There are such couples, looking at which you understand – they are made for each other. And it happens the other way around – it seems that the partners in some incomprehensible way ended up together. The fact is that the compatibility of two people is greatly influenced by their zodiac affiliation. No, the stars cannot guarantee the absolute happiness of two people, but the sign of the Zodiac largely determines the character of a person and his temperament. And already from this you can dance. Let’s talk about the compatibility of Taurus man and Aries woman. It should be said right away that this is not an easy tandem, but in a good sense of the word. It is not difficult to guess that Aries and Taurus are similar signs of the Zodiac, although it is because each of them has “horns”. And this only means that the partners will have a lot of points of contact, which will allow them to create a strong and harmonious union.
Indeed, the swift and unpredictable Aries woman, in alliance with the Taurus man, finds a balance with his regularity, consistency and prudence. It is such a man that an impulsive woman needs, who will dampen her pressure and make her more accommodating. Looking ahead, I would like to say that this couple (provided that the partners are able to competently build their relationship) will have a solid weight in society. They say about such people “the house is a full bowl”, since both signs of the Zodiac value financial stability and strive for enrichment. Slightly mundane Taurus needs a partner who will excite his imagination from time to time and give a magical kick when circumstances require it.
In principle, this tandem does not really correspond to generally accepted ideas about harmonious relationships: Aries and Taurus, although similar, still belong to different elements. Their union is reminiscent of a combination of whiskey and soda: a woman is the focus of vitality and indefatigable passion, and a man slightly cools the ardor of his beloved.
Taurus belongs to the elements of the Earth, Aries is a representative of the fiery diaspora. She is temperamental and impulsive, and he is a bulwark of stability and balance. Despite the apparent opposite, these signs quite often create a strong and harmonious union, which subsequently becomes a role model. A representative of the fire element will certainly pay attention to the noble Taurus: she likes the way he drinks tea, drives a car, dresses, communicates with colleagues and friends. Such men cannot stand aside: the wards of Venus prefer to wear high-quality clothes and expensive accessories, they are mature and stable. In turn, the attention of Taurus will certainly be attracted by the bright ward of Mars: her colossal energy fills the entire space, her aura envelops everyone around. Therefore, it is safe to say that the first meeting will leave an indelible impression on everyone. Given the desire of Taurus for constancy, it can be assumed that the girl will initiate further relations. And it will be the right decision.
Love compatibility
A bright and attractive Aries woman is easy to distinguish from other representatives of the beautiful half of humanity – she has a unique charisma, natural charm and colossal energy. She exudes independence and incredible inner strength, which is why people are drawn to her. The fiery Martian character will give odds to any man. The weaker sex is definitely not about the Aries woman. And in general, it is better not to pronounce this expression if there is a ward of Mars nearby. The character of the girl harmoniously combines masculine qualities: she confidently moves towards her goal, knows perfectly well what she wants from life and will never allow herself to be manipulated. But this does not mean at all that the girl is rude and angular, quite the opposite – she is elegant and feminine, graceful and knows how to present herself beautifully. I must say that Aries has a heightened sense of justice: a woman will never allow to offend a person in her presence.
As for Taurus, men born under the auspices of Venus have all the qualities that women are looking for in their spouse. They are stable and consistent, do not try to jump above their heads, but confidently go to the intended goal. These are careerists who know the value of money and love to surround themselves with comfort. They do not live for today and strive to acquire, at a minimum, real estate by a conscious age. It is not so easy to fool a representative of the earth element: Taurus rarely trust people and are in no hurry to reveal all their qualities. He looks at the woman for a long time and gently begins to communicate with her.
To take under the heel of the ward of Venus is something on the verge of fantasy. He will not allow himself to be manipulated and will not tolerate a frivolous person who does not know how to manage money. But if Taurus falls in love, then his chosen one will be surrounded by attention and care.
From an astrological point of view, the compatibility of the Taurus man and the Aries woman is quite high, but not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Much depends on how the partners behave at the very beginning of their relationship and in the course of their development. Taurus are too passive and static, they do not like to change their usual way of life and act decisively. First, he must carefully consider everything and only after that, after weighing all the pros and cons, make a decision. He will not take decisive action to charm the girl, nor will he work hard to maintain the relationship. Therefore, the wise and strong-willed Aries woman will have to take the situation into her graceful hands. It must also be remembered that these are the “horned” signs of the Zodiac, which means that at the time of quarrels and conflicts, it is better for others to go to a safer place. Fortunately, Aries are endowed with natural wisdom, so a woman will most often make concessions in order to maintain the union, because she is well aware that she got the right and reliable man with whom she feels safe.
