Tartar – causes, symptoms, prevention. How to remove tartar?

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Tartar is a mineralized form of plaque that settles on your teeth just hours after you wash them. The stone consists of protein, plaque, carious bacteria, food remains. Removal of tartar takes place in dentists’ offices and the treatment should be repeated regularly.

What is tartar?

Tartar is a mineralized plaque that is characterized by the presence of plaque on the teeth just a few hours after washing. The plaque is quite soft, so we can easily remove it. Once the deposit has mineralized and becomes hard, neither the toothbrush nor the mouthwash can help. Tartar consists of: protein, caries bacteria, plaque, exfoliated epithelial cells, calcium compounds, phosphorus and food debris.

In order to remove tartar, you should go to a dentist who will perform scaling or sandblasting (it depends on how much tartar you have on your teeth). The treatment should be repeated regularly.

See also: Professional tooth cleaning

How is tartar formed?

The plaque on the teeth mineralizes, becomes harder and turns into tartar. Initially, the unremoved plaque has a darker border around the gums (this is called supragingival calculus). However, a tartar located under the gums is much more dangerous because it can cause inflammation. Tartar under the gums causes blood to appear when brushing your teeth or eating, which is also accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth (tartar can cause pockets or small holes in the area between the teeth and gums, where food and bacteria can accumulate, resulting in unpleasant smell).

Over time, the roots of the teeth begin to be exposed, and patients feel hypersensitive to sweet and cold or warm temperatures. As a consequence, periodontitis occurswhich, if ignored, may result in tooth loss.

To prevent plaque build-up, you should regularly take care of your oral hygiene and use SeptOral Med Mouthwash after dental procedures, which you can buy on Medonet Market at a promotional price.

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The causes of tartar

Soft plaque turns into tartar due to the composition of the saliva. The mineral salts it contains react with the plaque, which in turn leads to its mineralization. Tartar occurs in every person, and the time in which it forms is an individual matter. It is important what foods we eat, because eating carbohydrates or dairy products thickens the saliva and thus promotes the build-up of calculus.

also Smoking cigarettes contributes to the formation of tartar (harmful chemicals in tobacco products and cigarette smoke promote the formation of plaque, which can lead to increased amounts of tartar). Large amounts of alcohol in quick succession also stimulates the bacteria to build up plaque. Alcohol, like soda, contains sugars that feed on bacteria and damage the enamel. With excessive drinking, the enamel does not have time to repair, plaque is not removed, and bacteria can produce more of it, leading to tartar build-up.

Check it out: Dental hygienization – what is it and when to decide on it?

If you want to minimize plaque build-up on your teeth, you shouldn’t forget to brush your teeth regularly. For this reason, we recommend the Sylveco fluoride-free natural toothpaste available at Medonet Market. See also the Vitamma Vivo sonic toothbrush, which facilitates the care of teeth prone to tartar formation.

Tartar – symptoms

If you see a white or yellowish plaque between your teeth that cannot be removed by brushing or flossing, it is likely that tartar, a mineralized mixture of saliva glycoproteins and bacteria, that accumulates and hardens, has deposited on your teeth. The changed plaque facilitates the adhesion of further cariogenic bacteria.

Tartar depositing at the gingival and subgingival boundary is irritating and may cause gingivitis and periodontitis. In addition, the dark plaque on the teeth simply looks unsightly.

Also read: Sandblasting and the teeth whitening effect, or how to effectively remove discoloration

Tartar – removal

It is impossible to remove tartar by yourself, because it sticks permanently to the tooth plate. One of the methods of tartar removal is scaling, that is, breaking up the air raid with ultrasounds. The head of a special device is applied to the tooth and the tartar is removed from the tooth and rinsed. The next treatment is sandblasting, which is used to remove discoloration and even out the tile.

There are two types of scaling:

  1. supragingival scaling – it is a surgical method that removes calculus from the dental crowns. Usually, this method uses ultrasound – the tip of the scaler is placed on the places where the stone is located. Ultrasound, together with water, hits the plaque and causes it to break, and then detach from the tooth shaft. At the end of the procedure, the patient’s teeth are polished and protected against the recurrence of tartar;
  2. subgingival scaling – is a method that removes calculus located below the gum line, and even in the root of the tooth. For subgingival scaling, an ultrasonic scaler and a curette are used, which, thanks to the appropriate curvature, gives access to every cavity in the oral cavity. After removing the tartar, the dentist polishes the patient’s teeth so that the tartar will not re-settle as quickly. The method only slightly interferes with the tooth tissues, therefore it is completely safe.

