Tan and ayran: what is the difference, which is better
Tan and Ayran are tasty and healthy fermented milk drinks. Despite the similarities, these are still different products in terms of the method of preparation, composition and properties.
What is the Difference Between Ayran and Tan
These fermented milk drinks came to us from nomadic peoples. Due to the constant movement, they always needed a source of energy and vital substances. Warm milk quickly sour and tasted unpleasant. It was then that the nomads came up with the idea of making a special leaven and adding it to milk.
Tan and Ayran are healthy fermented milk drinks.
Ayran is prepared on the basis of cow or goat milk. It is not boiled, fermented with yeast and several types of beneficial bacteria. Later, water and salt are added to it. Salt is the only ingredient that distinguishes it from thane. Although sometimes all kinds of spices are put in ayran for taste, for example, dill or basil.
For tan, the milk base is boiled. Then it is prepared according to the same scheme with the addition of yeast starter culture. Instead of salt and water, a special saline solution is put in this option, which has a good effect on the body.
The benefits of both drinks are great. Both the first and the second have such healing properties:
- has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the secretory activity of the stomach;
- destroys all putrefactive microflora in the intestines;
- saturates the body with protein, which is quickly and easily absorbed. This is especially important for athletes during the active period of training;
- strengthens and stabilizes the nervous system. Helps to calm down, relieve stress and nervous tension. Especially good for depression;
- helps the respiratory tract, as it increases the flow of oxygen to the lungs;
- possesses pronounced bactericidal properties.
Despite the similar properties of these fermented milk drinks, there is still a difference. Because of the special saline solution, tan is considered more beneficial. In addition to the listed properties, it increases muscle tone and generally tones the body. In addition, it promotes easy and natural weight loss. Due to the fact that tan normalizes the water-salt balance, the people appreciate it for one more quality – the ability to relieve hangover symptoms.
On your next trip to the supermarket, buy tan and ayran instead of classic kefir to compare tastes and evaluate the benefits of drinks on your own. Choose the option you like best and include it in your diet and in your family’s diet.