Tankeray gin: history and types

Tanqueray is a premium gin produced by Diageo in Scotland. The company was founded in 1830 by the son of a priest, Charles Tanqueray.

To successfully compete with competitors, especially Gordon’s gin, Tanqueray had to develop a fundamentally new technology for the production of quadruple distillation of gin, which gives alcohol a particularly soft, clean and balanced taste.

gin cocktails

The story of gin

The original combination of classic double distillation alcohol with traditional ingredients such as angelica root, coriander, licorice and, of course, juniper berries, complemented by quality water from London’s Bloomsbury, quickly made the drink very popular.

By the way, the latter circumstance was reflected in the design of the Anglo-French gin bottle.

It is shaped like a hydrant once used to pump that delicious water to the first Tanqueray distillery.

In addition, it was probably the pursuit of water quality that prompted the brand’s owners to move gin production to Scotland, where it is still located today.

This happened after the destruction of the distillery, which occurred as a result of one of the massive German bombings of the Second World War.

Of all the equipment of that time, only one single copper distillation cube, called Old tom, survived. This namesake of the popular variety of gin in the XNUMXth century was carefully transported by the owners to a new place, where it still works for the benefit of juniper drink lovers all over the world.

Types of Gin Tanqueray

  1. The American version contains 47,3% by volume.

  2. The modification, mainly focused on Europe, contains 43,1% of the volume.

  3. And in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the product is supplied with a strength of 40% of the volume.

Although Tanqueray is popular in many parts of the world, it is especially popular in the United States.

There is even a legend that it was the first drink served in the White House after Prohibition was repealed in 1933.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that the owners of the distillery have released several additional variations of the drink, aimed specifically at overseas consumers.

  1. Tanqueray Rangpurwhose composition has been enriched with lime, ginger and bay leaf.

  2. Tanqueray No. Ten (Tanqueray 10) undergoing fourfold distillation, specially designed for the preparation of the martini cocktail.

what you need to know about gin

Relevance: 29.11.2019

Tags: gin, gin brands

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