
The first thing that comes to mind when the word “tarragon” is an emerald sweet drink, which was at the peak of popularity in Soviet times. But tarragon, also known as tarragon and also known as tarragon, is a perennial herb that is used as a spice.

Tarragon pairs well with lean fish and almost all crustaceans. The spice is added at the very beginning of cooking, so that the tarragon has time to give the entire flavor and aroma palette to the dish. A fresh plant is distinguished by a delicate perfume aroma, which creates a completely new concept of the dish, which attracts the attention of not only culinary specialists, but also the townsfolk.

What you need to know about tarragon, how to use the spice and make a nostalgic drink in a modern role?

General characteristics

Tarragon wormwood is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the genus wormwood of the Asteraceae family. The plant is used in the gastronomic industry: added to pickles and preservation, seasoning meat / fish dishes, preparing soft drinks and sweet desserts. The wild form of tarragon grows in China, Mongolia, Pakistan, India, Central Asia, Eastern Europe and some parts of North America, Canada, Alaska. A perennial plant is cultivated everywhere. Tarragon prefers dry steppe slopes, pebbles (sedimentary rock, which consists of pebbles and more massive stones), less often – fields.

Botanical description

Tarragona has a woody rhizome. The stems are few, reach from 40 to 150 centimeters in length. The stem is erect, glabrous, painted in a yellowish-brown hue. Stem leaves develop whole, oblong or linear-lanceolate. The leaves are pointed, the lower leaves, which form at the top of the tarragon, are incised.

The flowers are painted in a pale yellow tint. The inflorescences are miniature, narrow and dense. Each inflorescence is wrapped with an additional layer of greenish-yellow tissue. The fruits are collected in oblong achenes, but do not form a tuft. The flowering period falls on August and lasts until September. Residual ripening of fruits occurs by mid-October.

Features of vegetable raw materials

The aerial part of tarragon contains up to 15% carotene, from 0,1 to 0,4% essential oil, 0,19% ascorbic acid, coumarins, alkaloids and flavonoids. Traces of alkaloids in the minimum concentration were found in the roots.

It is the rich composition of the plant that generates demand. Tarragon wormwood not only enhances the taste of gastronomic delights, but also promotes the formation of gastric juice, improves appetite, harmonizes the function of the endocrine glands (including the gonads). Modern research considers tarragon as a carotene-containing plant and focuses on the study of this particular component in the composition.

To get high-quality tarragon, while retaining its beneficial properties, the crop is harvested at the very beginning of the flowering of the plant. The collected greens are tied into large bundles, after which they are placed under a canopy for drying. The plant is affected by temperature differences and other external factors. Tarragon is dried, but at the same time retains vitamin and nutrient properties.

The meaning and use of the plant

Tarragon has a slightly spicy aroma and a spicy taste. The plant is dried or interrupted into a liquid mass, after which it is used in the gastronomic industry. Fresh tarragon is added to marinades, preserves, sauerkraut, soaked apples or pears.

Tarragon goes well with:

  • boiled fish;
  • rice;
  • thick sauces;
  • fried game;
  • lamb;
  • vegetables;
  • oil;
  • sweets.

The famous Tarragon drink is made from fresh tarragon, used to flavor wines and strong alcoholic beverages. The most popular way to combine spices with alcohol is as follows: a few sprigs of dried or fresh tarragon are thrown into a bottle of alcohol, then insisted for several weeks or days. The taste of the drink will differ depending on the quantity, quality, method of processing the plant and the aging period.

The plant gained particular popularity in France. There, the aerial part of the wormwood is combined with fragrant vinegar, and the resulting mixture is seasoned with salted fish. This delicacy is considered one of the most important gastronomic attractions of France. The plant fell in love not only with people, but also with cattle. Tarragon is a forage plant that is combined with hay / silage / other crops and included in the diet of pets.

A few decades ago in Germany, meat bran and game were rubbed with tarragon. A sharp, pronounced aroma helped repel flies.

But tarragon wormwood is used not only in the culinary industry. Alternative medicine considers tarragon the best remedy for helminths, edema and scurvy. For medicinal manipulations, mainly the aerial part of the plant is used, since it is in it that all the useful composition is concentrated. Tarragon extracts are used in cosmetology. The component takes care of sensitive facial skin, nourishes the cells with moisture and slows down the process of early aging.

The use of the component in the beauty industry

Tarragon has lost ground in the beauty industry and has been supplanted by other more popular herbs. Finding a quality cream with natural tarragon extract is very difficult. Most often, these come across in special pharmacy lines.

The main advantage of tarragon is zinc. This magical trace element is a real find for the inner and outer beauty of a person. It is necessary for the growth and harmonious functioning of the immune system, protein synthesis, maintenance of metabolic processes and cell development.

About 5 thousand years ago in ancient China, zinc was mined from pearls. Crushed pearls were used to whiten and moisturize the skin of the face. Useful pearl powder became the basis for shadows, lipsticks and blush, which were estimated at fabulous money.

Zinc also takes part in the formation and strengthening of the skeletal system, promotes rapid tissue regeneration, and is involved in the regulation of sugar-insulin metabolism. The component protects the scalp from excessive dryness, prevents baldness and hair loss.

The daily dose of zinc for an adult is 8 to 15 milligrams.

