Tap Water – Is It Healthy? Can you drink it? Why is it worth it?
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It is polluted, poor in minerals, and even poisonous – tap water has been filled with many myths in Poland. As a result, according to TNS Polska, only 28% of Poles use unprocessed tap water without fear. Meanwhile, it turns out that drinking tap water is not only safe for your health. It also provides environmental and financial benefits.

Can you drink tap water?

Tap water is notorious in Poland since the communist era, when it was sent to homes in a cloudy and intensely chlorinated form. In recent years, however, the treatment systems have undergone a thorough modernization.

Thanks to this, the quality of tap water has improved dramatically. According to the Chief Sanitary Inspector Today, as many as 99,7% of homes are supplied with potable water. The fact that Polish tap water meets the requirements of the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization and even more restrictive regulations of the European Union is also convincing as to whether you can drink tap water.

Currently, we can enjoy the best quality tap water in the largest cities in Poland, incl. Tricity, Kraków, Poznań, Łódź, Warsaw, Katowice. However, residents of many smaller centers should not feel disadvantaged. The problem of external pollution in water is extremely rare – it is only 0,3%.

Tap water composition

As we learn from the Regulation of the Ministry of Health, the composition of tap water is no different from that of bottlesand is often more favorable in terms of the concentration of minerals. It includes, among others valuable for our body: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, copper and potassium. The presence of the first two elements is indicated by the scale deposited in the kettle, which is often mistakenly regarded as a sign of poor water quality.

The concentration of elements in tap water is not the same everywhere. It is no different, however, in the case of bottled water. Only a few products on the market contain a minimum of 1000 milligrams of minerals per liter, which is as much as “real” mineral water should have. And that’s not all, because, for example, the composition of tap water in Krakow and the Tri-City is even several times richer in magnesium and calcium than spring water available in stores.

Is tap water healthy?

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether tap water is healthy should not raise any doubts. Despite this, the myths about the harmfulness of tap water still live. According to one of them, drinking water contributes to the formation of kidney stones. However, no official research confirms this thesis. Doubts about the presence of chlorine in water are also unjustified. Indeed, it is often used to disinfect tap water, but in controlled amounts that are safe for health.

By choosing to drink tap water, we lose nothing, and we can gain a lot. Along with tap water, we take easily digestible elements responsible for the proper functioning of the body.

One of the most important – calcium – affects strong bones and healthy teeth. It protects muscles and joints. Supports the proper functioning of the heart. It also prevents the development of inflammation. If its level in the body is adequate, our immunity increases, we gain vitality and we enjoy well-being.

Magnesium provides no less benefits. This valuable element is well known for its effects on the nervous system. In addition, it reduces the feeling of fatigue and improves physical performance. It also takes part in regulating the body’s electrolyte balance.

Tap water to drink – why is it worth it?

Drinking tap water is also profitable for the planet. The production of one plastic bottle, often for single use, emits 0,5 kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and uses 26 liters of water. And this is just the beginning of the negative impact of the PET bottle on the environment. From the factory, it goes on a journey to water production plants. From there, it goes to stores, which is associated with further pollution and energy consumption. Finally, it often ends its life in forests, rivers, and landfills, where it decomposes for hundreds of years. Did you know that only in Poland every year as many as 3,6 billion plastic disposable bottles end up in these places? They will not disappear in our lifetime, and most likely in the next few generations.

The excuse for buying bottled water is not even a liking for sparkling water, which accounts for 50% of all bottled water sold in Poland. Using the SodaStream coffee machine, you can prepare sparkling tap water at home with your favorite level of carbonation. It can be served with a meal or taken in the included stylish Tritan (BPA-free) bottle for a walk in the woods or a picnic.

Drinking tap water and using reusable gassing bottles also brings significant savings in the household budget in the long run. 1,5 liters of tap water costs just 1,5 groszy. When choosing bottled water, you have to pay about 100 times more for the same capacity. If you assume that on average you drink 146 bottles of water per year (220 liters), in a simple bill you get at least PLN 219. By the way, you solve the problem of accumulating garbage in your home.

Find out how to replace the CO2 cylinder in the SodaStream.

Tap water – how to drink and what to watch out for?

Many people, even when they choose to drink tap water, are afraid to drink it directly. According to TNS Polska research, 18% of Poles regularly prepare and filter tap water. It may appear healthier as a result. In fact, processed drinking tap water is losing valuable minerals. Therefore, experts advise to use cooking and filtration in moderation, only when necessary. It is worth reaching for the filter, for example, when you want to get rid of the unpleasant smell of water.

The answer to the question of whether you can drink tap water is really negative only in one fairly obvious case – when the tap water has a cloudy consistency and a dirty color. Each of us probably encountered this phenomenon briefly after the sewage works. However, if the tap water remains in this condition for longer or the situation repeats itself frequently, it may indicate corrosion of the pipes. In this case, it is worth considering inspection and possible replacement of the installation at home.

Otherwise, it’s just enough decant the first batch of tap water for protection against heavy metals (nickel, chromium or cadmium) and the tap water is ready to drink. You can drink it directly or prepare sparkling water in the SodaStream saturator, or even a drink of your favorite flavor by adding one of the brand’s syrups to the water. You have constant, easy and unlimited access to such water. So you effortlessly take care of the proper hydration of the body and your spine. You don’t have to carry heavy water packs anymore, because you have everything at hand.

How to check the quality of tap water?

However, if you are not sure if your tap has potable water, you still do not need to choose plastic bottles. It is enough to ask about its quality at the local sanitary department or waterworks.

It is worth knowing that tap water is regularly inspected by water companies and sanitary departments. They monitor its condition in terms of bacteriology and physicochemistry. As we learn from the pijewodezkranu.org website, in large and medium-sized cities, water is tested with great frequency, both before it is admitted and during transport via the water supply network. “The only and the shortest section where the water producer is not responsible for the water is the plumbing in the building.” Therefore, when in doubt, the best way to confirm tap water is safe to drink is to have a sample tested. They are carried out by sanitary stations and private companies.

Trust in tap water will definitely pay off. Your health, finances and the environment will benefit from it.

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