Compatibility of Taurus man and Capricorn woman is very ambiguous. No, there is nothing bad here, rather the opposite – both signs of the Zodiac are suitable for each other, since they belong to the elements of the Earth. But there is one point: each of them will have to make a lot of efforts to make the relationship balanced and harmonious. Taurus and Capricorn are earth signs. Both are categorical and even a little conservative in their attitudes towards other people. They do not understand the “souls of beautiful impulses”, the crazy deeds of people in love, quivering confessions and other vanilla. They expect concrete actions and decisive actions from close people. It is unlikely that these relationships will be full of romantic stories and spontaneous dates: both Capricorn and Taurus expect stability and balance from the union.
The stumbling block in this tandem may be the struggle for power. Both signs of the zodiac strive for leadership in relationships, which can give rise to disagreements between them.
Taurus and Capricorn are fundamental signs that lay the foundation for solidity and stability in society. They are patient and consistent, like huge icebergs, maintaining emotional and material balance. Now try to imagine what happens when these blocks come together: yes, this is a full-fledged bastion of stability and steadfastness! Something like this is the case in the family life of Taurus and Capricorn. But on one condition: if the partners at the very beginning of the relationship were able to agree “on the shore” and decided who would be the leader in the family. By the way, they don’t like to talk about their feelings, so the guy and the girl look at each other for a long time, afraid to be rejected. At the same time, they feel the mood of the partner, his experiences and emotions. This ability is very useful for long-term relationships, when two people understand without words what is really happening. Both representatives of the earth element value comfort and stability. The man in this tandem seeks to enrich himself, and the woman tries to increase capital and competently plan the family budget.
As life practice shows, women born under the constellation Capricorn get up early and achieve everything on their own. The reasons may be different, but they help the girls to understand that in this life nothing gets so easy. Perhaps that is why Capricorns easily find a common language with Taurus, because the wards of Venus know firsthand how difficult it is sometimes to get a position, recognition and prosperity. Men stubbornly go to the intended goal, earning a reputation as a responsible worker. They are efficient and hardworking. It cannot be said that Taurus like to take the initiative, on the contrary, they are disgusted by the introduction of something new that can unsettle them.
Love compatibility
In love, as in other areas of her life, the Capricorn woman is consistent and prudent. She will not rush into the pool of feelings with her head. Instead, she studies the character of her chosen one for a long time and carefully, looking closely at him and slowly falling in love. Her feelings grow like a snowball, because the representative of the fire element cannot love half. Life principles and moral values for such a girl never change: she will not change her traditions, so Capricorns have behind the scenes earned a reputation as unshakable stoics. This is the owner of a persistent character and it is not surprising, because since childhood, girls born under the auspices of Saturn are used to achieving everything on their own.
The Taurus man, both personally and professionally, is a conservative. He does not like to change his usual way of life, even if the metamorphoses looming on the horizon are obviously more profitable and promising. It’s not that he is afraid or lazy – it’s just that men born under the auspices of Venus are used to consistently moving towards their goal. This is a habitual behavior. Among the crowd, he will definitely pay attention to the Capricorn woman: he is impressed by her endurance, elegance and grooming. She will not allow anyone to humiliate or insult herself, and these qualities in a woman are liked by the Taurus man. Yes, it will take a long time to win, but it’s worth it. Girls born under the auspices of Saturn have a soft and pleasant appearance, but inside they are a flint that is unlikely to be broken by anyone. She knows how to love for real, but she definitely won’t lose her head from a magical feeling. She protects herself from experiences that can break her, so Taurus may be looking for those quivering feelings and emotions that are characteristic of a woman in love for a long time.
Capricorns and Taurus in terms of compatibility were more fortunate than other signs of the zodiac. They do not have to adapt to each other, since their life values and moral guidelines completely coincide. To make the union even stronger, it is enough for lovers to find a common hobby.
Representatives of the earth element see in each other not only a loved one, but also a friend, and a partner, and an ally. They feel good together, if only because they both look in the same direction. They honor traditions, love their homeland and respect their parents, dream of success and choose a long but honest path to it, they strive to create a happy family in the classical sense of the term. Taurus and Capricorn calmly go to the intended goal and sincerely do not understand people who jump from one place to another, trying to get a star from the sky. They look in one direction and do not like to build castles in the air, preferring to achieve everything through honest work.
