Tar soap

Tar soap

A birch is a tree whose gifts a person has long learned to use to his advantage. The beneficial qualities of birch sap and birch buds are known, but even the bark of this tree is in the service of beauty and health in people. In addition to the fact that paper is made from it, tar is also obtained from the bark. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, as this product has a wide range of useful qualities. Among them, one can note the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, effect. Birch tar is added to various cosmetics: shampoos, soaps, creams.

Regular use of tar soap helps to rid the skin of acne, promotes the resorption of psoriatic plaques, and also helps fight various skin diseases.

Features of tar soap

It is a mistake to assume that tar soap is 100% tar. This substance in it is no more than 10%, and the remaining 90% is soap. However, even these 10% are enough to feel the antibacterial, drying, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. This is possible due to the fact that tar soap contains phenol and alkali derivatives, which effectively fight bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Tar soap is a low cost product. However, its price does not affect the effectiveness of this cosmetic product.

The benefits of tar soap

Tar soap

The benefits of tar soap are so great that it is quite difficult to underestimate it. Tar soap can be used to treat not only skin, but also hair.

It has been successfully used to solve the following problems:

  • Scalp treatment. Tar soap is subject to such diseases as: oily and dry seborrhea, rashes of an allergic nature, psoriasis of the scalp. It will not be possible to completely get rid of psoriasis with tar soap, however, thanks to it, the symptoms of this dermatological disease can be significantly reduced.

  • Pediculosis treatment. With the help of tar soap, you can get rid of lice. It will take a lot of time to solve this problem if you use tar soap as an antiparasitic agent. However, the advantage of its use comes down to the absolute safety of the product for children and adults.

  • Get rid of acne and blackheads on the face. Tar soap is great for people with oily skin. It well narrows pores, eliminates greasy shine, has a disinfecting effect and prevents the appearance of acne.

  • Treatment of dermatological diseases. Tar soap gives a pronounced regenerating effect, so it is widely used for skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis. The use of tar soap helps to increase blood flow to the treated areas.

  • Treatment of thrush. Tar soap is used as an aid in vaginal candidiasis. In addition, it can be used for intimate hygiene, as the product has an antibacterial, antimycotic and antiviral effect.

  • Prevention and treatment of foot fungus. To this end, it is necessary to wash your feet with tar soap as often as possible. It is good to leave the foam on the problem area for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. This is a very effective procedure to get rid of foot fungus.

  • Flu prevention. It has been established that tar soap is no less effective in fighting influenza strains than oxolinic ointment. Therefore, to prevent a viral infection, it is necessary to soap your finger and lubricate the nasal passages with it. You should do this procedure every time before visiting public places.

Is there any harm from tar soap?

Tar soap, especially if used improperly, can be harmful. Its main disadvantage is that it greatly dries the skin. Therefore, people with dry and sensitive dermis should stop using it. If, nevertheless, it was decided to use tar soap, then you should definitely soften and moisturize the skin with fatty creams.

Another disadvantage of tar soap is its pungent smell. Although, in order to achieve the set goals, this feature can be reconciled.

Features of the use of tar soap

Tar soap is only suitable as an external agent. It is widely used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. However, soap should not be used too often. It is not recommended to apply soap to the skin more than 1-2 times a day.

Frequency of use of tar soap

Tar soap

You can use tar soap for the following procedures:

  • Washing head;

  • Performing intimate hygiene;

  • Washing the face and body;

  • Prevention of various dermatological diseases.

Before applying soap to the skin or hair, it must be well lathered. You can use a washcloth to wash your body. The face is washed with hands or with a special brush. Soap foam should be applied to the hair and scalp for several minutes.

As for the frequency of using tar soap, it depends on the type of human skin and on the part of the body to which it is applied:

  • Twice a day, you can wash your face with soap and tar for oily skin types.

  • No more than 3 times a week use soap for combination skin.

  • No more than 3-4 times a month, soap should be used for dry skin.

  • No more than 3 times a week, with the help of tar soap, intimate hygiene is carried out.

  • Hair is washed with foam from tar soap as needed. It is not applied to the entire length of the hair, but only to the scalp and roots.

The benefits of tar soap for the scalp

Tar soap

With the help of tar soap, you can get rid of dandruff, relieve skin itching. It is good to use this cosmetic product for people with oily scalp, as it has a drying effect. In addition, the hair begins to grow stronger, their loss decreases, they become stronger and healthier.

Many women are afraid to use tar soap because of its unpleasant smell. However, it wears off very quickly. To speed up this process, you can use special masks or balms with perfumes.

Warm water should be used to wash your hair. Well, if it is soft. This can be achieved by adding ordinary soda to tap water. Before applying soap to the hair, it must be whipped into foam. Do not rub the foam into the hair shaft itself. It is enough to apply it only to the roots.

