Tantra and sacred sexuality

Awakening and ecstasy through tantra
In the West, thanks to the arrival of Eastern spiritual practices since the second half of the XXe century, hundreds of thousands of people have discovered not only meditation and yoga, but also these unexpected views on sexuality. The practice of sacred sexuality could participate in the inner transformation capable of leading to “Awakening”, this state transcendent permanent. In addition, these practices would make it possible to taste physical sensations that are also “ecstatic”.
Beyond the genital
The practice is believed to bring partners to broaden their sensory experience far beyond the genital area (but not excluding it). the whole body then becomes erotic and capable of orgasmic sensations. Several techniques aim more particularly at developing the capacity to have a orgasm that is directed inward rather than projected outward. In humans, it can even occur without there being anyejaculation (see, in the bibliography, the books of Mantak Chia).
As is the case with meditation, sacred sexuality is presented as an activity that is easy to understand – to relate in a state of deep attention and awareness – which makes it accessible to neophytes. But, just like meditation, it is also a deep path full of subtleties. It only really reveals itself over time and with diligent practice – to the delight of its followers.
Tantra, what is it?
Le tantra (or tantrism) is probably the most well-known sacred sexuality practice. But you should know that tantra is first of all a spiritual path, one of the many currents of Hinduism, a multifaceted religion very widespread in India. It is a vast and rich system of thought which can in no way be reduced to the sole sexual dimension. It is true, however, that a current within tantra considers the sexual act as a practice which can lead to supreme knowledge. It is to tantra that we owe the concept at the basis of sacred sexuality: the human being is of divine essence, and this essence is both male and female (represented by Shiva and Shakti, that the we see mating in Hindu temples).
That said, the practices of sacred sexuality in the West are also inspired by taoism, ancient philosophy and religion of China whose symbol precisely represents the interdependence of male and female energies. Several contemporary researchers and authors – in a more or less authentic and intense way – have studied these practices and translated them for a Western audience.
Tantra in practice
The body being perceived as a wonderful tool at our disposal to refine and transform the conscience, it is a question of paying a great attention to what it can make known. Therefore, the exercises are not rules or recipes, but a means of fostering a receptive state in partners to “what is”. The key is to be patient, attentive et present, and to let the sensations and the fun circulate, vary and grow.
A state of relaxation is absolutely essential to any meeting, both to avoid distraction and to give access to all the energy available. It is also necessary to free the mind and the heart from frustrations and unexpressed grudges in order to reach the level of partner to buy necessary between partners. Develop the habit of expressing feelings in a clear manner should therefore accompany the practice.
How to prepare?
Although a sexual encounter can lead toecstasy quite spontaneously and unexpectedly, lovers usually practice a few ritual to promote their entry into a state of deep communication.
- Develop “Sacred space” with, according to his preferences, incense, some draped fabrics, indirect lighting, candles, a bowl of fruit, etc.
- Make his toilette with care. Use a few drops of perfume in different places on the body.
- Meet the other by one greeting slow, eye to eye, to say that we are both available, open, respectful.
- Establish physical contact by a long embrace, without sexual gestures, a loving embrace, listening to his feelings and the manifestations of the other.
Partners can then use all kinds of caresses, technical, games or exercises whose objective is to awaken the senses, increase intimacy, discover the other, let go, etc.
Two examples of exercises The authentic dance. Dressed in light, comfortable clothing, each partner dances in turn for the other (each will have chosen music of about 10 to 15 minutes that inspires them). The idea is not to make a pretty presentation or tempt the other, but to move in a way that corresponds to what you are feeling at the moment, by putting all your effort into it. coeur. You have to let the nervousness subside gradually, breathe well, allow the music to resonate in the body. We live our dance to the point of filling the room… We can push sounds or sing, close our eyes or look at our partner. The role of the observer is to be totally attentive to the dance of the beloved person. At the end, the observer welcomes his partner, hugs him and thanks him. Then dance in turn. The following can be a partage of what each has experienced, both as a dancer and as an observer. Or so sensual hugs which can lead to making love, in a renewed way. Reverse breathing. This exercise brings a deep privacy who can prepare to have a sexual relationship of a intensity very special. The two partners sit face to face in half-lotus and, leaning slightly forward, almost stick their mouths one over the other. Continuously, while one inspire, the other expired, each breathing the other’s air. The breaths are slow and deep, and the partners remain relaxed. The exercise can last about fifteen minutes. After a while, as the breaths naturally synchronize, it is possible to feel that you are becoming one. souffle. Each partner can even imagine that their own exhalation goes down to sexe of the other and stimulates him, and that he then lets the breath of the other penetrate him and come to stimulate his own sex. |
Circulate energy
The circulation of energy is a fundamental concept of sacred sexuality. There would be, inside the body, a “channel” in which the sexual energy generated in the genital area pourrait circulate. It would rise to the top of the head, roughly along the spine. It would then descend to the genitals through the front of the body to complete the loop. By circulating in this way constantly, it would provide energy to the whole body. We could also direct it to a particular organ. Various exercises, including visualization and meditation, would “awaken” this channel.
A posture frequently used to represent sacred sexuality is that where the man sits cross-legged while the woman sits on his knees and embraces him with her legs; naked partners kiss. Areas genitals are in contact, as are the faces. It would then be possible to circulate the sexual energy in a loop between the two partners. The energy rises in the channel at the back of the body of one of the partners, is transmitted to the other by the mouth, and goes down in the channel located in front of his body. The energy returns to the first through the genitals and resumes its course. The other person’s sexual energy flows the same way. Thanks to the quality of attention from the partners, energy can circulate in this double loop for several minutes.
To learn about tantra
In addition to the books, quite numerous, which exist on the subject (and some of which are mentioned in the bibliography), one can also participate in workshops intended to awaken the sacred meaning of sexuality. Some are reserved for couples, but several are also open to people only, because celibacy is no reason to ignore its sexual energy and its potential for global fulfillment.
Workshops in Quebec
The Tao of health.
The Other Side.
Tantra Madhu.
Tantra Montreal.