Marriage compatibility
Most likely, the Aries woman will gently hint to her chosen one that it would be time to legitimize their relationship. Taurus is in no hurry to change habits, everything suits him, so a new level in relationships is a serious and responsible step. Nevertheless, he appreciates the comfort and coziness that a woman creates around him, so he will make an offer with great pleasure. Disagreements and conflicts are not excluded in family life: Aries and Taurus will often “butt”, but a woman endowed with wisdom will understand that she must be the first to make concessions in order to save the marriage. And she will like it, because she also strives for comfort and stability in her life, and this can only be found in alliance with the ward of Venus. In turn, a man will appreciate the caress and care that a temperamental woman surrounds him with, and will begin to take timid steps to strengthen their emotional connection.
Astrologers are convinced that this union will have a happy future if both partners show restraint in relationships and wisdom. Each of them should look at the strengths of their partner and pay attention to their weaknesses.
In particular, the Aries woman is vital for movement and development, she cannot be locked in four walls and require perseverance. This is a bundle of energy that must work for its environment. If you do not give her a way out, Taurus will also get it. A woman must also understand that her chosen one is a bulwark of stability and the main earner who cares about the well-being of all family members. Sometimes it is better to leave him alone and give him time to recover from a busy day. At the same time, both signs of the Zodiac harmoniously complement each other, which makes the relationship balanced and stable.
In intimate terms, the couple is not as smooth as we would like. A man perceives intimacy as something natural and necessary. A woman in this regard is more delicate and sensitive. Emotions, preludes, acting and, of course, the atmosphere are important to her. Over time, partners will learn to guess each other’s desires and intimacy will become another brick that will make the relationship stronger and more harmonious. Problems can arise against the background of a distinctive character trait of each of them: jealousy and stubbornness. Sometimes, in the struggle for their ambitions and interests, Aries and Taurus are ready to literally go over their heads. The only difference is that the ward of Venus does not like to sort things out, preferring to withdraw into himself when he does not see the opportunity to talk constructively. This annoys Aries even more, which begins to see something more in this silence. Partners should clearly allocate their responsibilities and roles on the shore in order to avoid conflicts on this basis later.
Pros and cons of the union Taurus man and Aries woman
If the couple weathers the storm and their love boat doesn’t break on the first rock called life, then there is a chance that the Aries and Taurus tandem will lead to a long and happy life. When mature individuals enter into a relationship, clearly understanding what they want from life, it is much easier to build a balance. Everything works fine according to the formula: you to me, and I to you. This rule needs to be understood by both partners. Then they will begin to notice that there are many more positive qualities in their marriage:
- Stability. A woman understands that not only her well-being, but also the standard of living of children depends on Taurus. She learns from a man how to manage money competently, saving them for more valuable and high-quality things.
- Healthy emotional background. When the “horned” signs of the Zodiac stop butting, they will understand that family life can be filled with cozy evenings, gatherings with friends, extreme hikes and a wide variety of emotions. The main thing is to hide the horns at least in relation to each other.
- There are no lies and understatements in these relations. Taurus and Aries are fairly straightforward signs that will not hide the truth. Often this quality interferes with them in life, but not when it comes to personal relationships.
This union cannot do without minuses and problems: after all, we are talking about specific comrades who are famous for their stubbornness and despotism. Naturally, most conflicts will arise because of this. That each partner does not want to give in to the other. Possible couple problems:
- Jealousy of Taurus. A woman accustomed to constant attention is likely to face unreasonable jealousy from her husband. Her quick-tempered nature will not allow a coquettish smile, reducing tension.
- Some of the partners will receive less attention. At first, this fate will overtake a woman: Taurus do not like to show their feelings. Over time, when a woman gets tired of demanding reciprocity and goes headlong into work, a man will understand what is happening and begin to correct the situation.
No matter what the stars say, any couple has every chance to build a harmonious and balanced relationship. The main thing is the desire to be near, to love each other and to help. And everything else is the cost of character and temperament. It is clear that you can’t get away from them, but no one forbids you to constantly work on yourself and your imperfections.