Often after washing the hair, the hair loses its shine and is difficult to comb. To avoid this, you need to rinse them with herbal decoction, lemon juice or water with the addition of acetic acid.

Do not expect that after applying tar soap, the hair will gain density and strength. For the appearance of a positive effect, it may take at least a month of its regular use. Sometimes women, after a month of using tar soap, refuse shampoos and completely switch to this remedy.

Getting rid of lice with tar soap

Tar soap

Since ancient times, tar has been used to get rid of parasites. Its popularity is due to the safety of this remedy for human health. But tar soap has little effectiveness in the treatment of pediculosis. To get rid of lice with its use, it will take a lot of effort.

To remove parasites, it is most convenient to use soap in liquid form.

Here are two aspen recipes:

  • Apply tar soap to wet hair, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. After the procedure, you need to carefully comb the hair with a fine comb.

  • The second option: thoroughly lather wet hair and leave the foam for an hour, after wrapping your head with plastic wrap and a towel. After an hour, wash off the soap and comb out the hair with a comb.

Tar soap can be used to treat and prevent fleas in pets.

Acne treatment with tar soap

Tar soap

With the help of tar soap, you can quickly get rid of acne. The fact is that tar has an antibacterial, absorbable and disinfectant effect. Therefore, it is widely used to get rid of acne, pimples and other purulent rashes on the skin.

If acne is observed only on a limited area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe body or face, then it is worth lathering only them, without affecting the healthy dermis. After the soap is washed off, it is necessary to treat the skin with lotion and apply a moisturizer to it. Do not use alcohol-containing lotions to treat the dermis, as this will increase dryness.

To get rid of acne, you will need regular use of tar soap for 14-30 days, and sometimes less. As soon as the rashes on the face pass, you should stop using tar soap so often. For preventive purposes, you can apply it on the skin of the face once every two weeks.

Do not use peelings during treatment with tar soap. This applies to any masks, scrubs, chemical and mechanical peels. If after a while even slight rashes reappear on the face, it is necessary to start using tar soap again. This will prevent acne from affecting large areas of the skin.

For facial skin care, it is convenient to use liquid rather than bar soap. At the same time, the form of release of the product does not affect its properties in any way.

Face mask with tar soap

Tar soap

It is very good to use a mask with tar soap for those people whose skin is abundantly covered with acne.

The rules for the procedure are as follows:

  • It is good to lather your hands until a rich foam forms on them.

  • Gently apply foam to face.

  • Leave for a while until the foam begins to dry.

  • When a feeling of tightness appears, the foam must be washed off.

  • First, the face is rinsed with warm, and then cool water.

  • The final stage of the procedure is moisturizing the skin of the face with a fat cream.

After such a mask, the skin will become taut, smooth and tender.

Point compress of tar soap for the treatment of acne and acne

Tar soap

Soap must be carefully scraped with a fingernail and the resulting crumb applied to the pimple. A little foam is applied on top of the dry soap. This compress should be left overnight. In the morning it will be possible to evaluate the results: the pimple will become much smaller.

It is good to do such a compress twice a day. If there is a feeling of dry skin, then you can use moisturizers.

How to make tar soap yourself

Tar soap

Since tar soap has a wide range of useful qualities, it is good to always have it on hand. Soap can be purchased at any home improvement store. Its price varies from 15 to 30 rubles.

However, you can cook such a useful product yourself.

This will require the following components:

  • Birch tar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy;

  • Baby or laundry soap;

  • Large grater and a tablespoon;

  • Utensils for preparing a water bath;

  • Soap mold.

Stages of making tar soap:

Tar soap

  • Grate soap (children’s or laundry).

  • Put the soap in a water bath to warm up.

  • It is important to ensure that the water does not boil. When the soap begins to melt, you need to add a little water to it. The resulting mixture should be continuously stirred.

  • When the composition becomes sticky, tar must be added to it. One bar of soap will require 2 tbsp. fly in the ointment.

  • All components must be thoroughly mixed.

  • When the mixture becomes a uniform color, the soap must be removed from the heat, cooled to 50 ° C and poured into molds.

If the soap will cool at room temperature, then you should not cover it with anything. When the soap is taken out to fresh air to eliminate the smell, cover the molds with a film or cloth.

The shelf life of this soap is 2 years. It is best to store it by wrapping it in paper. Homemade soap lathers just as well as a store-bought soap and won’t dry out your skin as much.

It should be understood that tar soap solves only cosmetic problems, that is, it acts locally. Systemic therapy is often required for the treatment of skin diseases, for which it is necessary to seek medical advice.

Although the modern cosmetic market offers a lot of skin care products, tar soap remains a popular product. And it’s not just about its price, tar soap really works. Therefore, millions of men and women use it for medicinal, cosmetic and health purposes.

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