It happens that stars take certain people under their wing. Taurus man and Libra woman were born under the auspices of Venus, a planet that is responsible for the aesthetic sense and the formation of good taste. These are people with an innate sense of style and a craving for beauty. Despite the fact that Taurus and Libra have one patron for two, it is impossible to say that these signs are ideally suited to each other. It must be borne in mind that they belong to different elements. Earth endows Taurus with perseverance and determination, steadfastness and straightforwardness. Such men directly say what they think and do not know how to pretend. Libra, on the other hand, belongs to the element of Air, which is associated with communication and the search for new information. From an astrological point of view, one can talk endlessly about the differences: these signs were even born at opposite times of the year (Taurus in spring, and Libra in autumn).
The couple has every chance to build a strong and harmonious union. Of course, everyone should work on their weak traits and character and come to terms with some of the qualities of a partner, benefiting from them. And now let’s get acquainted with each sign of the Zodiac and find out what are the main qualities inherent in Taurus and Libra.
A man born from April 21 to May 21 combines the qualities that women appreciate. No, he will not throw flowers, serenades and call all day long. Instead, he will come and do it. These are decent guys who do not lack self-confidence. Taurus will always lend their shoulder in difficult times. Men born under this sign are guided by common sense and are not delusional. They value financial stability, so they devote a lot of time to work, trying to responsibly fulfill the tasks assigned. At the same time, Taurus do not like to change something in their lives, so the management will not wait for a creative idea or a new approach from such an employee. In his personal life, a man born under the auspices of Venus is a little static: he will not scatter words and create the appearance of a relationship. With girls, he is courteous and selective: first of all, he must decide for himself whether he is ready for a relationship and whether he can financially pull his family if a child appears.
A girl born under the constellation Libra is dreamy, romantic and airy. She is popular with the opposite sex, because she knows how to charm with her spontaneity and flexibility. These are very well-read ladies with good taste. As a rule, Libra women are passionate about art, read a lot and are constantly engaged in self-development. A Libra woman can open up to a man from different sides: today it is an iceberg with a cold look, and tomorrow a gentle sun that gently warms with its rays. As for family life, here, too, the representative of the air element flutters like a butterfly, having time to cook dinner, and comb the children, and talk with her husband, and defend the doctor’s thesis. The spark between them jumps literally from the first minutes of acquaintance. The fact is that Libra fully corresponds to the concept of an ideal woman in the minds of Taurus. He likes such sophisticated and sophisticated ladies who can keep up the conversation on any topic and represent a certain standard of femininity.
Love compatibility
From the very beginning of the relationship, a couple in love will be in a kind of euphoria: the partners understand each other from a half hint and look forward to the next meeting. Libra, generously endowed by Venus, knows the immutable truth, which for some reason most other women forget about: with delicate perseverance, and not tantrums and reproaches, absolutely everything can be achieved. And they do it. Girls born between September 24 and October 23 go through life on soft paws, but with the tenacity of an angry rhinoceros. A man for her is not a slave and not a subordinate, but a partner worthy of respect and recognition. But isn’t the purpose of a true woman to direct his energy in the right direction? Cat’s paws close the eyes of a strong Taurus and he goes in a clearly marked direction, absolutely sure that he himself made a decision.
Wait, are we sure we’re talking about Taurus? Are we talking about a man who will never, ever accept a different point of view from his? Quite right. Men born under the sign of Taurus will not allow anyone to command them. Except for her, of course. The Libra woman inspires the ward of Venus, she fills him with energy and creates an invisible aura that pushes the courageous Taurus to exploits for the sake of his beloved. And indeed, he can turn mountains and drain the seas when such a refined and delicate girl is next to him. In this union, the partners compensate for each other’s shortcomings and strengthen the strengths: the stubbornness, static nature and even a certain stubbornness of Taurus are more than offset by the liveliness of Libra. For some women, the Air element gave a little more “windiness”, frivolity and shortsightedness. However, the man in this tandem will quickly “re-educate” the woman in his own way.
From an astrological point of view, this union personifies the ancient Chinese symbol Yin-Yang. Where he is the standard of masculinity and responsibility. And next to him is a true lady, filled with femininity and sensitivity.
