Tanning Foods – Tanning Foods

Some foods cause acne, swelling, and extra pounds on the body. Others only make us more beautiful.

In many beauty salons, before going to the solarium, girls are offered a glass of fresh carrot. It would seem that this is part of the customer loyalty policy. Yes, but not only. It turns out that carrots contain substances that can accelerate the production of melanin, which helps the tan to lie evenly and beautifully and stay on the skin longer. But not a single carrot – we are telling you about 9 more products, using which you will quickly see in the mirror an updated version of yourself with a bronze shade of skin.

1. Tomatoes

This succulent vegetable contains lycopene, one of the top five ingredients for tanning. Lycopene doubles the skin’s protection against free radicals, accelerates the production of melanin. In addition, tomatoes have a lot of water, so being in the sun will protect your skin from drying out, and your body will not be harmed. After all, UV rays can provoke many problems for women’s health. By consuming this product, you will quickly develop a healthy, golden tan.

2. Apricots

In the fight for a beautiful and long-lasting tan, apricot juice is on a par with carrot juice. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is able to retain the pigment on the skin. You need to drink juice daily, alternating between apricot, pomegranate, orange and pineapple drinks. Do not forget to dilute pomegranate juice with water, otherwise the stomach will not withstand such a level of acid.

3. Peaches

The shock composition of vitamins of group B, PP and C and microelements, such as potassium, iron, beta-carotene, contained in this fruit, does a triple job for the body: firstly, it saturates it with water, which means it moisturizes the skin, and secondly, produces melanin, and thirdly, protects the skin from burns. One or two fruits a day and you are ready for an even tan!

4. Grapes

Of course, grapes will not tan by themselves, but this berry still performs important functions for those who want to get an even tan. Ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins A, PP, C and group B, which are part of grapes, destroy harmful microorganisms, prevent the development of skin diseases and help the body maintain water balance. We can say that grapes prepares the skin to receive a dose of sunlight and is responsible precisely for a healthy tan.

5. Watermelon

This juicy berry also stands guard for a beautiful, even and, most importantly, healthy tan. Watermelons moisturize the skin and prevent it from drying out. They contain vitamins of group B, PP, C and beta-carotene – the very ingredient that contributes to obtaining a bronze skin tone.

6. Spinach

For the sake of a beautiful tan, you will have to add a product such as spinach to your diet. Not everyone loves him, and yes, we agree, he tastes so-so, although there are also amateurs! But spinach contains colossal amounts of antioxidants and amino acids that are important for a healthy tan.

7. Seafood

To enjoy your tan as long as possible, you need to make adjustments to your diet. In the diet must necessarily appear foods rich in tyrosine. Most of this amino acid is found in fish dishes, especially cod, salmon and tuna. It doesn’t matter if you fry, stew the fish, or cook over the fire: valuable tyrosine will remain in it even after heat treatment.

8. Meat

This is another type of food that contains tyrosine, a substance that stimulates the production of melanin. Eating meat and liver will not only help you get the desired tan faster, but also keep it longer. Especially useful in our business are beef and pork liver, as well as red meat. They have the highest content of valuable microelements.

9. Asparagus

The product is not for everybody. But did you know that asparagus protects the skin from UV rays and prevents skin cancer? Such miraculous properties are provided due to the content of asparagine in asparagus, one of the important amino acids in the human body, as well as vitamin A, vitamins C, PP and group B. There are a great many recipes for cooking asparagus, you will surely find something to your taste.


In pursuit of a chocolate skin tone, don’t forget about safety. If you sunbathe at a time when the sun is most active, you will not be sunburned for long or, worse, skin cancer. You need to sunbathe either before 11 o’clock in the morning, or after 16-17 o’clock. And be sure to use sunscreen. Remember: the number on the bottle next to the letters SPF means how many minutes you can be in the sun without renewing the cream. And after bathing, you need to update it in any case.

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