move towards their goal. A diligent family, financial stability, strong relationships and clearly set goals – this is the solid foundation of the relationship between the Taurus man and the Virgo woman.

In these relationships, most likely, there will be no passion and dizzying emotions. But this does not mean that a man and a woman do not love each other. The fact is that for Taurus and Virgo, love has nothing to do with indicative emotions and sensuality. Care and support are here. What is at the core of a relationship.

It is impossible to say that the love between Virgo and Taurus is absolutely cloudless and stable. Disagreements between them can arise, and often this happens against the backdrop of rejection of each other’s weaknesses. So, men born under the auspices of Venus can be very carried away by making money and completely forget about their appearance. A woman in this regard is extremely pedantic and it is difficult for her to come to terms with negligence in clothes and appearance. Taurus are stubborn in their rightness. Virgo prefers to get to the bottom of the truth. Men born under the auspices of Venus take any changes hard, do not want to change their usual way of life and are wary of new ideas. Wards of Mercury like to satisfy their curiosity from time to time and learn something new.

Friendships are also possible between a guy and a girl, since their views on life often intersect. They always have something to talk about, they have similar interests and hobbies. Taurus and Virgo appreciate comfort and strive for order in their personal lives and heads. It is impossible to say that friendships will be overflowing with sincerity: after all, both signs of the Zodiac do not like to let strangers into their souls. Most likely, they are connected by the mutual benefit that they can get from communicating with each other. So, a Taurus man can draw inspiration from communicating with the ward of Mercury. In turn, she will be able to gain stability and self-confidence from a balanced Taurus.

Marriage compatibility

No matter how pragmatic it may sound, the relationship between the Taurus man and the Virgo woman is more like a business partnership. This does not mean that there will be no warmth, sincerity and love in the union. It’s just that for representatives of the elements of the Earth, other qualities in the union are important. They appreciate it when a partner lends a shoulder in a difficult moment, gives wise advice, listens and helps to solve this or that issue. In addition, they have the same moral values ​​and attitudes towards other people. They will not start relationships with cynical and frivolous personalities, because they have a negative attitude towards such qualities.

Taurus and Virgo have the same attitude towards family life. For them, marriage is a mutually beneficial partnership. She takes care of children and everyday life, improving herself in her free time. He is a bastion of stability that takes over the financial well-being of their family.

Conflicts in this family may arise, but passions never run high. Representatives of the earth element prefer to sort things out not by shouting and swearing, but by a calm conversation, where each partner can express his opinion and dissatisfaction. In addition, both signs of the Zodiac do not tolerate understatement, therefore, as soon as some tension sets in in a relationship, a man and a woman sit opposite each other and talk. Taurus admire Virgo’s neatness, her ability to deftly cope with domestic obligations and her role as a caring mother. The woman, in turn, admires the patience and restraint of her husband. In this tandem, partners support each other, reinforcing strengths and pulling up weaknesses. Taurus know how to make money and value financial stability, while Virgo knows how to save savings and manage funds wisely.

The family idyll can be broken if Virgo tries to take the reins of government away from her husband. Wards of Mercury tend to show leadership qualities from time to time. A man will never tolerate this, so his wife must be prepared for the fact that it is her husband who will be the head of the family. In the bedroom, the relationship between the Taurus man and the Virgo woman is also harmonious and stable. He likes to guess the desires of his partner and please her. It is worth saying that a man born under the auspices of Venus is somewhat restrained and static in bed. But this shortcoming is more than compensated by Virgo, who needs new emotions and impressions from time to time. Both signs of the Zodiac enjoy their love: they do not have to invent and invent something new every time. They cultivate intimacy as well as spiritual connection with each other.

Pros and cons of the union Taurus man and Virgo woman

Of course, in this tandem there are much more pluses than minuses. Both partners responsibly approach the creation of a family and perceive the relationship as a serious step. It is not surprising that the two representatives of the elements of the Earth are moving closer together for a long time. For them, passion and sensuality are not fundamental indicators. Virgo and Taurus see beauty in other things:

  • Equilibrium. This quality is necessary for every partner. Both of them value emotional stability and confidence in each other.
  • Partners rarely lose their temper. These are emotionally stable signs of the zodiac who prefer to sort things out in the course of a calm conversation.
  • The trust. In their relationship there is no place for unreasonable suspicions and jealousy. Spouses are accustomed to trust each other and are confident in their feelings.
  • Both appreciate the comfort in the house and are imprisoned for creating a strong family. For them, there is no more important value, so their marriage can be considered successful in all respects.

Often, Taurus men pay attention to luxurious and inaccessible women. They like to conquer them, seek location and attention. But, having had enough of this in their youth, they prefer calm and balanced Virgos. It may seem to others that there is no passion and emotionality in this union, that Taurus and Virgo are just friends or business partners who got married according to a contractual relationship. Yes, their fire of love does not burn, but it does not smolder. Moreover, both partners are confident in their feelings and create a family for a reason. However, this couple may have some disagreements related to the peculiarity of the characters:

  • Virgo can often cling to her husband for nothing: he put a sock in the wrong place, put on a tie of the wrong color, didn’t take out the trash, etc.
  • Taurus can get too carried away with making money, forgetting about his wife and other responsibilities.
  • Too straight forward. Both signs of the zodiac do not like to build long sentences and speak in hints. They blurt out the truth-womb without thinking that their words can greatly hurt another person.

Relationships can be ruined by jealousy of a man. Virgo will not even give a reason for this, and the partner is already mentally tightening the rope around the neck of the enemy. Despite minor shortcomings, we can say that this union from an astrological point of view will turn out favorably. Still, in fundamental things, the views of Virgo and Taurus intersect, which means. That you can close your eyes to minor flaws and learn how to smooth out conflicts. The main thing is that each of them does not stop working on himself and relationships, which are likely to lead to the creation of a strong and happy family.

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