Tapas, Pinchos and Banderillas in Ribera del Duero

A whole week to taste, try and decide which is the best Tapa, Pincho or Banderilla in the Aranda de Duero region.

The event is an initiative of the Association of Hoteliers of Aranda de Duero and La Ribera del Duero (ASOHAR), and has the collaboration of various entities such as the Burgos Provincial Council, the CajaRural Cajaviva Foundation, the Association of Bodegas de the Ribera del Duero (ASEBOR), the Regulatory Council of the DO Ribera del Duero, and the Cooperativa del Lechazo de Aranda (COLEAR).

This new edition of the Regional Contest of Tapas, Pinchos and Banderillas, and it is already the fifteenth. For yet another year, the aim is to provide a boost to the hospitality sector in the slower season, and also to encourage professionals in the region’s sector to create new and appetizing bites that harmonize with the wines of the Ribera del Duero Designation of Origin.

The Contest is now the fifteenth time that it has been convened, and for the occasion 58 hospitality establishments that operate along the Ribera del Duero have joined the elaboration, each preparing two authentic “Miniature Culinary Jewels”, opting for more than a hundred of them by visitors to the sample.

The wide range of culinary elaborations will be well paired with the excellent Ribera del Duero wines, and the cost will range between 1 euros if it is not accompanied by wine, or € 30 if the set of Tapa is tasted. + Wine.

The dates of celebration of the gastronomic event will be from tomorrow, Friday, April 8 to 17,

Contest and Awards in the Ribera del Duero

The final deliberation of the contest will be given by the vote of a popular jury that will reel off its decisions as you consume any of the bites presented by the bars and restaurants of the event, in the brochure that has been published for the occasion, available in the own establishments.

For this, the preference will be assigned to the Tapa that has been liked the most in each of the categories, and the same tapa may coincide in several of them.

The Categories in which they compete are:

  • Best Hot Top,
  • Best Cold Top
  • Best Original Cover
  • Best Pairing with DO Ribera del Duero wine.

There is also a special prize for the suckling pig cover with the most votes, awarded by the Cooperativa del Lechazo de Aranda (COLEAR), regardless of their category.

For all participants who exercise their right to vote by consuming any of the contest presentations, there are different prizes consisting of lots of wines and visits to wineries, all of them courtesy of the Regulatory Council of the DO Ribera del Duero and the Wine Route. Ribera del Duero respectively.

The dates of the gastronomic event will be from tomorrow, Friday, April 8 to 17, and in order to have all the information on the participating venues and the tapas submitted to the contest, we leave you here linked the complete content on the En la Ribera website.

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