A serious illness such as toxic shock syndrome can be caused by a staph infection when using tampons during the menstrual cycle. The disease progresses rapidly, leading to the development of a severe and difficult-to-treat shock condition, with a fatal outcome ranging from 8 to 16%.
Fortunately, toxic shock syndrome is quite rare, but in accordance with international requirements, all tampon manufacturers are required in their instructions to warn women about the possibility of developing the disease when using this product.
Most often, toxic shock syndrome affects young women from 15 to 30 years old who use tampons during critical days. In fairness, it should be noted that the existence of a direct link between the occurrence of the disease and the use of tampons has not yet been proven, but an increasing number of physicians, in connection with their professional observations, come to precisely such conclusions.
Although there are cases when toxic shock syndrome developed in women who prefer vaginal contraceptives: caps, diaphragms, spermicidal sponges.
The development of the disease is provoked by Staphylococcus aureus (staphylococcus aureus), which belongs to the group of saprophytic bacteria, as a result of which toxins dangerous to humans are produced. These microorganisms are always present in the body on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, vagina, on the skin, but only in small quantities. In addition, in many people, the immune system produces antibodies that neutralize the toxic effects of toxins.
According to scientists, we are exposed to these bacteria at least once in our lives, regardless of age and gender. However, when due to some circumstances they begin to multiply excessively, the entry of toxins into the body and directly into the circulatory system exceeds all permissible norms, leading to the development of a dangerous infection. The situation can be aggravated by the presence in women of various kinds of injuries of the mucous membrane and walls of the vagina: microcracks, irritation, scratches.
Usually, at the initial stage, the disease resembles a typical form of the flu, but soon, without medical help, the condition of patients becomes extremely serious. The main symptoms of toxic shock include: high temperature (up to 40оC), a sharp drop in blood pressure, muscle spasms, blurred consciousness, convulsions, vomiting, chills, rash on the palms and feet. Unfortunately, many patients believe that they have the flu and take appropriate measures to treat it.
But after all, the whole point is that toxic shock develops much more rapidly than the flu, and therefore a sudden vomiting or a sharp rise in temperature should cause serious concerns in a woman, enough to seek medical help. She must remove the tampon and wait for the doctor to arrive, since often the success of treatment depends on a timely diagnosis.
If a woman uses vaginal contraceptives, which she cannot remove on her own, then it is also necessary to call an ambulance and notify the doctor about the use of these contraceptives. Treatment of toxic shock is carried out only in stationary conditions, where patients are given antibacterial drugs and solutions that help remove toxins from the body.
If a woman has had a manifestation of toxic shock at least once, then she absolutely cannot use vaginal contraceptives and tampons without the consent of her doctor or gynecologist. Ideally, it is better not to use either one or the other at all.
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