Tatyana Morozova from Comedy Woman is pregnant

A member of Comedy Woman declassified an interesting position in an interview with Woman’s Day.

For the 34-year-old actress and comedian, the outgoing year has brought the best news a woman can have. In 2018, she is preparing to become a mother for the second time and in a few months after that, she will leave the decree to start new projects. She exclusively told about this to our site.

“It’s too early to say who we are waiting for, because they will find out at the 18-20th week, and I have the 16th week,” Tatyana Morozova explained in an interview with Woman’s Day. – My husband and I (businessman Pavel Titorov. – Approx. Woman’s Day) will be equally happy for both the girl and the boy. Our daughter Sofia (the first-born of the couple. – Approx. Woman’s Day), who turned 4 this year, is expecting a sister. Perhaps to share dolls and dresses with her. In our country, almost the whole family is now together making bets on who will be born. On my line, there are only girls, and my husband’s big family is betting on the boy. Of course, it is interesting when children of different sexes are kind of like a kit. (Laughs.) The main thing is that the kids and mom are healthy, and dad cared and cherished them.

We are not choosing a name yet, we would first find out the gender. During our pregnancy, Sonya, as we understood that this was a girl, was both Masha and Katya, and whoever she was. As a result, we settled on the first name that we liked. Sofia Pavlovna – sounds beautiful. Well, this kid, I hope, will not remain without a name. (Laughs.)

“We planned both the first and the second pregnancy,” she continues. – I always wanted at least two, and then we will look. Now I try to eat even more correctly and sleep more, and my beloved husband both pampered us and pampers us. In this regard, nothing has changed with pregnancy, because he has always been a good fellow.

In terms of work, everything went well in the past year. TNT has released a new long-awaited season of Comedy Woman, it will end with a special New Year’s edition on December 31 with star guests, surprises, very funny numbers, dances and a holiday. We will definitely create a mood for you! Coincidentally, as soon as I found out about my interesting situation, a bunch of offers fell on me. (Laughs.) These are performances and television projects. I thought: “How did I get pregnant on time, otherwise I would never have gone on maternity leave.” I hope the coming year will be fruitful. I do not plan to stay on maternity leave: we are expecting a child in June, and I can start work in September – October. There is nothing supernatural in this: they used to give birth in the field – and they immediately went to mow.

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