Tanning cream: how to choose. Video Tips

Tanning cream: how to choose. Video Tips

You can achieve a beautiful, even tan at any time of the year with the help of a solarium. However, for this it is not enough to attend special procedures, you also need to be able to choose the right cream that will provide the perfect skin tone and protect the body from burns and other problems.

Tanning cream with bronzers

What should be a sunbed cream

To achieve a beautiful tan in a short time, use creams with bronzers. Such funds are especially relevant for girls with fair skin: thanks to them, it is possible to get the desired result without harm to the body. Plus, bronzer creams will provide the exact tan color of your choice.

During the procedures carried out in tanning salons, the skin can become very dry. A quality cream with moisturizing ingredients will help you avoid this problem.

It is very important for women with sensitive skin to protect themselves from possible allergic reactions and the negative effects of rays. An excellent option in such cases would be products with olive or sandalwood oil. If red spots appear after visiting the tanning bed, use a cream with aloe and grape seed oils. Owners of sensitive skin should also take care that the tan is preserved for a long time, and the procedures do not have to be repeated too often. In such cases, creams with watermelon extract and vitamin D are especially appropriate.

Consider one more important point: regardless of your skin type, you will need two types of cream – for the face and for the body. It is not recommended to use only one of them, since each of these options has its own specifics.

Remedy for people with very fair skin

Owners of the first type of skin, i.e. very light, difficult to tan, you need to be very careful when using a tanning bed. They should choose the shortest, most gentle procedures so as not to harm their body. Of course, this means that it will take a long time to achieve the desired tan. To speed up the process, it is recommended to buy a cream with a bronzer.

It is important that the bronzers are natural. Pay attention to the composition of the product: it should include henna, caramel, walnut extract, and not synthetic ingredients to obtain a dark skin tone

If you want a delicate golden tone rather than a dark tone, opt for an accelerator cream. It will speed up the production of melanin. The result will be a delicate, beautiful, not too dark shade.

It is very important for people with this type of skin to buy products with high-quality moisturizing and protective components. Otherwise, visiting a tanning salon can lead to unwanted problems.

The second type includes people with fair skin, which acquires a beautiful tan after repeated procedures in a solarium and is not too susceptible to the negative effects of rays. In such cases, the occurrence of burns, redness, irritation becomes the exception rather than the rule, but you still have to spend a lot of time to achieve the desired result.

A cream with a natural bronzer will help speed up the process, but only on one condition: the amount of bronzing components should be adjusted depending on the degree of tan. That is, starting to visit a solarium, you need to choose a product with a very small amount of such ingredients, and then gradually move on to using creams with a stronger effect. Please also note that the effect of bronzers will end 3-4 days after applying the product. However, the tan obtained directly in the solarium will remain.

A good option for people with fair skin would be to use creams with a body blush effect. They stimulate blood circulation, saturate the skin with oxygen and allow you to achieve a dark, rich shade very quickly. The effect of using such funds becomes noticeable very quickly.

Tanning cream for a beautiful and even tan

Which cream is suitable for people with dark skin

Swarthy people don’t need to get a tan – they already have one. As a rule, they go to the tanning salon with a different purpose – to enhance the skin tone, make it more saturated, or change it.

In the first case, products with accelerators will be an excellent choice, and in the second, with bronzers that give the desired color. Creams that provide fashionable caramel or chocolate tan are especially relevant and popular. Please note: It is recommended to increase the number of bronzers with each tanning session to achieve the desired skin tone.

For people with dark skin, you can also use special tingle-effect products. They accelerate blood microcirculation, promote a feeling of warmth, and also allow you to achieve the most natural tanning shade. But be very careful when using such products. It is better for people with sensitive skin to refuse them, choosing creams with a softer, sparing effect, since otherwise there is a high likelihood of skin irritation and even burns.

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