Tarragon – healing properties, use in the kitchen

Tarragon is known as the snake herb because it was used to treat snake bite wounds. The title of the king among spices is due to the fact that it is one of the spices most appreciated by European chefs. Tarragon is also used in medicine because it has healing properties. Interestingly, the plant can be grown at home in a pot or in your own garden. What else can tarragon be used for?

What characterizes the “king of spices”?

It is an aromatic herb with a spicy aroma and a slightly bitter taste. In the past, it was particularly famous and popular in the colorful and rich Arabic cuisine. Today it is the most popular in French cuisine, although more and more often it is introduced into Polish cuisine, where it makes our dishes more attractive. The “serpent herb” is dominant among other herbs because of its intense, clear and specific nature. If you do not want the food to taste too bitter, add the seasoning at the very end of cooking.

Tarragon is a herb that is grown in many countries of the world. It comes from the Caspian Sea region and Siberia. It is a perennial, aromatic perennial. It has a tall and hard stem that can reach a height of two meters. The flowers are yellow or white in color. It is also worth emphasizing that the flowers are rarely fully open. The leaves are the most valuable part of this plant. They are used in various dishes and medications. The herb is not frost resistant. The plant does not require any special care, but you must remember to take care of it systematically.

You can buy dried tarragon 50g now at Medonet Market.

Healing properties of tarragon

Tarragon has various healing properties. Among other things, it supplements the deficiency of vitamin A, which in our body is responsible for the vision process and has a positive effect on the immune system, which strengthens our immunity. Tarragon also combats lack of appetite, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Importantly, it also reduces cholesterol, and additionally contains organic acids and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. It is worth knowing that in the past it was used as a medicine for epilepsy, migraine and diabetes. People who suffer from hypertension should add tarragon to the dishes.

Which dishes do tarragon work best with?

Tarragon leaves are added to fermenting cabbage or cucumbers. Adding a fresh twig of the plant enhances the vinegar flavor in particular. It can also be added to mustard, mayonnaise, cream sauces and French dressings. Tarragon facilitates digestion, so it can be used to enrich hard-to-digest dishes. The herb complements the taste of all fish dishes, chicken, pork, lamb, mushrooms, potatoes, and goes well with tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and asparagus. Nothing prevents it from being an addition to omelettes, poached eggs or seafood. It can also be added to the popular vegetable salad.

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