The excessive jealousy of Taurus can overshadow the relationship a little: he is ready to protect his lovely lady like Cerberus. The most interesting thing is that a girl born under the sign of Libra does not even allow thoughts of someone other than her chosen one. She will not enter into discussions, but she will not make excuses, considering the suspicions unfounded and far-fetched. Such situations can give rise to conflicts, but not long-term ones. In the end, a man will understand that he was lucky to meet the only one with whom he can create a happy family. Despite the fact that the lovers are well together and both are determined to further develop relations, there is no need to rush. The wards of Venus should get to know each other better and enjoy the magical stage that all couples go through. The fact is that the Taurus man quickly enough begins to be burdened by household chores. Of course, the Libra girl will take on the lion’s share of domestic obligations, but she will not stop waiting for help from her husband. And he? And he was used to earning money and returning home to rest. The Taurus man and Libra woman need friends and loved ones who will constantly remind them what a wonderful relationship they have. Both signs of the zodiac need to hear praise in their address as often as possible: it motivates them.
Marriage compatibility
Family life, like love relationships, will take place under the auspices of complete mutual understanding, sometimes diluted with minor conflicts. Both signs responsibly approach the registry office, understanding why this union is needed. Disagreements in a couple are possible: most likely, they will relate to the material part. Partners will not always be able to agree on acquisitions: the woman will insist on a washing machine, and the spouse will say that the refrigerator is more needed. In addition, Libra is also aesthetes. She can choose an incredibly beautiful kitchen set that is in harmony with the interior, but he will be against it, because he appreciates quality and reliability. And in the end, he will still buy what he sees fit.
Minor conflicts can also arise on the basis of joint recreation. Taurus does not have to leave his own house to rest, but Libra does. The wife sooner or later gets tired of everyday life, and she wants to dilute this situation with new faces and emotions. For this reason, it is worthwhile for partners to rest separately from time to time.
As for everything else, the relationship in the family will be close to ideal. Wards of Venus do not like to scandal, raise their voices and sort things out. Taurus man and Libra woman are used to solving any issues through conversation. This means that peace and harmony will reign in the family. As a rule, a couple prepares for the birth of a child in advance, but this is not surprising, given the basic values and views on the life of each of the future parents. The Libra woman is an excellent mother who, from birth, instills in her children high moral values and a correct view of the world. Taurus is a dad with whom you won’t spoil much. Yes, he will play with the baby, fool around, but he will not allow too much.
And now about what happens between partners when they are left alone with each other. Recall that both signs are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty and harmony. A woman expects tenderness and romance from the proximity. Libras are aesthetes, so they also enjoy visually. Men also like to show what they are capable of in the bedroom. At the beginning of family life, partners can spend several hours on love foreplay. Over time, they should “simplify” the scenario or add some variety to their intimate life. A woman born under the auspices of Venus appreciates stability no less than her chosen one. Taurus helps Libra find a balance between the spiritual and the material. Fortunately, the woman quickly “cuts through the chip” and holds on to her partner, realizing that this is the best option for her.
Pros and cons of the union Taurus man and Libra woman
The union is truly harmonious. From an astrological point of view, the wards of Venus, despite the fact that they belong to different elements, surprisingly fit together. Most often, it is in such a tandem that care, affection, warmth and attention to loved ones are preserved for a long time. In addition, the union has a lot of other positive qualities:
- A woman always knows how to find an approach to a man. With her gentleness and delicacy, she is able to persuade him to almost everything. In turn, he likes to indulge her desires, protect and surprise.
- They hear. Most couples are faced with the fact that they can not get through to each other. But not Libra and Taurus: they understand the partner’s requests, they know how to hear and talk.
- A man appreciates coziness and comfort in the house. And the Woman, born under the auspices of Venus, knows how to equip the family nest in such a way that you want to return to it again and again.
- Excellent sexual compatibility
- Proper planning of the family budget. A man knows how to make money, and a woman knows how to save it.
This harmonious couple often becomes the envy of others. Sometimes it seems as if these are actors who just played a happy family in a vegetable oil commercial. But this is not so: Taurus and Libra really know how to find a common language. We can say that they were lucky (there was not without the influence of Venus here), but there are also small flaws in this tandem that can shake the boat of love:
- The earthly element of Taurus does not allow him to stop thinking about stability even for a minute. Therefore, sometimes in pursuit of material security, a man can go too far. If it becomes a question of choosing between a part-time job and a family vacation abroad, Taurus, unfortunately, will give preference to the first option, which is very upsetting for a woman.
- The air element of Libra causes a craving for beautiful, spiritual enrichment, emotional growth. Therefore, a woman, choosing between part-time work and vacation, of course, will give preference to the second option. Here is the stumbling block for you.
- Jealousy on the part of a man. The chosen one may not even give a reason.
No wonder they say “the stars aligned”. This phrase fully characterizes the union of the Taurus man and the Libra woman. From an astrological point of view, this tandem is almost perfect. If both partners work a little on their character and relationships, then everything will work out in the best way for each.