The lack of zinc in the human body is fraught with:

  • growth retardation in childhood and adolescence;
  • the formation of white spots on the nail plate, brittle nails;
  • violation of the process of tissue regeneration;
  • the appearance or exacerbation of acne;
  • focal hair loss;
  • loss of appetite, sense of smell and taste even from favorite foods;
  • frequent infections, a decrease in the protective function of immunity;
  • impaired absorption of vitamins E, C and A;
  • an increase in the level of “bad” cholesterol.

The chemical composition of dried tarragon

Nutritional value (per 100 grams)
Caloric value295 kCal
Proteins22,77 g
Fats7,24 g
Carbohydrates42,82 g
Alimentary fiber7,4 g
Alcohol0 g
Cholesterol0 g
Ash12,3 g
Water7,74 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams per 100 grams)
Retinol (A)0,21
Ascorbic acid (C)50
Thiamine (V1)0,25
Riboflavin (V2)1,34
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0
Pyridoxine (V6)2,41
Folic acid (B9)0,274
Nicotinic acid (PP)8,95
Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams)
Potassium (K)3020
Calcium (Ca)1139
Magnesium (Mg)347
Sodium (Na)62
Phosphorus (P)313
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)32,3
Manganese (Mn)7,97
Copper (Cu)0,68
Selenium (Se)0,0044
Zinc (Zn)3,9

What you need to know about the drink “Tarragon”

“Tarhun” is a sweet non-alcoholic carbonated drink. Its distinguishing feature is the rich emerald color of the liquid. The traditional recipe for Tarragon includes the following ingredients:

  • filtered water;
  • lemon acid;
  • sugar;
  • tarragon extract (it was from this component that the name of the drink was formed).

Tarragon was invented back in 1887 by an entrepreneur from Tbilisi, Mitrofan Varlamovich Lagidze. It was he who came up with the idea to combine carbonated water and sweet natural syrup. He prepared syrups on his own, later he created the world-famous line of soft drinks “Lagidze Waters”. Prior to the outbreak of the First World War, Lagidze received several gold medals at international exhibitions and, more importantly, recognition and love from the consumer.

In the USSR, Lagidze Waters went on mass sale in 1981. The first experimental batch was sold on the territory of the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The drink was poured into a standard container with a capacity of 0,33 liters. After the first success and recognition among Soviet citizens, the drink recipe was transferred to food industry enterprises. Since 1983, Tarragon began to be officially sold in all the Union republics.

Now the popularity of the drink has fallen sharply, as excessive amounts of sugar, preservatives and E-dyes were found in its composition. The real Tarragon from organic tarragon extract is now produced in yellow, but all in the same green container with a capacity of 0,33 liters. The transparent yellow color of the drink indicates that there are no color impurities and dyes in the composition. To meet the expectations of the buyer and return a nostalgic touch to marketing, manufacturers have retained the emerald color of the packaging.

Potential harm of sugary drink

Emerald shiny bottle stuffed with harmful food additives. They form empty calories, provoke sharp jumps in insulin in the blood, lead to the development of diabetes, obesity and nutritional abnormalities. Frequent consumption of sugary carbonated drinks disrupts the acid-base balance in the oral cavity and literally corrodes tooth enamel. The more sugar and preservatives, the more damage will be done.

A number of specific acids are added to many sugary carbonated drinks. They wash calcium out of the skeletal system and interfere with the absorption of new nutrients. By the way, soda bubbles help acids to be evenly distributed throughout the body. Thus, the entire bone skeleton is exposed to the harmful effects of acid.

The most banal consequence of drinking soda is cellulite. Artificial sweeteners, which are contained in drinks, decompose into carcinogens after ingestion. It is these carcinogens that provoke the development of the hated orange peel.

But the list of harmful properties of artificial sweeteners is not limited to skin irregularities. Abuse of soda can lead to a violation of the body’s natural ability to respond to glucose. Why is that bad? The response to glucose is directly related to the work of metabolism. Such a violation will lead to a whole chain of digestive problems, extra pounds and, of course, health problems.

Sweeteners do not suppress the craving for sweets, but, on the contrary, double it. Also, sweet sodas are not suitable for quenching thirst, as they can cause an ambiguous reaction in the body. The need for liquid will not decrease, but malaise and headache may well become companions of a sweet liquid.

What to do? Forever refuse to buy sweet soda in the store. Look for an independent entrepreneur who makes organic drinks based on natural products or cook your favorite Tarragon in your home kitchen.

Homemade tarragon recipe

We need:

  • filtered water – 200 milliliters;
  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup (can be replaced with your favorite sweetener) – 50 milliliters;
  • fresh tarragon leaves – 100 grams;
  • carbonated mineral water.


Add Jerusalem artichoke syrup/other sweetener to filtered water and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. At this time, grind the tarragon leaves in a blender (or cut with a knife and mash in a mortar). Add the resulting mixture to the hot syrup, mix thoroughly, remove from heat. Carefully strain the syrup, pour into a convenient container and refrigerate.

To prepare the drink, follow the instructions: pour 2-3 tablespoons of tarragon syrup into a glass and fill them with cool sparkling water. Focus on your own taste: add ice, an extra spoon of syrup, honey, agave syrup, Jerusalem artichoke, lemon, whatever you like and taste.

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