Tatyana Ustinova lost weight, how to lose weight quickly

The writer has lost phenomenal weight.

Several years ago, the star began to change noticeably: she lost weight, changed her hairstyle and hair color. It turned out that in eight years she managed to become lighter by 100 kilograms.

In an interview, Tatyana said that she decided to take this step not even because of female considerations, they say that she was annoyed by the reflection in the mirror, but for medical reasons. Few people know that the writer weighed about 200 kilograms. And this was reflected in her well-being: she was tormented by endless swelling. The doctors said that this could not last long: we must urgently take up ourselves!

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Eksmo publishing house

“Most women who dream of losing weight do not need to do this,” 50-year-old Tatyana Ustinova admits to Antenna magazine. – Modern fashion wants to deprive us of female charms. Breast, butt – adipose tissue, which a woman should have. And sitting on diets, you will lose both health and the joy of life. After all, joy also consists of pies and ham sandwiches. Therefore, I do not urge anyone to lose weight. It’s another matter when the weight increases by 30 or more kilograms, like mine. With a height of 1 meter 80 centimeters, I weighed 200 kg. This weight began to cause health problems. In this case, you need to go to the doctor. First to the endocrinologist, then to the cardiologist, phlebologist, therapist, and only then to the nutritionist. He is the last person to help you lose weight. Doctors should conduct examinations and make recommendations. I changed my diet very slowly and gradually. Of course, the result she has achieved is extraordinary. I lost 100 kilograms! But it took eight years. And to a model appearance, to blouses “Dolce Gabbana” I am as far away as to go to China on a donkey. But I don’t need to go there.

By the way, the writer was really worried about the problem and changed not only her food system, but also the whole family (for 28 years she has been married to an engineer-physicist Yevgeny Ustinov, the couple is raising two sons: 26-year-old Mikhail and 17-year-old Timofey. – Note . “Antennas”). Now her household is actively leading a healthy lifestyle.

According to the writer, gradually and accurately reducing the size of the portions of food helped her lose weight. She ate all the same usual food, but in much smaller quantities.

1. Less is better, but more often

Frequent fractional meals became the main principle of Ustinova’s reasonable weight loss. The writer divided all meals into five parts, reducing the portion sizes.

The woman ate every 2-2, 5 hours, which prevented her from getting hungry and pounced on food like a wolf, and also allowed her to reduce the volume of her stomach, which is why satiety was faster.

This principle was used by many people who decided to take on themselves. You can apply it too. The main thing is not to starve.

2. Reducing the number of daily calories

Tatiana revised the calorie content of the dishes she used, excluding everything fatty, sweet and fried as much as possible. She also refused to add her favorite mayonnaise to the dishes.

3. Do not eat before bed

A principle that absolutely everyone knows, but not everyone applies it in life. The last meal of the writer is three hours before going to bed. In the morning – no swelling, no fatigue!

4. Don’t cook complicated dishes

According to the star of detectives, the simpler the dish, the less heat-treated it is, the more useful it is. The absence of spices, sauces, frying, or the use of oils in the recipe is the key to healthy and wholesome food.

5. More vegetables and seafood!

The inclusion of fish dishes and fresh vegetables in the diet helps to speed up metabolism and saturate the body with useful vitamins and microelements.

6. Slow chewing

At first, you need to force yourself to count to 25 while chewing each piece. After all, we usually eat on the run, not having time to understand how much food we have swallowed. Soon, slow, thoughtful eating will become the norm for you. This technique helps you to be satiated with much less food.

7. Drink 2 liters of water a day

The liquid helps to remove excess moisture from the body, relieve swelling, congestion, slagging. In addition, very often we confuse the desire to drink water with hunger. Remember: every time you want to have a snack, drink 200 grams of water, the hunger attack will recede.

Interestingly, Ustinova has been losing weight over the past three years. The writer was afraid of a sharp weight loss, which could negatively affect not only appearance, but also health. The result exceeded all expectations: today Tatiana flutters like a butterfly and looks just fine.

Irina Falcao, Liza Barskaya

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