Tattoo removal – what does it look like and how much does it cost?

Removal of a tattoo is possible in some situations, but the effectiveness of this procedure may be limited. Today, tattoos are most often removed by laser, but there are also alternatives such as surgery or dermabrasion. How does tattoo removal work and how much will we pay for such a procedure?

Tattoo removal is a treatment that relates to removing classic tattoos made by injecting the ink into the deep layers of the skin. This type of decoration is characterized by high durability, so the decision to tattoo a selected pattern should be made with the awareness that it will remain on the skin for life. Nevertheless, professional salons meet the needs of customers and offer the option of removing tattoos. Such interference is associated with certain risks and often its effectiveness is limited.

The ability to remove a tattoo depends on many factors, including the size of the painting, the color of the dye or the place where it was made. You have to take into account that none of the available methods is perfect, and therefore in many cases it is impossible to restore the leather to its perfect condition before decorating. An alternative to permanent tattooing are temporary or washable paints. You can choose from several types of tattoos, which include:

  1. henna tattoo – henna decorations, i.e. a vegetable dye that stays on the skin for up to a month;
  2. biotattootemporary tattoo – in its case, the dye is introduced into the shallower layers of the skin, and the body gradually removes the coloring matter; such a tattoo lasts up to 3 to 5 years, but after this time it does not completely disappear, but only fades and may leave marks;
  3. classic tattoo – permanent body decoration, performed by introducing a dye into the dermis by piercing it.
Worth knowing

Bodypainting, which is a method that uses washable body paints, also includes body painting methods that can be used to temporarily decorate the skin. Another method is decals, which are patterns stuck onto the skin that can also be removed at any time.

Tattoo removal – methods

Over the years, a number of different tattoo removal methods have been developed. In the past, they were associated with a high risk of complications and permanent changes in the skin, especially scars and discoloration. The most modern ways to remove a tattoo are becoming safer, but you should always decide on the procedure with a proven specialist who uses the best quality equipment.

  1. Surgical tattoo removal – in the past it was a traditional method of tattoo removal, but its disadvantage is unsightly scars and significant interference in the structure of the epidermis. Surgery allows you to quickly get rid of small patterns. It is extremely rarely used to remove larger tattoos – then a skin transplant is also required.
  2. Laser tattoo removal – currently the most popular method of removing tattoos is a laser beam, which illuminates the skin in several or a dozen or so sessions. This means that the laser procedure requires stretching over time, but is less invasive than a surgical incision.
  3. Tattoo removal by IPL method (Intensive Pulse Light) – The use of IPL light also requires several sessions (usually between three and five) performed several weeks apart. The effect is gradual destruction of the dye, however, discoloration and scars are likely to develop.
  4. Chemical or mechanical exfoliation – removing tattoos by exfoliating the epidermis can be done with dermabrasion or chemical peeling. If it is necessary to reach deeper parts of the skin – and the pigment is usually there – then there is a significant risk of infection, discoloration and scarring.
  5. Electrocoagulation – removing patterns with this method is especially effective for small tattoos. Due to the use of current, electrocoagulation is of limited use – it must not be performed in people with a pacemaker, diabetes, or circulatory or coagulation disorders.

Instead of removing the tattoo, you can also choose an alternative method of covering the unwanted tattoo – camouflage or cover up. In the case of camouflage, we mask the tattoo with appropriate dyes in the color of the skin. On the other hand, you can also use a cover-up, i.e. make a new tattoo on an old pattern – this allows you to keep the ornament on the skin, but modify it according to the new idea. Cover-up is useful, for example, in a situation where the original tattoo was done unskillfully or faded, and the client wants to change the previously tattooed image to something new.

Read more:

  1. Dermabrasion – indications, course of the procedure, contraindications
  2. Chemical peeling – indications, types of peels, the course of the treatment
  3. Aesthetic medicine treatments that can be performed in winter

The most common tattoo removal treatment is laser radiation. Different types are used to remove tattoos Q-switched lasers (ruby, alexandrite, Nd-Yag or KTP). They differ in the length of the emitted wave, which has an impact on the effectiveness of removing specific pigments present in dyes. A specialist removing the pattern from the skin should therefore choose the laser to the color of the tattoo.

Worth knowing

The laser method is based on the emission of pulses by a nanosecond or picosecond laser. High energy beams break up pigment particles and lighten the tattoos during subsequent treatments. This method is common due to its relative effectiveness and low risk of complications.

