Remember the characters from Krylov’s fable: the Dragonfly and the Ant? This is what the union of a Taurus man and a Gemini woman looks like. She is light and airy, she lives for today, “and under each bush both the table and the house were ready.” Whether it’s a homely Ant: he cares about the future, works tirelessly. A woman born under the auspices of Mercury is a bright personality with innate charisma. She has a lot of friends, she loves to be the center of attention and enjoys the compliments that men shower her with. Hand on heart, we can say that the Gemini are not created for family life: they are burdened by routine. They perceive any encroachment on their freedom as a challenge, in a hurry to break out of burdensome relationships. Taurus, for complete happiness, needs a beloved and well-paid job, a cozy house somewhere in a small town and confidence in the future. A man born under the auspices of Venus does not understand the carelessness of his girlfriend. She has no idea why the chosen one is so obsessed with material wealth, because the main thing in this life is emotions, and where to spend the night is a problem that will be solved by itself.
There is a clear polarity in the relationship between the Taurus man and the Gemini woman: from an astrological point of view, their future seems very vague. Despite the fact that both signs are located side by side in the Zodiac circle, their views on life, relationships and parenting vary quite a lot. Of course, a romance will start between them and relationships can lead to the creation of a family, but in order to maintain and strengthen the marriage, both partners will have to sweat a lot, working on themselves and relationships. First of all, we must pay tribute to the Gemini’s ability to draw attention to themselves literally from the first minutes of meeting. Even a balanced and stable Taurus man cannot resist the charm and attractiveness of a girl born under the auspices of Mercury. These charming persons have a craving for knowledge, so they can keep up a conversation on any topic, Gemini is sharp-tongued and will not allow an opponent to somehow offend them, they are well-read and educated, erudite and attractive.
Taurus is attracted by the vitality, optimism and energy of Gemini. He lacks these qualities in his life, so a man will certainly want to spend as much time as possible with a cheerful and emotional girl. In turn, the Gemini will not hurt to “ground” next to the Taurus, because living in the present day is good and fun, but absolutely not practical.
Taurus men are selective in all aspects of their lives. Relationships with the opposite sex are no exception. He will certainly be interested in the Gemini girl, but will not risk taking her by storm: Taurus choose a different tactic. They will look at the emotional and eccentric girl for a long time, trying to figure out what she needs from a man. In the end, he will go ahead, using any means to attract the attention of a charming person. And she? And she quickly gets tired of the constant attention from Taurus. A few hours spent with the chosen one are enough for Gemini: she will devote the rest of the time to working on herself, education and development, friends, sports and her interests. It is this freedom-loving Gemini that can become the main stumbling block between partners. Taurus are distinguished by fidelity and unlimited patience, but such behavior of a woman often goes beyond the generally accepted framework. In the end, the man will simply leave his Dragonfly alone, wishing her all the best at parting. Nevertheless, this union has a lot of positive qualities, so it’s worth getting to know the characteristics of the characters of both signs better and thinking about how to save the relationship.
Love compatibility
The Gemini woman values freedom. Even while in a relationship, she will demand solitude, where no one will utter the terrible word “duty.” It is constantly in motion and generates a huge amount of ideas. A woman born under the auspices of Mercury will never turn into a housewife, mired in everyday problems and children. She always reserves the right to realize herself as a person. However, even here the Gemini do not make too much effort: they rarely finish what they have started, quickly get carried away with something new and just as quickly leave their occupation, citing lack of time and other circumstances. The air sign of the Zodiac is notable for its inconsistency: today the girl Gemini talks about her love, and tomorrow she will say that she was joking and managed to remember in one night how sweet her ex was. However, in alliance with the Taurus man, a windy person can change or at least make an attempt, because she understands perfectly well that such guys are not lying on the road.
Representatives of the earth element have all the qualities that are necessary for a comfortable and stable life. Taurus value financial stability and strive to achieve success in their professional activities. They will not build castles in the air and rely on someone – Taurus achieve everything with long and hard work. They are conservative and a bit static. This only means that a man will not change his usual place of work if he sees a future prospect. In the same way, he behaves with women, choosing a faithful fighting girlfriend who knows how to manage money and appreciates stability as a companion. Their relationship most often begins rapidly, because Gemini is the one thing that knows how to win the heart with just one look. Confused, Taurus understands that he has nowhere to go and begins to competently court the young lady.
From an astrological point of view, this union can be successful if the Gemini girl falls in love with the Taurus man first. Then he will bathe in her care, attention and affection. The Dragonfly in love will immediately forget about her freedom and devote herself entirely to creating a cozy atmosphere around her chosen one.
