Tampons, pads and menstrual cups: the pros and cons of all feminine hygiene products

Tampons, pads and menstrual cups: the pros and cons of all feminine hygiene products

Together with an expert, we deal with questions, the answers to which every woman should know.

It was recently revealed that Scotland was the first country to make feminine hygiene products free of charge. Now pads and tampons will be available to anyone who needs them. Hygienic supplies will be provided by educational institutions, pharmacies, cultural and sports centers and other public places. This decision was fixed at the legislative level. It will take effect within two years.

Against the background of the news, we decided to talk to the gynecologist and asked the expert to answer the most important questions about tampons, pads and menstrual cups.

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the EMC Family Medical Center, ultrasound doctor, Ph.D.

What to look for when choosing hygiene products?

When choosing a hygiene product, you must take into account your own characteristics and needs, since the right choice has a beneficial effect on the condition and normal functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

The first hygiene products for the period of menstruation appeared long ago. So, in ancient times, women used rolled cloth, fur, papyrus and even straw. In ancient China, women made balls of cotton, and the Romans used small absorbent balls made of specially felted wool.

The main difference between classic hygiene products in that pads absorb menstrual blood from the outside of the genitals, while tampons absorb blood directly into the vagina. Nevertheless, the safest and most physiological means of personal hygiene for women are still sanitary pads. According to the results of a number of studies, the use of tampons often leads to changes in the vaginal microbiota, promotes the growth and reproduction of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora.

As the best option for using intimate hygiene products is their combined use according to the situation, the day of the cycle and the state of health. So, in the first and last days of menstruationwhen the discharge is scanty, it is possible to use tampons. While in the middle of your period and at night use of sanitary napkins is recommended. It is best to use tampons infrequently, as needed.

Indications and contraindications for the use of tampons

Women’s hygienic tampons are most often chosen by girls who lead an active lifestyle. The advantages of these hygiene products:

  • they allow you to go in for sports and swimming, are convenient for travel and travel;

  • compactness and hygiene;

  • products provide complete protection, even from heavy leaks;

  • the skin in the vulva area is not irritated and allergic reactions do not occur.

At the same time, it should be noted that tampons are not suitable as a substitute for sanitary pads… Constant use and infrequent changes of tampons can provoke the development of inflammation of the vagina and cervix.

So, long-term use of tampons against the background of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system in some cases can even lead to the development of toxic shock syndrome. This is because the violation of the outflow of menstrual flow and the long-term presence of a filled hygienic tampon in a warm and humid environment of the vagina is a favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora of the vagina and the release of toxins into the blood, which in rare cases leads to the development of toxic shock syndrome.

Important: tampons must be changed every 3-4 hours, in extreme cases – no later than 6-7 hours, respectively, it is not recommended to use them at night.

It is unacceptable to use hygienic tampons in the following situations:

  • with inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;

  • allergic reactions to the components of the product. Before using tampons, you need to make sure that the woman is not allergic to the material from which the tampon is made;

  • the postpartum period due to the release of lochia (within 6-8 weeks);

  • after surgical interventions on the cervix (excision, biopsy, destruction or plastics) and the vagina;

  • after any abdominal gynecological operations, including laparoscopic ones, since in the postoperative period control of the amount and nature of discharge is required, which is impossible when using tampons;

  • with severe pain in girls who are not sexually active;

  • with chronic dryness of the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva, since the use of tampons can lead to the formation of microcracks, irritation and the development of inflammation;

  • with anomalies in the structure of the genital organs (synechia of the vagina, doubling of the vagina);

  • a relative contraindication is the presence of an intrauterine device.

When is it better to give preference to gaskets?

Benefits of using sanitary pads:

  • no obstacle to the physiological outflow of menstrual flow outward;

  • the gaskets are simple, comfortable and comfortable to use. So, a properly selected gasket does not interfere with movement;

  • a large selection of sizes and configurations and fast absorption of secretions allows them to be applied at night without the risk of leakage.

At the same time, despite the large number of application advantages, there are also shortcomings, such as:

  • not uncommon greenhouse effect, as the product adheres tightly to the skin and does not allow air to pass through, despite the upper “breathing” layer;

  • allergic skin reaction (itching, burning, rash) to the components of the surface layer of the product and fragrances;

  • significant discomfort in the presence of dermatitis or allergy to fragrances of the sensitive skin of the labia majora.

What you need to know about the new hygiene products – menstrual cups?

Menstrual cups have been around for a long time, but they are only now gaining popularity in the market. The first bowl was patented in 1937 by the American Leona Chalmers. This hygiene product is an ideal choice for those who wish to avoid the use of disposable tampons and pads.

Menstrual cup – This is a small reusable container made of hypoallergenic silicone, medical rubber or plastic in the form of a cone for insertion into the vagina during menstruation. The convenience of using the bowl lies in the fact that it is enough to empty it, wash it with soap and use it again as intended, since its service life is up to 10 years. There are also disposable containers that are disposed of after the end of the menstrual cycle.

The advantages of using a menstrual cup are:

  • profitability due to durability;

  • convenience and comfort in wearing;

  • you can wear a menstrual cup for an average of 6 to 12 hours;

  • no feeling of dryness;

  • less chance of leakage with the correct placement of the cup in the vagina.

At the same time, it should be noted that it will not be possible to accurately insert and remove the bowl immediately. Some women experience discomfort when wearing a menstrual cup, or when it is inserted incorrectly or when the size is incorrect.

Important: wash the menstrual cup with soap after each extraction. Between cycles, it is recommended to sterilize it by boiling for 5-10 minutes.

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