Tangerine peel jam: a recipe, can it be done

Tangerine peel jam is a tasty and original delicacy that does not require special expenses. It can be served with tea, as well as used as a filling and for decorating desserts. Preparing such a jam is not difficult even for novice cooks. The main thing is to clearly observe all stages of the technological process and adhere to the recommendations.

Tangerine peel jam: a recipe, can it be done

Tangerine peel jam has a rich pleasant aroma

Is it possible to make jam from tangerine peels

To prepare such a delicacy is not only possible, but also necessary. Its main advantage is that tangerine peels contain many useful components for human health. Among them are vitamins C, A, group B and minerals – copper, calcium, magnesium. These components help to normalize blood pressure and metabolic processes, reduce swelling, cleanse blood vessels and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

But since many people refuse to use fresh tangerine peels, such jam can be a real find. As practice shows, it is loved not only by adults, but also by children.

Important! To prepare treats, you should use only tangerine peels or combine them with orange ones.

Recipe for tangerine jam

You need to stock up on raw materials for jam at the height of the winter holidays, when citrus fruits are sold in large quantities. After eating the fruit, the peel should be put in a bag and stored in the refrigerator until enough of it is collected for jam.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

For the preparation of delicacies, it is necessary to use varieties whose peel is easily separated from the pulp and is characterized by a minimum content of white fibers. It is important that the crusts do not have mechanical damage and signs of rot.

Before starting work, you must first prepare the main ingredient. To do this, thoroughly wash the raw materials in warm water, and then dry slightly. At the last stage of preparation, you should carefully clean off the excess white layer with a sharp knife.

After that, cut the tangerine peels into strips or pieces. Fold the resulting mass into an enamel basin and pour plain water for 5-6 hours. The liquid must be changed three to four times to remove bitterness from the crusts. Only after that you can proceed directly to cooking.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 500 g skins;
  • 400 grams of sugar;
  • 50 ml of tangerine juice;
  • 1,5 tsp. salts;
  • 0,5 tsp citric acid;
  • 1,5 L of water.
Tangerine peel jam: a recipe, can it be done

The finer the peel is cut, the tastier the jam

Important! Without pre-soaking the crusts, the final product will have a bitter taste.

Cooking description

The cooking process is simple, but contains several important points that you need to pay attention to.


  1. Put the prepared tangerine peels in an enamel pan.

    Tangerine peel jam: a recipe, can it be done

  2. Pour them with 1 liter of water, add salt and boil over low heat for about an hour.
  3. After the time has elapsed, drain the liquid, and set the workpiece aside.

    Tangerine peel jam: a recipe, can it be done

  4. Pour the remaining water into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes.
  5. Pour the crusts into the boiling syrup, let it boil and reduce the heat to a minimum.
  6. Cook for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  7. During this time, the delicacy will begin to thicken, and the crusts will become transparent, saturated with syrup.

    Tangerine peel jam: a recipe, can it be done

  8. Then set aside to cool completely.
  9. Squeeze tangerine juice to make at least 50 ml.
  10. Add it to the cooled jam.
  11. Put on fire, boil for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  12. Then add citric acid.
  13. Boil for another 10 minutes.
Important! Before serving, the jam should be infused for at least a day so that its taste becomes uniform and balanced.

Rules for storing tangerine jam

Keep the delicacy in the refrigerator in a closed container so that it does not absorb other odors. The shelf life in this form is 1 month. For long-term storage, place the treat hot in sterilized jars and roll up. The optimum temperature is + 5-25 degrees, humidity 70%. In this case, the jam can be stored in the pantry, on the balcony, terrace and basement. The shelf life is 24 months.

Important! During storage, it is necessary to exclude the ingress of sunlight on the jam, as this will lead to premature deterioration of the product.


Tangerine peel jam is a healthy delicacy that will not be difficult to prepare. Its basis is the peel, which many people throw away without regret. But it contains much more useful components than mandarin pulp. Therefore, such a delicacy will be a real find in the autumn-winter period, when the body lacks vitamins, its immunity decreases and the risk of developing colds increases.

Mandarin peel jam

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