In order to remove tartar on an ongoing basis, use the Perlax Antibacterial Toothpaste with activated carbon for discoloration and plaque.

The following are contraindications for scaling:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. having a pacemaker;
  3. detachment of the retina of the eye (after an injury).

The other methods of tartar removal used in dental offices include:

  1. traditional method – tartar is removed using the so-called sickles, hoes and files. This method is time-consuming and usually inaccurate (it is only performed in certain cases);
  2. sound method – tartar is removed using sound waves (6-8 kHz);
  3. ultrasonic method – an ultrasonic scaler is used to remove scale;
  4. laser method – in this case, a laser scaler is used;
  5. chemical method – the dentist applies a 30% solution of perhydrol to the surface of the tooth and allows it to dissolve the stone. Finally, the dissolved limescale residue is rinsed off with pressurized water.

The use of appropriate toothpaste will be helpful in removing tartar. We recommend ApaCare Zahncreme Remineralizing Toothpaste with Hydroxyapatite, available at a promotional price on the Medonet Market.

How often should you undergo tartar removal?

Depending on individual predispositions, the tartar removal procedure should be submitted once or twice a year. People who consume large amounts of coffee and tea, as well as smokers, may require treatment every three months. On the other hand, in the case of people struggling with periodontal diseases and people wearing braces, tartar removal procedures may be even more frequent and this is due to their problems with thorough tooth brushing (especially cleaning hard-to-reach places).

Find out more: Periodontal disease – insidious tooth destroyer

Does tartar removal hurt?

The tartar removal procedure does not hurt, but it should be said that the procedure may cause discomfort due to the fact that the procedure is performed in the sensitive area of ​​the tooth, right next to the gum and around the tooth’s neck. In addition, the procedure may be unpleasant for people struggling with tooth sensitivity problems or severe inflammation of the gums. In such cases, local anesthesia may be used.

Influence of tartar on teeth

Tartar is bad for the teeth and gums because it demineralises them. There are many bacteria in plaque that acidifies the environment in the mouth, and acids in turn destroy the enamel of the teeth causing tooth decay. Tartar leads to periodontitis, but genetic factors are also needed.

In addition, tartar is the cause of gingivitis – they lose their natural pink color and turn red, there is swelling and bleeding, e.g. when brushing your teeth. Gingivitis turns into periodontitis. In the case of an advanced stage of periodontitis (periodontitis), the teeth become loose, which may result in their falling out.

Also read: How does oral hygiene affect our health and well-being?

Tartar – prevention

Tartar formation cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be reduced. The basic rule is to brush your teeth thoroughly every day, use dental floss and use appropriate toothpastes. You should brush your teeth daily for at least 2-3 minutes, while cleaning them with other accessories should take about ten minutes. We recommend, for example, Georganics Natural Dental Floss with Activated Carbon, which you can find at Medonet Market.

If you are prone to the rapid formation of tartar, choose toothpastes that contain chlorhexadine (a compound that destroys the structure of tartar). Instead of a regular toothbrush, invest in an electric one that cleans more thoroughly. If you suffer from periodontitis or other gum diseases – an ultrasonic toothbrush will be suitable.

Oral care is not only about brushing your teeth, but also your tongue! There are many bacteria on the tongue as well as on the teeth, and a coating on the tongue often causes bad breath. If you do not have a special tongue scraper in your dental accessories, use a toothbrush, but not the one you use every day.

We especially recommend sonic brushes available on Medonet Market at attractive prices.

And the last rule – finish brushing your teeth by rinsing the mouth, preferably with anti-caries and bactericidal fluids, which protect the teeth against the formation of tartar. A good way is to rinse the mouth before brushing the teeth, then the plaque is fluffed out, making it easier to remove. If you do not have a specialized liquid, you can use chamomile or sage infusion. You should rinse the mouth with this infusion for about 3-4 minutes.

