Tansy – healing properties. In what situations can it be used?
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Tansy is a herb from the Asteraceae family, commonly growing in Poland and other European countries, with yellow-orange inflorescences forming a characteristic flattened basket, which is known for its anti-parasitic and healing properties. It is used to fight against ticks, mosquitoes and other insects. In what other situations is it recommended? What should you watch out for when using tansy? We checked what precautions should be taken when preparing the infusion.

  1. Wrotycz is a popular plant growing on Polish meadows
  2. They are known not only because they have a good effect on health. Their smell repels mosquitoes and ticks
  3. People who have a garden often place tansy in it to deter insects
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Healing properties of tansy

In folk medicine, tansy has traditionally been used for digestive problems, especially for liver problems after eating a heavy and fatty meal. He was attributed a carminative and diuretic effect. After discovering the toxic effects of the essential oil contained in tansy cheer up Oral use of infusions from this plant was no longer recommended. In the past, vodkas, liqueurs and liqueurs were made on the basis of tansy.

Tansy is a plant that has traditionally been used for digestive problems. Celery has a similar effect. Dietary supplement containing celery seed extract helps with digestive problems by stimulating the secretion of gastric, pancreatic and intestinal juices.

Tansy also has a strong antiviral effect, which makes it useful, for example, in the treatment of herpes. The substances contained in tansy are called aksylaryna and parthenolide in turn, they show strong anti-inflammatory properties.

You can buy the tansy flower at Medonet Market, but you must remember that the infusion of this herb can only be used externally.

Worth knowing

Tansy (infusion of the flowers of this perennial) can also be used topically on wounds – it accelerates their healing.

Thujone – a dangerous substance

As already mentioned, thujone is a toxic substance that is found in the herb and inflorescences of tansy. It was once used orally in folk medicine. Currently, tansy can only be used externally, also with reservations. Thujone poisoning can lead to muscle tremors, tension and agitation as it blocks the receptors responsible for the resting state.

Tansy as a remedy against insects and parasites

Tansy emits a characteristic smell that is extremely unpleasant to ants, flies, mosquitoes, aphids, moths, ticks and other insects. It effectively repels these insects – just rub the skin with crushed tansy flowers or take a bath in an infusion of this herb.

You can also use it as a flea and tick repellent for your dog or cat.

Read also:

  1. The most effective remedy for mosquitoes and ticks. Scientifically proven performance
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  3. What attracts mosquitoes? I How to scare them off with home remedies?
  4. Mosquitoes love people with such a physique. And they chew them most willingly
  5. Mosquito, tick, spider – what to do when it bites? Quick reaction is what counts!

Tansy essential oil is available in herbal shops – however, it should not be applied directly to the skin in a concentrated form. Before use, dilute the tansy essential oil by adding 15 drops of it to a fifth glass of rapeseed, sunflower or grape oil.

The thujone contained in tansy is also toxic to parasites such as lice, mites and mites. In pharmacies, alcohol-based tansy flower extracts are available, which are rubbed into the skin in case of parasitic diseases. In the treatment of these diseases, you can also use an infusion of tansy flowers. To do this, pour a handful of tansy flowers with cold water and boil them for several minutes, then strain the infusion and pour it into the bath.

In the case of head lice, moisten the hair with the infusion (you can add thyme, thyme and wormwood to it) and tie it with a handkerchief for 2-3 hours.

A decoction of tansy flowers is also a traditional remedy for lice.

Then you need to wash your head and comb your hair with a fine comb. After 24 hours, wash your hair with warm vinegar and comb again with a fine comb. These treatments are repeated after a week.

Tansy for arthritis and arthritis

In folk medicine, alcohol-based tansy extract has been used externally to relieve pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis and gout (arthritis). Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, tansy has also been used to combat inflammation caused by these ailments.

Other uses for tansy

Tansy was also used in folk medicine to treat hysteria and depression, to alleviate painful menstruation and to induce menstruation.

At Medonet Market, you can order Sylveco regenerating serum for all skin types with the addition of Blue Tansy Moroccan Tansy essential oil. As a result, it effectively improves skin firmness and has anti-aging properties.

  1. Try the tansy tincture

It is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist when taking herbal preparations, because the selection of an appropriate herbal preparation requires as much knowledge as in the case of a chemical preparation. It should be remembered that these types of preparations may interact with the medications taken, posing a threat to our health. Some herbal preparations can have a very strong effect, therefore all recommendations and restrictions provided by the manufacturer should be followed. Pregnant women and nursing mothers must exercise particular caution when using them.

Side effects of tansy and precautions for its use

Tansy is not only a poisonous plant (due to its thujone content), but it can also cause hallucinations. Consumption of tansy flowers or infusion of this herb causes irritation and congestion of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, uterus and kidneys. When consumed in higher doses, tansy can cause dizziness, haematuria, cramps, and loss of consciousness. Pregnant women should also not use tansy.

It is worth remembering that all medical measures and dietary supplements should be used after contacting a doctor. Schedule an online teleconsultation with an e-prescription to make sure that your medicine is safe for you.

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