Tamarix (Tamarix) – a flowering low tree or shrub, a typical representative of the Tamarisk family (Tamaricaceae). Due to the similarity in pronunciation of the name of the genus and family, many call it tamarisk, distorting the correct name. Planting and caring for tamarix in the Moscow region has its own nuances, which will be discussed later.

Tamariks: planting and care in the suburbs: reviews, varieties, growing features

Features of growing tamarix in the Moscow region

Tamarix (comb, bead) is a genus that unites more than 75 species. But not every one of them is suitable for growing in the Moscow region. Many tamarisks are thermophilic and cannot stand temperatures down to -17°C, and in winter in the Moscow region there are frosts down to -30°C. Judging by the numerous reviews, it is possible to cultivate tamarix in the Moscow region, most importantly, choose the right variety and strictly follow all the rules of agricultural technology. Reliable shelter of bushes for the winter is the key to successful bead growing in the Moscow region.

Varieties of tamarix for the Moscow region

When choosing a tamarix for planting in the Moscow region, you must first of all pay attention to the degree of frost resistance of the culture, and only then to the decorative qualities. Most often, graceful and branched tamarix is ​​planted in the Moscow region.

Graceful Tamarix (Tamarix gracilis)

The natural habitat covers the territories of Mongolia, Siberia, Kazakhstan, China, the species is often found in the south of the European part of the Federation and in Ukraine. Tamarix graceful – shrub up to 4 m tall, with thick runaway branches covered with small cork spots. The bark is grayish-green or brown-chestnut. Green young shoots are covered with sharp leaves growing like tiles, on one-year-old branches – larger lanceolate leaves of a fawn shade. It blooms in spring with simple bright pink brushes about 5 cm long, summer inflorescences are more voluminous and long (up to 7 cm). The flowering period ends closer to autumn. This natural type of tamarix is ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbconsidered the most frost-resistant and is always popular with gardeners in the Moscow region.

Tamariks: planting and care in the suburbs: reviews, varieties, growing features

Tamarix branched (Tamarix ramosissima)

Tamarix five-stalk, as this species is also called, is a straight-growing bush, rarely exceeding 2 m in height in the Moscow region. Flowering continues from June to early autumn. Inflorescences are complex volumetric brushes of various shades of pink. Tamarix branchy in the Moscow region perfectly adapts to the conditions of the metropolis, is undemanding to the composition of the soil, and quickly recovers after freezing.

Grade Rubra (Rubra). Deciduous shrub with loose arcuate branches, the average height in adulthood is 2-4 m, with a crown diameter of 2-3 m. The leaf plates are narrow, resembling an awl in shape, the length does not exceed 1,5 mm, the shoots are bluish-green, annual branches have a reddish tint. It blooms from June to September with lush tassels of rich red-violet color. Tamariks of the Rubra variety is unpretentious to growing conditions, tolerates a haircut well, winters in the Moscow region with shelter.

Tamariks: planting and care in the suburbs: reviews, varieties, growing features

Variety Summer Glow (Samme Glow). The bush is distinguished by greenish-blue awl-shaped foliage with a silvery sheen and a lush flowing crown. During the flowering period, tamarix in the Moscow region is strewn with countless buds and flowers of a noble crimson hue. The variety is light-loving, in the shade the seedlings may die. A plant for the Moscow region looks good both in single plantings and in groups.

Tamariks: planting and care in the suburbs: reviews, varieties, growing features

Grade Pink Cascade (Pink Cascade). The bush is sprawling and openwork, the height and diameter rarely exceed 2-3 m. The leaves are scaly, reduced, painted in gray-green tones. Numerous inflorescences are presented in the form of brushes with dark pink buds and flowers of lighter tones. The variety is characterized by abundant flowering throughout the summer. The plant is recommended for cultivation in the 6th frost resistance zone (up to -17,8°C).

Tamariks: planting and care in the suburbs: reviews, varieties, growing features

Grade Rosea (Rozea). Similar to the previous cultivar, grows up to 2 m, the plant is used in group and single plantings.

Tamariks: planting and care in the suburbs: reviews, varieties, growing features

Comment! The genus Tamarix got its name from the old name of the river Tama-riz in the Pyrenees, now known as Timbra.

Tamarix tetrandra (Tamarix tetrandra)

According to the book by E. Vokke, this type of tamarix can be grown in the conditions of the Moscow region. In the Botanical Garden at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, tamarix four-stamen has a height of about 2 m, freezes annually, but is easily restored, withstands temperatures down to -20 ° C. The flowering period in the Moscow region and similar climatic zones is June-July. The most popular variety is Africana (African).

