Taurus man – Cancer woman: horoscope compatibility

They say about these “two boots – a pair.” The Taurus man and the Cancer woman really match. From an astrological point of view, this couple has good compatibility, and their relationship has good potential. The fact is that both look at life and the upbringing of children in the same way, have an identical attitude to family values ​​and understand that material goods, although they do not make a person absolutely happy, make life much easier. Taurus man and Cancer woman strive for comfort in everything: from the workplace to comfort in the house and soul. They build their relationship on love and mutual respect, do not like scandals and loud conversations.

In this tandem, everyone is in their place: the woman pampers her husband with culinary masterpieces, and the husband is fully responsible for material well-being. To understand how compatible the signs are, you need to get to know each of them better.

Before meeting with a mysterious girl born under the auspices of the moon, Taurus could be in a relationship. But he can only know the true feeling with her. Her subtle mental organization allows you to love sincerely and truly, sometimes unrequitedly, but devotedly. She will become a wonderful hostess, a loving mother and wife, she will keep order and fill the house with comfort and warmth. And a man born under the constellation Taurus is looking for just such. In her youth, the girl Cancer dreams of a strong and self-confident man who will envelop her with love and care. These are dreamy natures who, even in our difficult times, believe in sincere feelings and dream of a big family. The mysterious wards of the Moon often doubt their abilities: sometimes it seems to them that they are not attractive or smart enough. The Cancer girl is very shy and modest, complaisant and sedate.

This is what the Taurus man dreams of. A woman should appear in his life who will surround him with care and attention, who will understand perfectly and not take out the brain with or without reason. He needs a fragile and weak externally, but strong and strong-willed inside. A man born under the auspices of Venus will not waste his time and nerves on a young lady who secretly wants to drive a man under the heel. No, he needs the exact opposite – quiet and meek, sensual and delicate. It is these qualities that the refined ward of the Moon possesses. Taurus will certainly appreciate such a woman and will do everything to make her feel safe next to him.

Love compatibility

From an astrological point of view, this union has a fairly high level of compatibility. Taurus belongs to the elements of the Earth, Cancer is a typical representative of the water diaspora. Logically, water nourishes the earth, as a result of which it becomes fertile and brings a good harvest. Such a metaphorical comparison is quite suitable for describing this tandem. A sophisticated girl will become a muse for her lover, she will inspire him to exploits, support, understand and praise: this is exactly what Taurus is looking for in a woman.

A man will never miss his bird of happiness and in every possible way will seek attention from the girl. The fact is that Taurus have a special flair: they know how to single out people who are looking from the same direction. Similarly, a man will realize that he met a woman with traditional views on life, relationships and parenting.

Astrologers note that the relationship between a Taurus man and a Cancer woman most often leads to the creation of a strong and happy family. The fact is that this pair has a really high level of compatibility. And the reason lies not so much in patience and respect for the partner, but in the community of interests and the unity of views on fundamental values. Of course, conflict situations will arise in these relations, but partners will learn to nip them in the bud over time.

At the very beginning of their romance, the relationship will be almost perfect: they are completely satisfied with each other, see good prospects and soon decide to legalize their union. Woman

Cancer admires how her chosen one calmly solves life’s troubles, confidently goes to the intended goal and does not fuss for no reason. The man, in turn, notices how his soulmate skillfully copes with household duties, deftly makes the house cozy and fills it with the warm energy of quiet family happiness. They both like to lead a measured lifestyle, enjoying a peaceful pastime and the lack of fuss in all areas. She will certainly listen to him at the end of the day, support him with an affectionate word and take a sip. He will strive to surround her with care and affection so that his beloved woman will never doubt her choice.

Difficulties in the union may arise against the background of a slight difference in character. Do not forget that Taurus is the standard of stability and balance, conservatism and straightforwardness. All these mental torments and panic attacks for him are something from the category of incomprehensible and incomprehensible. But his partner is the Lunar Girl, a dreamy and sophisticated person, for whom it is important to talk about feelings, talk about life and sometimes soar in the clouds. It is difficult for Taurus to understand what his girlfriend is talking about and he will simply brush it off, considering her experiences empty and groundless, which can greatly offend the chosen one. All this, of course, is trifles, because in general their relationship is balanced and harmonious.

