The 10-minute Qigong Gymnastics Complex is so easy that it will suit even the laziest. At the same time, it gives a paradoxical combination of energy and relaxation and helps to feel more cheerful even when you are sick. Our correspondent was convinced of this from his own experience.
Runny nose, headache, sore throat. Managed to get sick on New Year’s holidays! There were so many plans — and they all flew head over heels. I had absolutely no strength, I wanted one thing — to wallow and do absolutely nothing. This is what I did, lying with my laptop in my arms and languidly flipping through the pages on the Internet (at the same time suffering that precious free days pass so mediocrely).
A recently made bookmark accidentally caught my eye — qigong morning exercises. I clicked on it simply automatically: of course, the last thing I thought about at that moment was some kind of physical activity. The video was short, only 10 minutes. Exercises — you can’t imagine easier and are performed just standing still.
In essence, only hands work here, and of course, as in all Eastern practices, you need to breathe correctly. There was something bewitching in the smooth, cat-like soft movements of the coach, I plunged into the contemplation of this meditative action, and at the words “Tame the tiger — return to the mountain” I found myself standing on my feet, following the coach spreading his arms to the sides … up … circular motion down …. sideways again…
“In qigong we develop energy and mental clarity at the same time,” the interpreter said after trainer Lee Holden, and indeed, I felt how strength was added and my head cleared up. I turned on the video from the beginning and did the whole complex. Surprisingly, but lethargy and melancholy vanished. I didn’t want to lie down anymore. I literally came alive.
Energy then was enough for half a day, but qigong helped again and again. As soon as she felt «de-energized» — she turned on the video and repeated the complex: two, three times a day — as needed. The cold did not recede for several more days, but we existed in parallel with it, not noticing each other. And then it became a habit: ten minutes of classes in the morning — and there is enough energy for the whole day. Well, or until the evening, if the day was already very busy. Then, returning home, I repeat the complex again. Fatigue goes away, and you sleep better after it. After all, qigong gives a paradoxical combination of energy and relaxation.