Tamariks: planting and care in the suburbs: reviews, varieties, growing features

Planting tamarix in the suburbs

To successfully grow tamarix in the Moscow region, it is important to follow the recommendations of experts. A properly selected and prepared place, as well as planting dates, are one of the main pillars on the way to a lush, flowering bead.

Recommended dates

Tamarix can be planted both in autumn during leaf fall and in early spring. In the Moscow region, spring planting is recommended so that the seedling has time to adapt to a new place, build up a good root system over the summer and autumn and winter safely.

Site selection and soil preparation

The area where tamarix will grow should be located on the highest place, but at the same time be protected from drafts and piercing wind. The sun should illuminate the bush from all sides, planting in the shade is highly undesirable. During the period of snow melting, water should not accumulate and stagnate at the roots of tamarix, which is detrimental to the plant and the close occurrence of groundwater.

Warning! A permanent place for tamarix should be carefully chosen – due to the fragility of thin and long roots, the culture is very painful to transplant and may die.

Tamarix is ​​unpretentious in terms of soil composition, it can grow even on saline and heavy clay soils, improved with peat and humus. The main requirement for the soil is that it must be well-drained, otherwise there is a possibility of developing fungal diseases.

Landing algorithm

Planting a bead in the Moscow region is not much different from working with other shrubs, it is enough to perform the following steps in stages:

  1. In the chosen place, they dig a hole with a diameter and a depth of 60 cm.
  2. The bottom is covered with a drainage layer of 20 cm. It can be pebbles, crushed stone, broken brick, expanded clay.
  3. A mixture of wood ash with humus is laid on the drainage.
  4. Further, 2/3 of the landing pit is covered with soil from garden soil, sand and peat, mixed in proportions of 2: 1: 1.
  5. The seedling is cut before planting, leaving 30-50 cm from the root collar.
  6. A young tamarix is ​​​​placed in the center of the pit, the roots are straightened and sprinkled with soil to ground level. The root neck should not be buried.
  7. The earth around the seedling is lightly tamped, and then poured abundantly with warm settled water.
  8. Within 2-3 weeks after planting, tamarix is ​​​​covered from direct sunlight, if the weather is clear in the Moscow region.
Attention! Tamarix flowering should be expected no earlier than 2-3 years after planting.

Tamariks: planting and care in the suburbs: reviews, varieties, growing features

Rules for caring for tamarix in the Moscow region

Planting and caring for tamarisk shrubs in the Moscow region will not take much time from the gardener. It is enough to regularly feed it, water it in a drought, carry out sanitary and formative pruning and cover it well for the winter.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

In the Moscow region, the bead needs watering only when there is no rain for a long time. Only young plants need to be watered regularly. To prevent evaporation of moisture, the near-stem circle is mulched.

Comment! Tamarix is ​​able to accumulate moisture in the fibers of the trunk.

In the spring, with the beginning of the growing season, the bead is fed with organic matter. In the summer season, to maintain a long and abundant flowering, the bush is sprayed over the foliage with a solution of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. For these purposes, you can use products for flowering plants:

  • “Kemira Universal”;
  • Fertika Lux.


According to reviews, tamarisk in the Moscow region completely freezes above the level of snow cover. Crown cutting is carried out in early spring before the buds swell. Old branches with a slight increase are cut into a ring, this stimulates the growth of young shoots. With the beginning of the growing season, shoots damaged by frost are identified, they are shortened to healthy wood. Formative pruning can also be carried out after the end of flowering, while removing too elongated branches, giving the crown a neat appearance.

Important! Without pruning, the crown of the bead thickens very quickly.

How to prepare tamarix for winter in the suburbs

Before the arrival of frosts in the Moscow region, you should take care of a reliable shelter for the shrub for the winter. Tamarix is ​​mulched with a thick layer of fallen leaves or peat. In November, the branches are carefully bent to the ground, fixed and covered with spruce branches, the trunk is wrapped with a thick cloth.

Pests and diseases

Beaded refers to plants that have high immunity to various pests. It is affected only if other affected crops are present in the garden next to it. It is enough to treat the crown once with an insecticide solution to get rid of this problem. Most effective to use:

  • “Aktellik”;
  • “Actor”;
  • Fitoverm.

With increased humidity of the air and soil due to prolonged rains or violations of the rules of agricultural technology, fungal diseases such as powdery mildew or root rot can develop on tamarix. At the same time, the plant looks depressed: brown spots appear, a grayish coating, the leaves lose turgor. With this kind of symptoms, damaged branches should be removed immediately, and the bush should be treated with a fungicide solution:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • “Fundazol”;
  • “Topaz”.


Planting and caring for tamarix in the Moscow region is a simple matter for knowledgeable and trained gardeners. Only 2-3 seasons after planting, the bush will bloom with myriads of pink beads and will become the main decoration of the backyard.

Planting Tamarix (Beaded)

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