Taping and other radical anti-wrinkle treatments

Taping and other radical anti-wrinkle treatments

Girls are ready for anything to get eternal youth.

Now, for the sake of eternal youth, women are ready to let snails crawl over their faces and get algae seeds from under the ground. Experts talked about the most unusual ways to get rid of wrinkles, which have recently been actively used in the beauty industry.

Rejuvenation specialist, face fitness trainer.


Previously, taping was a form of physical therapy for athletes who needed to quickly restore muscles and ligaments. Now the tape, which is an elastic band-plaster, is also used in cosmetology. On the face, they create certain applications from the tape, which allows you to smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face. In addition, this procedure has a lymphatic drainage effect and helps relieve swelling.

But knowledge and practice are needed in order to correctly position the “plasters”. Otherwise, you may not achieve the desired result. There are certain applications for forehead wrinkles, nasolabial folds, crow’s feet, eyebrow lines, and so on.

Without special skills at home, you can use only ready-made tape for the forehead and glabellar wrinkles. Ideally, before the procedure, it would be good to do a relaxing massage, and then fix the “smoothed” result with tapes. This anti-wrinkle method is suitable for daily use. As a rule, “plasters” are applied to problem areas and left overnight. When an urgent effect is needed, you can stick the tape for just an hour or two. Still, taping is an additional method of dealing with age-related changes. In addition, you need to remember that you should not use it if there are any inflammatory or infectious processes on the skin.

And, of course, it is very important to choose high-quality tapes – cheap, Chinese ones can be made with formaldehyde and leave terrible burns.

 Snail therapy

The snail mucus contains many biologically active substances that have a powerful regenerating power: wrinkles are smoothed, acne scars dissolve, acne disappears. The most useful are two types of large snails, otherwise they are also called Achatina – fulica and reticulata. The popularity of snail therapy has reached the point that some girls have got mollusks at home and let them crawl over their faces. Of course, if you are not ready for such radical experiments, you can use a cream with snail mucus or visit a clinic where life-giving mucus will be gently applied to you. Some beauty salons specially breed snails for the sake of such procedures. By the way, the snail secretes a lot of mucus when it gets scared.

 Algae for rejuvenation

Among the latest beauty hits are algae seed masks. This is just a super-product for the skin of the face, it perfectly nourishes the skin and smoothes out wrinkles. By filling the seeds with a small amount of water, you quickly get a jelly-like substance that can be applied to the face, like a mask, or shaped into patches and used under the eyes. However, algae seeds are not easy to buy. If you can’t find them, you can just use kelp algae. They should be crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, soaked in water and applied to your face.

Alginate masks are still being made on the basis of algae. Alginic acid is the main component of brown and red algae. Such masks in the form of a mixture-gel are applied to the face. The gel fills in all the irregularities and then hardens. The mask helps to remove toxins, tightens pores, smoothes expression lines, and has an excellent lifting effect. After the procedure, the mask can be easily removed.

Vacuum massage

Previously, banks were used to treat colds by placing them on their backs, but now they have developed a vacuum massage that allows you to rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and remove small defects. As a rule, in the classic set for vacuum facial massage there are 4 types of jars with a diameter of 5 to 0,5 cm – each for its own area of ​​the face. There are jars for the skin around the eyes, for the forehead, for the brow wrinkles, and so on. At the place where the jar is installed, under the influence of a vacuum, blood circulation improves, the capillary network is revived, tissues and skin receive more nutrition.

Such therapy requires skills: you need to know exactly what dose of vacuum is suitable for which zone, otherwise there is a risk of stretching the skin. The safest in this regard would be a vacuum massage of the forehead and eyebrows. Vacuum massage of the entire face, as a rule, is done once a week or even less often (depending on the type of skin), work on individual wrinkles can take place more often. Like taping, vacuum massage has a number of contraindications, so it is better to consult with a specialist when choosing this method.

 Thiogamma for face

Thiogamma is a pharmacy solution for intravenous administration, which has recently been widely used as an integral part of face masks, and someone simply applies it as a tonic. The active ingredient in thiogamma is alpha lipoic acid (ALA), a popular and powerful antioxidant. ALA enhances the protective functions of the skin, restores cells, regulates the sebaceous glands, makes the skin more elastic and helps to cope with mimic and pronounced wrinkles. It is worth remembering that in its pure form, only a 1,2% solution of thiogamma is suitable for the face.

– The main reasons for the formation of wrinkles are muscle hypertonicity, dry skin, as well as loss of elasticity. When we actively work with facial expressions (especially for the forehead, eyes and lips), the muscles spasm, and the main means of fighting wrinkles in this case is to create conditions for maximum muscle relaxation. The most effective and lasting result in this regard shows botox.

Injection techniques for eliminating wrinkles, whatever one may say, have an amazing effect, which is difficult to deny yourself later. Of recent injectables in the fight against wrinkles, it has proven itself polylactic acid… These are a kind of “liquid threads” that give a noticeable smoothing and lifting effect due to the stimulation of its own collagen, which significantly improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

If there are reasons why a person cannot do Botox injections and other injection procedures, special gymnastics for the face helps in the fight against wrinkles. revitonika… This is a physiological method of facial rejuvenation. But you need to understand that the result will be visible with regular practice and only if you do everything right (this still needs to be learned). Revitonics is face gymnastics aimed precisely at relaxing the muscles.

When the muscles are relaxed, wrinkles are smoothed out.

A similar result can be achieved with the help of biomechanical stimulation… This procedure is done using a special apparatus that acts on the muscles of the face.

Face massage also rejuvenates the skin. It improves blood circulation, again relaxes the muscles. If some creams are used during the massage, then moisturizing is also a plus. Concerning vacuum massage, then it can not be recommended to everyone. It is very traumatic for blood vessels, and now many women have rosacea due to stress, smoking, improper lifestyle and nutrition. With a vascular mesh on the face, it is simply a crime to do a vacuum massage.

In conclusion, it is worth saying: in order to get rid of wrinkles for a long time, you need to regularly devote time to fighting them and combine several methods.

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