Tatiana Arno spoke about plastic surgery: interview 2016

20 tips from the TV presenter of the “New Life” program on STS on how to look attractive and enjoy life.

March 18 2016

Flowers as a remedy for sadness. Like any woman, I am dissatisfied with my appearance. It happens, and a depressive mood rolls over: the lack of sun in Moscow affects. At such moments I always think about the inhabitants of St. Petersburg. It’s harder for them. If I feel sad, I go to the store for flowers. I can buy an armful of spring, or even better, hyacinths in pots. I start to grow them at home, I breathe in an amazing aroma. Watching them bloom is a kind of meditation for me.

To get a good sleep, the main thing is to give up your smartphone, do not take him to bed with you. I got rid of it hard, with great breakdowns. Now, when I wake up, I never grab the phone, even the alarm clock on it rings from the next room. I go, turn it off, but do not view it, although there are a lot of notifications.

I enjoy the beginning of a new day, I think about how I will spend it, I drink a glass of boiling water, into which I squeeze lemon juice. I go to my flowers, I see how they are there. I communicate with the cat. Then a shower, and only at breakfast the news agenda hits me.

The New Life project made me drink coffee as the schedule was tight. Now I gradually abandon it and return to my favorite herbal tea.… Although sometimes I can feel nostalgic and pull a coffee in the morning.

Over the years of flights and business trips, I have found an express method on how to quickly get in shape, for this you need regular tea bags. They are in every room of the hotel. You need to get up ahead of time, brew them while you wash, the bags will cool slightly, and then they need to be applied to your eyes. A wonderful grandmother’s way that relieves fatigue. And also works well in this regard, alternately applying cold and hot towels to the face. 8-10 times, and you’re already fresh!

I fought overweight for so long that it turned into some kind of endless fight with myself. At some point I realized: need to negotiate with the body… It seems to me that by the age of 30, so many: you know what is bad for you, what is allergic, and what is good. Although I tried a large number of diets at one time. Dukan works great, but it is harmful, you cannot absorb so much protein. Yes, you need to drink a lot of water, but still such a mono-diet has a strong effect on the kidneys.

There was a case when on a dispute I lost 10 kilograms in a month. I want to warn you: do not repeat this experience, the time frame is too strict. This is a big stress for my build and height of 167 cm. Then intensive sports, daily swimming, coupled with special breathing associated with oxygen starvation, helped. I also used diet pills. Kilograms returned in three months. But I liked the way I began to look, so now, neatly, with steps I return to that complexion.

I think the food should look aesthetically pleasing. I have different options for breakfast. For example, I take frozen balls of spinach, put them in a hot frying pan without oil, add a little water, sprinkle some herbs, don’t salt (I’m generally indifferent to salt, I’m tilted the other way – to sweet), then I put three things there. quail eggs. And as soon as they are ready, I spread it all out on gluten-free toast. Nice and tasty. But I don’t like porridge with dried fruits precisely because it looks uninteresting. I can cook porridge from quinoa or buckwheat. If you have time, I make smoothies from frozen fruits. I try to always have an avocado, I think that this is a health vegetable. You can simply cut it in half, eat it with a spoon – and get full and get pleasure.

I am a proponent of alkaline food. At some point, she even underwent a special cleaning in Bali for a month using this method under the guidance of a specialist. A fantastic effect when the whole face is smoothed out without any preparations. But such food is not suitable for everyone. Its essence is that much of what we eat oxidizes our body, even dietary products. So, chicken breast is not very good in terms of alkaline nutrition. I have a list of suitable products on my fridge, which I try to navigate, it contains a lot of green vegetables like broccoli, all cereals, fish is presented selectively, for example, salmon is not suitable, seafood too.

You can’t find lard, sausage, cervelat in my refrigerator. Although if I come to my parents and they have sausage cheese or doctor’s sausage, I will try a piece: how can my mother not eat something terrible? I don’t like pork, I don’t like its taste. I would like, perhaps, to give up meat altogether, but I’m not ready yet, sometimes I want a steak.

We must stop counting kilograms, I am guided by clothes. I think I fit into my favorite dress – great. If you want to wear your favorite jeans, don’t have dinner. I have scales at home, but they don’t have a battery. But there are several sets in the wardrobe, which vary by 5-10 kilograms back and forth. Quite acceptable limits.

I do not store alcohol at home, and in principle against it. I have given up alcohol for a long time, and I feel comfortable. Maybe alcohol helps someone to relieve stress, their eyes start to burn, but sports training or good physical activity invigorates me. If you need to think about something, relieve stress, I exhaust myself physically.

I try to do sports at least four times a week. I am waiting for the earth to dry up, and it will be possible to go out and run into the street, to squat. I live near a pond, it’s nice to do it there. I also do tabata in the pool with a trainer. This is a set of exercises, invented by a Japanese, for body drying and endurance. You dive into water up to your chest and do simple exercises, but at a high pace. Then a break and exercise again – already on a trampoline and with dumbbells. Fun, no stress on joints and great effect. I spend no more than an hour in the hall, I try to keep everything in moderation.

A year ago I plunged into an ice hole for the first time… This time already for Epiphany. You get such a boost of vivacity! Recently in the Urals I repeated the experience with an ice-hole on the set. There were three takes and great. It seems to me that the main thing in this matter is the attitude. I did not make any special preparations, there were no cold douches beforehand. If you are afraid that it will not work, that your heels will stick to the ice, you will get pneumonia, then early, you need to mature. Maybe there are some statistics of diseases, but I saw only a positive effect.

I like the bath. For me she is such a Russian spa. I love to catch up with the park, and with a broom, according to all the rules. I visit once a week. It works well for me.

Recently, my attitude towards plastic has changed. Earlier she snorted, said that it was a nightmare, you can see how you can agree to such a thing. But in our program I saw what wonderful results the heroines have, that the recovery period is not so scary and long, in two weeks they already went to the studio to the stylist. When a woman is restored to her beauty, the rags are turned into full breasts or the young oval of the face is restored, there is nothing better. The main thing is that the doctor is good, so that he does not harm. Plastic surgeon Andrei Iskornev, who works in our program, emphasized that he tries to intervene to a minimum. I decided to be observed with him all my life, I trusted completely. I realized that there is no need to worry about plastic surgery, the moment will come when I will come to him and say: “Andryusha, let’s fix it.” Now I ask: “Maybe I can make an ass?” Answers: “Go to the gym, you will come in ten years.” When I am going to do something, I will not hide it, fly to another country and, like many stars, deny that I did something: the result is visible. Strange hypocrisy. I don’t think a woman should hide it.

Now I use supportive facial therapy. When I feel that the skin is dry, wrinkles have appeared, I go to the clinic. I make vitamin cocktails for the face – biorevitalization. During it, the skin is pierced with a mesh with small ukolchikami. By evening, no trace. Ideally, this procedure should be done once a month.

I don’t smoke, I used to indulge in it, but I gave up this habit long ago. More precisely, there was no dependence, so I didn’t even have to force myself too much.

Once a year, I undergo a scheduled check-up by a doctor, the so-called chek-up. Since I am on the board of trustees of the Vera hospice fund, which works with cancer patients, I have a fad in this regard. It would be possible – to set up special mobile cancer diagnostic centers throughout Russia so that people can quickly check important internal organs. It’s one thing to schedule a comprehensive examination, which takes time and money, and another thing to quickly check up with friends. It works. At the Alfa future people music festival in Novgorod, the organizers installed such mobile points. People came to dance and have fun. And checked at the same time. There were several cases of detection. I was very shocked by this fact.

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