Marriage compatibility
Despite a strong attraction to a woman, the Taurus man is in no hurry to call his chosen one down the aisle. Perhaps because he is quite satisfied with this state of affairs. But for a lady born under the auspices of Saturn, this alignment is clearly not to her liking. Therefore, the initiator of the marriage, most likely, will be Capricorn. Her chosen one is unlikely to ever regret this responsible step: only that he did not do it much earlier. The wife will become the very rear and headquarters, reliably protecting from external stimuli. She knows how to support her husband, will always take his side, help with sensible advice and, of course, provide comfort in the house. Capricorns have a well-developed intuition, so a woman always accurately feels the mood of her husband and knows how to direct his energy in the right direction.
A man born under the auspices of Venus is pleased with his choice. And there are a lot of reasons for this. First, he sees his importance in her eyes. Secondly, Taurus does not like difficulties in relationships, and he is on the same wavelength with the Capricorn woman. This union will become for both a kind of bastion of stability and comfort. A man can give a woman an unshakable sense of confidence in the future and stability. She, with her irrepressible vital energy, will dilute the monotonous life of Taurus with vivid emotions and strong feelings.
With a stamp in the passport, minor problems may arise regarding the distribution of household duties, but the couple will be able to cope with them.
By the way, about life. A woman born under the auspices of Saturn is a wonderful and responsible hostess. She likes to equip her life and, together with her husband, turn the house into a cozy nest. Capricorn will not get bogged down in everyday routine: this woman will find something to her liking and will not stop in development. Spouses like to discuss the events of the past day in the family circle, make specific plans and support each other. In this family, the appearance of a foster child is not ruled out. The fact is that both signs of the Zodiac often help other people: they do not care about generosity and compassion. They will raise their own children in accordance with their moral values, instilling a love for truly important and fundamental things.
In these relationships there will be no place for dramas, scandals, passions and a showdown. Both partners take a sober look at life and marry only when they are fully confident in their feelings and the person with whom they are ready to live their whole lives. Of course, there will be disagreements, as in any other union. But Taurus and Capricorns know how to solve problems through constructive dialogue. Conflicts can arise as a result of the struggle for the leadership position. Recall that both representatives of the earthly elements are quite strong and strong-willed people who are used to solving their problems themselves. But the problem will be solved before it develops into a full-fledged conflict, since Capricorn is a smart woman who has a sober look at life. She just got used to solving everything herself, so shifting some of her worries onto other shoulders is a bit of a curiosity for her. Fortunately, she made the right choice when she said “Yes!” to Taurus, so she will gladly accept the fact that from now on her loving husband is the owner of the house.
Pros and cons of the union Taurus man and Capricorn woman
Representatives of the earth element have every chance to create an alliance that everyone around will be equal to. In order to start an acquaintance, just one glance is enough, and in order for feelings to develop into a happy and strong family, you need to make very little effort. Therefore, we can say with confidence that this union has a lot of positive qualities:
- stable feelings. A strong and trusting relationship is established between Taurus and Capricorn, where partners value and respect each other. A man notices how she is trying to improve his life, and reciprocates In this tandem there is a place for romance, but she will be calm and peaceful.
- Financial well-being. A man born under the auspices of Venus knows how to make money and financial stability is one of the main goals in his life. The Capricorn woman, in turn, knows how to save savings and competently manage the family budget. She will not allow herself to take money from the family “safe” to spend on her own needs.
- General views on life, moral values, relationships and parenting. They really understand each other. Is there anything else needed for harmony?
In the relationship of this couple, you can see the so-called standard of a correct and decent family. However, astrologers warn that some disagreements may arise in the union:
- Relative “earthiness”. Both signs of the zodiac most often behave with restraint and do not allow emotions to overcome common sense. In this regard, partners should visit friends from time to time to recharge with positive and vital energy. It’s good if among mutual acquaintances there is some kind of merry fellow who will throw up creative ideas and lead.
- Leadership qualities of a woman. Capricorns from their youth learn to go ahead with their goals. And with age, it becomes more difficult for them to slow down. Taurus, of course, is unlikely to like this, and in every way he will try to pull the blanket over to his side. Fortunately, women born under the auspices of Saturn have common sense, so they will let go of the reins and completely trust their spouse.
In fact, as such, there are no more serious disagreements. Yes, there may be minor grievances regarding everyday problems, but in general this union is really harmonious and balanced. And, as life practice shows, there are a lot of such couples: they quickly find common ground and create a strong family, which is an example to follow.