The film “TV channel Home. Useful morning»

Tatyana Muzhitskaya about the image.

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The film “TV channel Home. Useful morning»

Tatyana Muzhitskaya. Parent-Adult-Child.

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The film “TV channel Home. Useful morning»

Tatyana Muzhitskaya about women’s mistakes.

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Tatyana Muzhitskaya is a professional psychologist (graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University), business coach, international certified NLP trainer, writer, bard, TV presenter.

Since 1993, Tatyana’s whole life has been connected with training. Training for her is a language in which you can talk about everything: about love, about business, about time, about yourself, about miracles and about mission, and in general about anything. It was this principle, brought to life, that led Tatiana to conduct more than 1000 trainings on various topics. However, whether it is professional business communications training or dance training, Tatyana always has a friendly atmosphere of creativity and humor in the group.

The main places of work — where Tatyana stayed for a long time, they are also the main partners — for Tatyana is an eternal freelancer — these are: Prologue Training Company, Sinton Training Center, NLP Center in Education, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow Center NLP, SET Consulting Group, Kazan Personnel Development Center Business Insight, Domashny TV Channel, Egoist Generation Magazine, Our Psychology Magazine.

Over the years, Tatiana’s trainings have been held in various cities and countries. She is best known in Moscow, Kazan, Tolyatti, Vladivostok, Sochi, Odessa, Athens, Tel-A-Vive, Almaty, Antalya, Kyiv, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

The most famous among corporate customers are: Yandex, Megafon, Vneshtorgbank, Central Bank, Pfizer, Caspian Tue Wire Consortium, SUAL, Rostelecom, Landata, Merck Sharp and Dome, Domo, Sovtekh, Apteki 36.6, restaurants Grabli, Kolbasov, Goodman and many others. As Tatyana herself jokes: “When I look at advertising posters, I see behind them not branded goods, but the shining faces of the participants in my trainings and mentally wave to them!”

Interaction with the media at Tatyana Muzhitskaya has already become the second specialty. Many constantly see her face in the programs of Channel One. She is often invited as an expert psychologist by TV channels: Domashny, DTV, RTR, Ren-TV, Capital, TNT and others. Her voice often sounds on the waves of the City-fm radio station. And her publications can be found in the magazines «Our Psychology», «Company Management», «Worker», «Outdoor Advertising of Russia», «Citrus» (Cyprus). Constant collaboration with the magazine «Egoist Generation» led to the creation of a series of books published by the publishing house «Time»: «God’s gift according to staffing», «To be right or to be efficient?» and Little Recipes for Great Happiness. Everyone who started reading them could not tear himself away, fascinated by the light and humorous style of presenting serious psychological ideas and technologies.


None. Tatyana sincerely feels sorry for the time for events related to regalia. Customers recommend it to colleagues, the participants after many years throw themselves on the neck at a meeting — this is quite enough.

Personal life

Tatyana has been a happy wife and mother of two sons for many years. Technologies for effective communication and fulfillment of desires have been tested in combat conditions.

Articles and speeches

  1. Depression
  2. We write a career, friends in mind

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