Tapioca – a gluten-free and hypoallergenic substitute for traditional flour

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Tapioca is a flour that is made from a plant native to South and Central America – cassava. In Poland, its popularity is only growing, thanks to the large amount of valuable ingredients. What should we know about tapioca? How to prepare a dessert with tapioca balls? We check how many calories the tapioca has.

Tapioca is made from cassava, an exotic plant from the spine family. Cassava (tapioca) starch is made by grinding the cassava tuber to form flour, pearls, or flakes.

It should be remembered that cassava tubers can only be eaten after cooking, because the manihotoxin glycoside they contain is poisonous (easily converted into prussic acid). Tapioca may also undergo a drying process.

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Tapioca is a starch product that is most often used to thicken mousses, sauces, jellies, puddings, as well as to make bubble tea, and is also used as a replacement for traditional flour.

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Tapioca is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. Includes, among others:

  1. vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  2. vitamin B2;
  3. vitamin B6;
  4. vitamin C;
  5. vitamin PP;
  6. zinc;
  7. phosphorus;
  8. magnesium;
  9. potassium;
  10. calcium;
  11. iron.

100 g of raw tapioca has about 358 calories. During cooking, tapioca increases in volume by absorbing water. 100 g of cooked tapioca is only 159 calories.

Tapioca – properties of resistant starch

Tapioca is hypoallergenic and contains easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates. It is also gluten-free, making tapioca the perfect choice for people with gluten intolerance (celiac disease).

Worth knowing

Fermentation-resistant starch produces short-chain fatty acids which are food for the good bacteria in the human body. In this way, it improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Resistant starch also has a positive effect on the regulation of blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity, which is why it is recommended for people with type 2 diabetes. Consuming tapioca improves the production of glucosamine, thanks to which it improves the functioning of the joints, and also relieves degenerative pain.

Tapioca and digestive problems

Due to the fact that tapioca contains resistant starch, it is recommended for people struggling with digestive problems:

  1. stomach ulcers;
  2. ulcerative colitis;
  3. Crohn’s disease.

Tapioca can also be given to people who have undergone surgery.

Due to its health-promoting properties, tapioca can be given to children. It can successfully replace groats or pasta. For this reason, it can be fed to the broth.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the vitamin K contained in the tapioca has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body, including the brain.

To encourage children to eat the tubers, add tapioca balls to the fruit juice.

Tapioca should be cooked in milk or water over low heat. When the tapioca turns into little gel balls, it is ready to eat.

Cassava tuber contains approx. 30-40% starch, 5% sugar and 2% protein. If we decide to process cassava tubers ourselves, and not buy ready-made products, we must pay attention to its thorough preparation.

Due to the presence of the glycoside manihotoxin, raw tubers must be thoroughly washed and heat treated (roasted or boiled) before consumption. Thanks to this treatment, the poisonous properties will disintegrate.

Very important!

It is important to remember that it is forbidden to eat cassava raw.

A 500 g packet of tapioca costs about PLN 10. Cassava starch can be purchased from most health food stores. It is also increasingly found in the assortment of supermarkets. You can also find it on Medonet Market: Tapioca in granules VIVIO.

In this case, however, it is worth remembering that it may be a low-quality product, so it is worth checking the country of origin on the label on the back of the packaging. Tapioca can also be purchased in online stores.

Tapioca is best poured into a tightly closed jar or container. Dry tapioca can be stored like this for at least two years, but it is worth reaching for it much more often due to the health-promoting properties of tapioca.

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When combined with milk, coconut milk or water, tapioca pearls have a similar application to chia seeds. Tapioca creates a thick, gel-like mass that is perfect for creating healthy desserts.

To prepare a tapioca dessert, we will need cane sugar (xylitol can be its substitute), coconut milk, a pinch of salt and vanilla extract. Tapioca balls should be poured with milk and set aside for at least two hours in the refrigerator. Then add the cane sugar, salt and vanilla extract.

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The cold drink should be simmered until the balls are soft and transparent. For dessert with tapioca balls, a mousse is also prepared based on fresh or frozen fruit.

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