Anyone who has even the slightest idea about the most striking features of each sign of the Zodiac understands that the Taurus man and the Scorpio woman are an explosive mixture of characters and temperaments. This is a tandem consisting of two strong personalities. Unfortunately, this is precisely where the complexity and, in some places, the weakness of this union lies. Insatiable passion, extreme emotions and even a certain fatality – this is approximately how the relationship between the Taurus man and the Scorpio woman begins. If both do not burn each other at the beginning of the relationship, then there is a chance that the union will become more stable and durable. Or they will leave an unhealed wound in each other’s heart, which will make itself felt until the last breath. What scenario will develop relations? Unfortunately, even the most expert astrologers cannot answer this question. A lot in this union depends on each partner, his ability to admit his mistakes and build relationships.
A man born under the auspices of Venus is distinguished by self-confidence and stability. This is the case when a person first achieves everything himself and only after that thinks about the family. Taurus are workaholics to the core. The authorities love them for diligence and perseverance: those born under the constellation Taurus will not leave work without completing the assignment. This sign strives for financial stability and enrichment. At the same time, they manage money economically, without wasting it.
Taurus will not surround themselves with consumer goods: in clothes, perfumes, household appliances, cars, they are looking for quality and do not accept other options. Approximately the same approach to women: the wards of Venus will not spray themselves on fleeting hobbies that will not lead to the creation of a family. Taurus converge with the chosen one for a long time, carefully opening their soul and themselves.
But not in the case of the Scorpio woman, whose natural charm is impossible to resist. Women born under the auspices of Mars are endowed with incredible inner strength and a certain mysticism. These are strong and strong-willed women who can ruin the life of any man (in a good sense of the word, of course). They have a highly developed EGO – they know their worth very well and will never in their life allow even the closest person to offend and humiliate themselves. Scorpios are proud individuals with a heightened sense of justice. This zodiac sign has an incredibly strong intuition, so they are very good at understanding people. At the same time, they simply do not physically know how to lie and beat the truth even where no one asks for it. For this reason, Scorpio women do not have many close friends.
The couple will be stormy. And there is nothing surprising or unnatural here. Both signs of the Zodiac are strong and strong-willed individuals who will defend their point of view about the last drop of blood. In the rare case of a quarrel, one of them will be the first to reconcile. Unfortunately, even over the years, they do not become more flexible and softer. Nevertheless, if you look at the union from an astrological point of view, you can find some points of contact, from which it is worth starting. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves and find out what the relationship between the Taurus man and the Scorpio woman will be like at all stages.
Love compatibility
They will be drawn to each other like a magnet. They have a lot of similar qualities: stamina and endurance, self-confidence and perseverance. But this is precisely what often plays a cruel joke with partners, since each of them seeks to pull the blanket over to his side. If over time both learn to make concessions and be softer towards each other, then the couple has every chance of building a harmonious union. At the very beginning of a relationship, a man is captivated by the calmness and poise of Scorpio. But this impression is very deceptive, since the ward of Mars knows her own worth and this mask is most likely the result of self-confidence and awareness of her inner strength. Moreover, for women born under the sign of Scorpio, bursts of energy and even aggression are characteristic. At the beginning of the relationship, lovers will not notice this, referring to the storm of emotions that overwhelmed them, but over time, negative character traits become more and more noticeable, which is fraught with disagreements and problems in the union.
It may seem to others that the relationship in a couple is calm, stable and serene. Indeed, Taurus and Scorpio outwardly produce just such an impression. But only they themselves know what happens between them when there are no third parties nearby.
Relationships can be shaken when a man notices the first manifestations of not the best qualities of his chosen one. But Taurus, as we know, do not have a habit of giving up after the first setback. They will try more than once to remake the partner, suppressing her will and character. But this number will work with anyone, but not with a woman who was born under the auspices of a militant planet. A couple can only survive if she herself wants to change for the sake of a loved one. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.
But a friendly relationship between strong personalities can exist for many years. Both signs of the Zodiac are distinguished by constancy, stability, static and even a little conservative. Orderliness reigns in their lives, and the upcoming events are clearly planned. They have nowhere to rush, so they can spend their free time in the company of a smart person who will support conversations on serious topics. From the outside it may seem that in these relations there is no friendly sincerity and depth. But it is not. A woman understands the emotions of Taurus and knows how he feels at a certain moment. In turn, a man knows the value of his words and will always lend a shoulder if necessary. Most often, the friendship between these signs lasts for many years. But if Taurus and Scorpio quarrel for some reason, then most likely they will not resume relations.
