Taoist female practices for intimate muscles

There are many different techniques of “female” training, when an object is placed in the vagina and something is done with it. For example, Taoist practice with a jade egg. What, how and why happens within the framework of these exercises, why exactly a jade egg – and to whom it can be useful?

You have probably heard about Kegel exercises: practices in which a woman places a simulator inside – a rubber or silicone ball (or “pear”) and compresses it with the tension of intimate muscles. This is a tension exercise – muscle pumping.

In Taoist practices, the jade egg plays the role of a simulator. It would seem that what can be done with it – the stone does not shrink, does it? Oddly enough, the role of the stone simulator is to teach the intimate muscles to relax. How does this happen?

Movement through breath

The task of a woman practicing with a jade egg is to lift it up the vagina, and then lower it down. That, in fact, is all. But how to do that? For this, a special breathing exercise is used.

While holding her breath, the woman pulls up the abdominal diaphragm so that the stomach is pulled inward, and the egg, obeying this pull, rises up. In the same way, with the help of the reverse movement of the diaphragm – “stretching” – the egg descends down the vagina.

It sounds simple, but you have no idea how much surprise, misunderstanding, sometimes even resentment and doubt, you have to go through in order for this movement to happen. Why? Because everything works out only when all the intimate muscles, as well as the muscles of the abdomen and lower back, are completely relaxed.

Hypertonicity of the pelvic muscles is normal for a modern woman. Against the background of physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle and, most importantly, stress, we strain the pelvic area and stop noticing it. Therefore, just the idea that something needs to be relaxed there does not give results: the body does not see the tension, which means it does not relax them.

A new quality of relaxation, which will move the jade egg from its place, must be sought, found and cultivated – which is what is taught at seminars on female Taoist practices with the help of special exercises.

Why these “entertainments”?

Why, one wonders, so suffer for the sake of banal relaxation? In our culture, there is nothing particularly valuable in it. However, modern medicine confirms that high-quality relaxation of the pelvic region not only exacerbates the sensations during sex, but also helps maintain women’s health. That is why, as a rule, people come to Taoist practices on the recommendation of their gynecologists.

What makes a jade egg so amazing?

  • Normalizes blood circulation. If a woman finds such a depth of relaxation at which the egg begins to move, blood rushes to the intimate area, eliminating congestion. The fact is that against the background of stagnation of blood in the pelvis, many chronic diseases are formed, ranging from “thrush” and cysts to fibroids – which means that regular practice will be an excellent prevention of such problems.
  • Massages the inner surface of the vagina. Moving up and down, the egg “revives” dormant receptors along the entire length of the vagina, restores the connection of receptors with the brain. Sensitivity is growing, which means that sex life is reaching a new level. And this, in turn, triggers processes that balance the hormonal background, not to mention the pleasure during intimacy.
  • “Puts” the organs in place. There is a certain axis in the body, relative to which all organs are located. With a curvature of the spine, injuries, after childbirth, even just against the background of a sedentary lifestyle, the organs can shift relative to this axis. This affects their blood supply (and hence the quality of work) and lays the foundation for various omissions. Practice with an egg “aligns” the position of the organs in the pelvis, restores their natural position, and therefore provides prevention, and in some cases, treatment of prolapse.

Why is the jade egg?

Why is it necessary to deal with a jade egg? According to tradition in China, jade is considered to be a very feminine stone. Since there is no scientific evidence of the value of jade for practice, modern Taoist craftswomen can practice with any stone or even hard silicone eggs.

The main thing is that such a training egg has a rope that allows it to be easily removed. Although, objectively speaking, he has nowhere to go (even if “everything is lost!”, It will come out sooner or later), the rope is important for the psychological comfort and peace of mind of a woman.

How to learn to move an egg

You can even master the delay scheme that raises the egg up, as well as the “pulling out” technique, even from the pictures. However, in order to find the depth of relaxation, contact with the pelvic muscles and provide yourself with the same healing effect, you need the help of an instructor.

Note! First, the women’s practice instructor must be a woman. Anatomical features are important here: in order to understand exactly how to help you in mastering the exercises, you need to go through this path yourself. And secondly, remember: the instructor should not show or correct something by touching the intimate parts of the body.

Classes are always held in clothes, and the main work is on breathing: how to learn to expand the chest so that the stomach retracts itself? How to relax the stomach so that it goes inward? That is, at seminars, as a rule, women work on the mobility and flexibility of the lower back, on the abdomen and breathing. The egg is inside and serves as an indicator of how well the exercises are performed.

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