It is also a good idea to use an irrigator for rinsing the mouth. It is a device that uses pressurized water jets to thoroughly clean the space between the teeth of food residues and sediment. It reaches the hard-to-reach corners of the mouth. The advantage of using the irrigator is also the possibility of massaging the gums thanks to the use of low pressure. This strengthens the gums so they stop bleeding.

In the prevention of tartar, it is also worth considering what food we eat. Bacteria in your mouth feed on starchy and sugar-rich foods, so reducing these stickiness and producing harmful acids that cause plaque build-up. There are also products that actually reduce plaque build-up and thus prevent the formation of tartar. Foods and drinks rich in polyphenols inhibit the bacteria’s ability to produce acids that damage tooth enamel and cause plaque. Some examples of polyphenol-rich foods and drinks are dark chocolate, star anise, cloves, red wine, cranberry juice, and green tea.

When considering how to prevent tartar build-up, olive oil is also worth looking at. Olive oil can coat the teeth with a layer of fat, creating a protective film that prevents plaque formation. In addition, xylitol-sweetened gum or candies can reduce tartar build-up before it occurs. Xylitol is an alternative to sugar, which bacteria in the mouth cannot feed on, so they starve to death. This prevents the formation of plaque, the formation of tartar and caries.

Tartar – home remedies for removal

In principle, the removal of tartar by home methods is mainly based on preventing its formation. In addition to thorough and very careful brushing of the teeth and the entire mouth (the bacterial plaque that is responsible for the formation of calculus builds up not only on the outside and inside of the teeth, but also in the spaces between them, on the tongue and inside the cheeks), there are certain home remedies to prevent the formation of tartar. For this purpose, products available in every home are used.

Instead of the classic toothpaste, you can put a few drops of apple cider vinegar on the toothbrush and wipe your teeth once a week. Apple cider vinegar has anti-caries properties, protects the teeth against tartar deposits, and additionally disinfects and protects the gums against numerous diseases.

It is also possible make your own toothpaste from brewer’s yeast or baking soda and coconut oil. In the first case, take one tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, add half a teaspoon of salt and a small amount of water to get the consistency of a paste. You should brush your teeth with the resulting paste (alternating with regular paste) for at least a week, twice a day. Thanks to brewer’s yeast, an unfavorable environment for bacteria development is created in our mouth (they cannot multiply and settle on the surface of the teeth). If salt is added to them, the toothpaste can combat tartar.

In the second case, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of coke oil (you can also add a few drops of essential oil, e.g. mint, for taste). You should brush your teeth with this paste for one week, once a day. Baking soda along with coconut oil creates an effective antibacterial agent that destroys bacteria, removes food debris in the mouth and whitens teeth.

Toothpaste can also be made using activated charcoal (activated). One capsule of activated charcoal should be dissolved in 30 ml of water, then put on the toothbrush and brush the teeth. It is important to leave the foam on the teeth for about 3 to 5 minutes and then rinse with water. This is how you should brush your teeth three times a week. Activated charcoal removes bacteria in the mouth and can help fight tartar.

Sesame seeds can be used to combat tartar and can act as an effective tooth scrub. Chew the seeds and then brush your teeth without toothpaste, with the seeds still in your mouth. After five minutes, gargle and spit the seeds out of your mouth. To get rid of tartar, you can also use orange peels and rub them on the surface of your teeth for about two minutes. Oranges contain citric acid, which is often used as a whitening agent in toothpaste. It is also one of the home ways to keep your teeth looking white and clean.

Another way is to use aloe vera, as it can whiten your teeth and effectively remove tartar. To do this, mix one teaspoon of aloe vera gel with four teaspoons of glycerin, five tablespoons of baking soda and one glass of water, and then brush your teeth with the mixture. This method should be used for a few days until the teeth are whiter and cleaner.

By using these methods, the formation of calculus on the teeth will be limited. However, it should be borne in mind that the suggestions described here are not able to help in the case of the advanced stage of calculus. In such a situation, it will be necessary to visit the dentist. You should also not forget about regular check-ups, thanks to which the doctor will assess the condition of our teeth and, if necessary, provide appropriate treatment.

It is also worth noting that home remedies can irritate the gums and weaken the teeth.

Worth knowing: What to look for when choosing toothpaste and mouthwash?

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