Marriage compatibility
It is known that men born under the auspices of Venus are not simply called to marry. If he has already proposed to the lady of the heart, then he is sure of his choice. The situation is exactly the same with the Scorpio woman. She will not marry just because it is necessary or she was called there. No, she also respects herself and her choice, so she will once again think about whether she needs all this. If our explosive couple has gathered at the registry office, then both have suffered far from one storm and know all the shortcomings of each other. This does not happen as often as we would like, but still a marriage between a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman has every chance of existing. This union can really be strong, stable and happy. But only on condition that each of the partners begins to work on their character and these relationships. Both should pay attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each other, help to cope with shortcomings and work together on a project called “family”.
In their pursuit of constancy, Taurus can surpass anyone and anything. It sometimes comes to the point that he categorically refuses to change his usual place of work even when he is given a highly paid position.
In family life, a Scorpio woman will definitely want to take the reins of power into her own hands. If she is not stopped in time, then very soon she will begin to “advise” her husband in an orderly manner with whom to communicate, what color tie to buy and how to eat right. A man appreciates the care of a woman and the comfort that she creates around him, but all this should happen in a soft and unobtrusive way. In family life, Taurus expects understanding, support, love and affection from a woman. To save the union, the ward of Mars must calm her aggression and become more sensitive to her husband. A Scorpio woman needs to become softer and more flexible, light and gentle.
And now about what happens between them in the bedroom. I must say that closeness most often inspires this couple to create a family. The passion between Taurus and Scorpio, like an electric discharge, permeates every cell of the body. They are incredibly sensual and emotional, love to please each other and are not shy about talking about their desires. It is worth noting that it is sex that is the link that does not allow you to completely break off relations. This is worth taking advantage of. It is clear that intimacy alone will not go far, but if the partners work hard in other aspects of their relationship, then there are chances. It is not so difficult to find a common language with a man born under the auspices of Venus. Taurus is quite responsive and receptive to other people’s feelings. It is only at first glance that they seem indifferent, but in fact they deeply experience the problems of other people inside.
Pros and cons of the union of a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman
If strong feelings at the very beginning of the relationship grew into love, then the marriage is more likely to be stable and happy. From time to time it will storm, of course, but this is not critical. From an astrological point of view, this union is not as bad as it seems at first glance. These relationships have a lot of positive qualities:
- Force. Definitely, these are the two most powerful signs of the entire zodiac circle. And this only means that together the partners will cope with any troubles and overcome all obstacles in their path.
- Stability. Despite the explosive nature of a woman, she will not cut off her shoulder: yes, she can say too much, but she will not go to another.
- Financial well-being. Both signs of the Zodiac know how to make money and manage it skillfully.
- Children. By the way, the birth of a child can only strengthen the union and make it more calm. Taurus and Scorpio will begin to sort things out with each other less, knowing that a small viewer is watching them.
To strengthen and maintain relationships, each of the partners needs to become a little more tolerant. This is the cornerstone that will later become the foundation for a strong and happy family. Astrologers warn that the couple may face some problems:
- Scorpio character. A woman is an owner who will definitely try to establish total control over her chosen one. This behavior is unacceptable for Taurus, who will immediately begin to show “horns”.
- Jealousy. A man will not share the attention of his chosen one with someone else. Knowing that Scorpios are endowed with natural charm and magical appeal, you can guess that there will be many reasons.
- Taurus static. Perhaps, over time, a woman will come to terms with this quality, but not at the beginning of a relationship. She will be annoyed by the partner’s lack of initiative, his unwillingness to move forward and open up new horizons. And Taurus will strain this pressure from the woman, who, in his opinion, should gently surround him with care and attention, supporting any decision.
Summing up, we can say that this union definitely cannot be called ordinary: too strong and stubborn personalities form it. One thing is clear: if the partners learn to hear and understand each other, then their tandem will become truly harmonious and balanced. And the stars only predict a possible variant of the development of relations.