
Useful properties, application and cultivation of tamarix

Useful properties of tamarix


Chemical composition Tamarix has not been studied in detail, it is only known that galls (swellings) containing tannins, polyphenols are formed on it, there are a lot of tannins and coloring substances in the bark and leaves. Almost all parts of the plant are used – flowers, fruits, leaves, bark. For medicinal purposes, the bark is harvested in April, flowers and leaves – from mid-May to August, the fruits are harvested in September.

Fine handicrafts are made from tamarix wood, baskets and openwork furniture are woven from flexible vines, the bark is used in leather production. This plant is revered by beekeepers, because in the summer it provides the bees with a rich and long collection of nectar, as a result of which a person gets tamarix honey.

Since ancient times, people have been using a sweetish juice of a thick consistency that covers the branches of some plant species in the summer. These are the secretions of scale insects living on them.

The use of tamarix

The plant has a diuretic, diaphoretic, astringent, analgesic and hemostatic effect. From it prepare decoctions and infusions used for various diseases. An infusion of flowers is useful for inflammation of the stomach, a decoction of the branches is effective for rheumatism, an infusion of leaves and bark is prescribed for diarrhea, bleeding and diseases of the spleen. Tamarix sprigs are brewed like tea. In the past, a decoction of the fruits of the plant was used in the Caucasus against infertility, and syphilis was treated with a decoction of the branches.

A decoction of the branches of tamarix: 300 ml of water should use 2 tablespoons of chopped branches with leaves. They are boiled for 20 minutes in a water bath and filtered after complete cooling. The drug is used externally for rheumatic pains as local baths and compresses.

Decoction of dried tamarisk: in 200 ml of boiled water, pour 1 tablespoon of dry bark, simmer for 20-25 minutes in a water bath, then strain. Dosage: for diarrhea and bleeding, take 1 tablespoon of decoction 3-4 times a day.

Tamarix leaf infusion: it is required to pour 2 teaspoons of dried leaves of the plant with a glass of boiling water, leave for at least two hours and strain. The infusion is drunk with diarrhea, bleeding, rheumatism, diseases of the spleen, 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Growing tamarix

The harsh conditions of the struggle for survival provided this plant with an enviable resistance to extreme environmental conditions. It can reproduce vegetatively in almost any climate zone. It is widely used to strengthen sandy soils.

It is difficult for us to propagate tamarix by seeds, as they do not have time to ripen. In addition, the germination of seeds of many species lasts only 2–4 months. They are sown in the spring on the surface of the soil without embedding, the pots are placed on a tray with water. After the seedlings grow up, they can be transplanted into the beds.

However, most often the plant is propagated by cuttings. To do this, well-lignified shoots 1 cm thick are cut in late autumn and stored in the basement under a pile of sawdust. Shoots should be wrapped in polyethylene, damp cloth or sphagnum so that they do not dry out, but do not become moldy. In the spring, cuttings 20–25 cm long are planted at an angle on the beds; for cold greenhouses, branches 8–10 centimeters long are cut. After rooting and germination of young shoots, only 1-2 of the strongest are left, the rest are removed.

Tamarix flower

The plant can bloom several times a year, covered with numerous small flowers collected in spreading panicles. Each of them has a pinkish corolla, consisting of 4-5 petals.

Tamarix flowers are so miniature that without a magnifying glass, their individual elements simply cannot be seen. From afar, they look like neat pinkish balls and are very decorative. Flowers also have healing properties and are used in the form of decoctions and infusions.

Tamarix branched

This perennial shrub reaches a height of 2-3 meters and blooms in May-August. Its sessile, small, scale-like leaves of green or bluish color are able to release salt on their surface. The fruits of the plant are drop-down boxes, the seeds are small with a tuft. Young branches of the shrub are reddish-orange in color, they have a strong laxative effect. In general, traditional medicine ascribes general strengthening and tonic properties to this medicinal plant.

Even animals know about the healing qualities of this species. For example, tired or sick camels eat the branches of this shrub with pleasure. It grows in the Caucasus, Central Asia, in the south of Western Siberia along the banks of lakes and rivers on saline soils.

Contraindications to the use of Tamarix

There are no special contraindications when taking drugs from this plant. Individual intolerance is possible. The use of Tamarix during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended.

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