Even though laser is the standard for tattoo removal these days, not everyone can benefit from this method. Contraindications to laser tattoo removal include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. pacemaker;
  3. hemophilia;
  4. significant tan;
  5. skin infections;
  6. a tendency to develop keloids;
  7. taking certain medications.

Before performing the tattoo removal procedure, a doctor’s consultation is necessary – especially if you have any doubts.

People planning laser tattoo removal should remember a few things. The first is the need to undergo at least a few or a dozen treatments, and the intervals between them should be three to four weeks. It is not possible to get rid of the tattoo after one laser treatment.

Before going to the first laser tattoo session, a medical interview and qualification for the procedure should be performed. The next step is laser testwhich is used to check the skin’s reaction to the laser beam and to estimate the number of visits.

Before each laser treatment it must be remembered that:

  1. do not sunbathe, as a strong tan is a contraindication to the treatment;
  2. it is recommended to discontinue preparations with vitamin A derivatives, including isotretinoin and retinol;
  3. you should give up other cosmetic treatments, especially peelings or microdermabrasion, as well as the use of cosmetics with acids and vitamin C;
  4. the patient should not reach for calendula or St. John’s wort preparations because of their light sensitivity.

Once the client is qualified for the laser tattoo removal treatment, he or she can make an appointment for the first time. One session may last approximately 20-45 minutes, depending on the size of the tattoo. Before the procedure, anesthesia is used – the skin is cooled or the Emla cream is applied topically. During the operation of the laser, its beam hits the surface of the tattoo, slightly damaging the structure of the epidermis. It is accompanied by slight pain, the severity of which depends on the individual feeling, hence the prior anesthesia.

A single laser treatment does not remove the tattoo, but after a series of visits to the office, the image on the skin fades and fades more and more. The necessary number of treatments may vary from 3 to 12. Much depends on the type, quality and color of the pigment used by the tattoo artist, the skin tone and the location of the pattern on the body. Recommended intervals between visits are 3-4 weeks.


Removing tattoos that use bright pigments is particularly troublesome. They are more difficult to remove and the white color does not absorb the laser light.

After the tattoo removal procedure, the skin condition may vary. With more invasive methods, there is a higher risk of scarring and unsightly discoloration. The final result is also influenced by the appropriate one skin care. When it comes to laser tattoo removal, usually redness, skin changes or discoloration are visible immediately after the procedure and disappear over time. In order to accelerate the healing process, an antibiotic preparation is applied to the skin at the end of the treatment. To support the regeneration of the skin after the treatment, it is worth using Optima Natura Natural Sweet Almond Oil or Optima Natura Natural Grape Seed Oil. Both preparations have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. You can buy them at attractive prices on Medonet Market.

It happens that small skin changes after laser tattoo removal are permanent.

A lot also depends on the patient. After removing a tattoo, avoid picking up scabs to reduce the risk of scarring. You should also protect the skin from sunlight for six months. Massages, going to the swimming pool, using the sauna and taking hot baths are also inadvisable. The person performing the procedure may also recommend creams to alleviate post-treatment discomfort.

A variety of skin reactions can accompany the laser tattoo removal procedure, including allergic changes, hives, blisters, infections, swelling and discoloration.

If scars appear after removing tattoos, you can use a silicone plaster for Sikatris scars 10 × 10 cm in order to care for them and regenerate them more efficiently.

Tattoo removal – prices

The prices of the tattoo removal procedure depend on the chosen method, but are also set individually by the offices offering such a service. The stakes are higher for large and colored tattoos. Down the total cost of removing the tattoo usually you need to add consultation with an aesthetic medicine doctor.

  1. Laser removal of a 5 × 5 cm tattoo – from about PLN 250-700 for one session; Removal of a smaller tattoo in some surgeries costs between PLN 50-500.
  2. Laser removal of a large tattoo – such a procedure can cost even 1-7 thousand. zloty.
  3. Surgical removal of a small tattoo – from PLN 500–1000.
  4. Tattoo cover-up – depending on the size, it can cost from about 700 to 2. zloty.

In the case of a traumatic tattoo, it is possible to use the procedure for removing such a lesion under the National Health Fund. A post-traumatic tattoo is a pigment visible under the skin that got there as a result of an injury or abrasion. Such a foreign body may be, for example, slag or coal dust.

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