Marriage compatibility

The zodiac combination is good for married life: partners look in the same direction and both value comfort and stability in life. Their relationship develops in the best way, because a man and a woman have traditional ideas about the role of each of them in the family. The Cancer girl understands that she must become a good housewife and a responsible mother who takes care of her husband and is a rear for him. The Taurus man initially adheres to the opinion that he should become the head of the family and the breadwinner, on which the material security of his wife and children completely depends. And, I must say, both partners do an excellent job with their duties. And everything seems to be going well and fine, but let’s not forget about some of the nuances that lie in the nature of Taurus and Cancer.

Both zodiac signs are prone to mood swings. Most often this happens with a refined nature, born under the auspices of the Moon: yesterday she purred sweetly about love to her husband, and today she reproaches him for not receiving enough attention and care. How will Taurus react to this? No way! He will not sort things out and sing serenades near the bed of his beloved: he will withdraw into himself or plunge headlong into workdays, which will only aggravate the situation.

It is important for a woman to understand and accept the fact that men born under the auspices of Venus are straightforward and conservative. If he said once “I love you!”, then it will always be so. He will not regularly prove his feelings and convince his spouse that she has nothing to worry about – this is not his style of behavior.

At the same time, a man should not forget that next to him is a sensitive and delicate nature, which is extremely susceptible to offensive words and even more so actions. Therefore, if she asks for love, then it is necessary to show not by word, but by deed that the feelings have not cooled down, but have only become stronger. So that there are fewer reasons for conflicts, partners should look for activities on the side: it is important that everyone has an activity to their liking, which distracts from oppressive thoughts. In addition, the refined Cancer should accept the fact that Taurus is a slightly mundane nature, who does not understand mental anguish and hints. It is better for a woman to speak directly on her forehead about her desires and claims.

And now about what happens to partners when they are left alone with each other. Looking ahead, we can say that intimacy in this tandem is the thinnest cobweb that holds together an already good relationship. Cancer is a sensual and rather liberated person, for whom sex is not just a physiological need, but a spiritual and emotional intimacy. Taurus will quickly understand what his partner needs and will be able to find a way to please her. Both signs of the Zodiac love to stretch the moment and enjoy the atmosphere, the game and the foreplay.

Pros and cons of the union Taurus man and Cancer woman

Of course, this pair has much more pluses than minuses. Taurus and Cancer, like pieces of one whole, complement each other and inspire. Such a harmonious union is a rarity, so partners should appreciate each other and become better in order to strengthen relations and make them even more harmonious. Even at the very beginning, the Cancer girl will understand that she has met a worthy man, and will strive for improvement so as not to lose him. Well, everything is clear with Taurus: he needs a homely and economic young lady who will not harass him over trifles. In general, this tandem really has a lot of positive qualities:

  • Both partners feel comfortable next to each other: they want to develop and work together on their relationship.
  • Financial stability. A man knows what wealth is and seeks to provide his family with everything necessary for a comfortable life. In turn, the woman appreciates these efforts and learns how to properly manage the budget.
  • A woman and a man balance each other, and do not pull the blanket over to their side.
  • Both appreciate the home environment, so they will not change trusting relationships with their spouses and family values ​​for noisy companies and entertainment.

There will also be contradictions that can lead to disagreements in the union, but they are not so significant as to be taken seriously. Of course, the first and most important disadvantage is the difference of an emotional nature. Taurus are straightforward and sometimes seem indifferent. Cancers, on the contrary, can worry about trifles and make an elephant out of a fly. There are other nuances that can shake the relationship between Cancer and Taurus:

  • male authority. Sometimes, in their quest for leadership, Taurus go too far. In the case of a sophisticated Cancer woman, this is especially dangerous, because she is amenable to his influence and may not notice how she will turn into an absolutely spineless person. This, by the way, does not like Taurus, who will quickly lose interest in a weak-willed woman.
  • Cancer manipulator. Who would have thought that a fragile and mysterious girl could deftly manipulate men? She does this, of course, not so filigree, but she knows how to achieve what she wants with tears, pleas and self-pity.
  • The exactingness of Taurus and the infantilism of Cancer. Girls born under the auspices of the moon often abandon the work they have begun without completing it. The lack of a core in character can annoy the straightforward and stable Taurus.

Finally, I would like to give advice to lovers. A woman in a relationship with Taurus should become a little clearer, not speak in riddles, waiting for her lover to begin to read thoughts, but speak directly about her desires and needs. A man in a relationship with Cancer should become softer and more compliant, showing his authoritarian nature with his subordinates. In this tandem, partners do not have to make tremendous efforts to maintain the union: the stars turned out to be favorable to them and awarded them with almost perfect compatibility. And not everyone receives such a gift.

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