If both partners understand that their shortcomings are a given, from which there is no escape, then it will be possible not only to maintain relationships, but to make them stable, strong and harmonious. In particular, Taurus must take on the airy and windy nature of Gemini. He should not lock his bird in 4 walls and limit her freedom. Yes, a woman born under the auspices of Mercury will give rise to jealousy, but she will never betray her partner. In turn, the girl must accept and understand the temperament of Taurus: he needs a sense of stability and confidence in the future. If a housewife is next to him, ready to equip a family nest, raise and raise children, wait for her husband and support all his undertakings, then she will definitely not walk the earth on foot – only in the arms of a loving husband. Taurus really idolize their wives, who make them happy and fill them with their energy.
Marriage compatibility
Repetition is the mother of learning. In this case, both partners need to regularly remind themselves and each other that their relationship is a constant work and self-improvement. A man should praise his chosen one more often and not restrict her freedom – then a charming girl will redeem him in her love and care. In turn, the representative of the air element must also understand what kind of woman a stable and balanced Taurus sees next to her. If both partners learn to make concessions and seek compromises, everything will turn out quite well for them. And now we can talk about the wedding. The initiator of the trip to the registry office, most likely, will be Taurus, because a freedom-loving woman will not risk voluntarily tying the knot. It is possible, however, that she herself will fall in love with a representative of the earthly element, and then he will already accept a marriage proposal. In family life, everything will turn out quite well for the couple, provided that mature individuals enter into the union, having plenty of work up and ready to create something more and valuable.
Women born under the auspices of Mercury are famous for their hospitality and cordiality. These are good housewives who keep the house clean and keep order. They are a bit wasteful and don’t value money the way Taurus does. In this field, the couple may have some disagreements. But there is hope that a man will be able to instill in his chosen one the right attitude towards material wealth and tangible comfort. In addition, the Gemini are also manipulators. They easily find additional sources of income and, at the level of intuition, feel profit where a pragmatic person would never see it. In this regard, partners should think about developing their own business, because there are the main prerequisites for this. Fortunately, adults are well aware of their imperfections and help a partner by supporting him and working together on relationships. Over time, they can become a role model: harmony and mutual understanding will reign in their family.
As for sexual compatibility, here relationships are a projection of what happens in real life. A girl born under the auspices of Mercury is temperamental and impulsive: she likes to turn on a man by flirting with him at an important meeting and offering to retire right here and right now. Taurus in this regard is a little static and consistent: foreplay and atmosphere are of great importance for them. The twins do not see something supernatural and poetic in the proximity. Men born under the auspices of Venus, on the contrary, see this as the highest manifestation of feelings.
Pros and cons of the union Taurus man and Gemini woman
Of course, these relations cannot be called balanced and harmonious. There are too many contradictions between Taurus and Gemini, and their characters are completely different, and in some places they are completely opposite. However, from this connection, everyone can learn a useful life lesson for themselves, so it’s worth dwelling on the positive qualities of the union:
- A breath of fresh air for a static Taurus. The men of the earth element urgently need people like Gemini who will dilute his life with bright colors and new emotions that will push him to self-improvement and teach him to enjoy everyday little things.
- A stronghold of stability for Gemini. Girls of the air element need a partner who will teach them to think about the consequences of their actions. Gemini rarely save money for a rainy day and do not think about how to buy real estate at all. They are quite comfortable here and now, and what will happen later they will most likely think tomorrow.
- They know how to balance and complement each other. Overly impulsive and quick-tempered Gemini will eventually begin to look closely at Taurus, adopting their poise and static. In turn, the man will learn to enjoy life and enjoy the moments.
Unfortunately, there will be disagreements in this union, and most often it is the inability of each of the partners to be the first to go to reconciliation that can play a cruel joke on them. Gemini is also quite stubborn in their grievances. What can we say about Taurus, who categorically do not accept a different point of view? There are several negative qualities of this union that can harm relationships:
- Jealousy of Taurus. The Air Gemini, even in old age, will give a huge amount of reasons for jealousy, which seriously irritates a man.
- Attitude towards money. Representatives of the earth element know from personal experience how hard it is to earn money and accumulate savings. Gemini, in principle, do not even think about it. If you have money, it’s good. No – no big deal. On this basis, a couple can have serious conflicts, since Taurus is attached to the material, and Gemini – to the spiritual.
- The girl will not regularly prove her love and show feelings. A man is in dire need of energy replenishment.
Despite all the pros and cons of the union, the couple has every chance to create a strong and happy family that will become a role model. Partners only need to make an effort to maintain a spiritual and emotional connection, and the stars will do the rest for them.