Taking oral contraceptives is up to you

Being in a relationship can be tricky to stay happy. Here are some recipes for improving the situation.

Taking oral contraceptives

As is often the case with us women, we strive with all our souls for happiness, tranquility and comfort, and as a result we find ourselves as birds in a cage. And even if the cage is golden! Birds need will to sing and sparkle with all their feathers.

I do not presume to judge the situation when your man is a “tyrant and tyrant” (which, alas, is not uncommon among the owners of golden cages). But after all, quite often there are reverse stories, when a life partner is just a darling. He sincerely wants you to be happy and is ready for anything. And you yourself do not know what exactly is wrong for you and why your soul is not singing.

The sad truth of life is that in our culture it is still believed that the female destiny is to give, take care and please, to be on the sidelines. We absorb this knowledge with mother’s milk, we see it in the families of our relatives. And it is not so easy to get rid of it, because it is our own, ingrained into the subcortex, the feeling of how “right” is. And for its implementation, we do not even need a tyrant man, we ourselves will overwrite ourselves in full! Or we will break the stereotype and go to the other extreme – we will tyrannize and use those unfortunates who fell victims of our spell.

Even leaving aside good ideas about gender equality, it can be argued that this scheme is not very effective. For the simple reason that sharing life with a joyless being is a dubious pleasure. A happy person can and gives much more. Everyone around him benefits from his happiness – family, friends, colleagues. And what kind of children can be raised by a woman who does not know how to take care of her interests?

Of course, there are no universal recipes. But you always have the opportunity to try and find out what makes your life better, and what does the opposite. Let’s see what steps you can take so that not only your man, but also you feel good in your overall relationship.

Own car

Being the most “on wheels” is incredible convenience and a new degree of freedom. You are absolutely free to go wherever you want at any time. Do not wait for your man to find time to take you, but take and go himself. Meet up with friends, visit parents, buy clothes or drive to fitness.

Separate sleep

Scientific research confirms that alone people sleep more deeply and get enough sleep. And this is without taking into account the extremes, when the precious spouse snores, sleeps across the bed or goes to bed in the morning!

Believe me, this is a real luxury – to wish sweetheart sweet dreams and to leave for your own kingdom of dreams and fantasies, without being distracted by anyone. It is joyful to meet in the morning, having a good rest and even missing out on the night.

Let me clarify that we are talking about sleep. Romance even benefits from a separate dream, becoming more intriguing and varied.

Vacation in the company of yourself, your beloved

Like a separate dream, this is not a step out of a pair at all. More precisely, if you are not doing well, then loneliness will help you notice that something does not suit you or embarrasses you. And having realized this fact, you can think about what can be changed here and whether you want to do it.

If everything suits you, then you just enjoy the silence, tranquility and your own invaluable company. Listen to yourself and do what you want – just for you and right now.

As it is pleasant, without adjusting to anyone, to hang out for hours in parks, cafes, shops and museums. Or feel an unimaginable drive and drive around half of Italy by car in a week. And, most importantly, no one will grumble if your plans suddenly change!

Contraception on female terms

The advent of hormonal contraception has given women unprecedented freedom. We no longer depend on a partner, but make decisions ourselves: how we want to live, when and from whom to give birth. Like any responsibility, it is not easy, but the payoff is incomparably greater.

Moreover, the times when contraception was an inconvenience are long gone. The newest drugs use hormones with a natural formula, which are absolutely identical to the hormones in the female body. And the dynamic dosage regimen repeats natural hormonal fluctuations as much as possible. So the effect on the body is soft, comfortable and the smallest possible.

In addition, natural oral contraceptives (NOCs) help to reduce menstrual flow and feel better, and help maintain a stable weight. And if it was once believed that menstruation was God’s punishment for a woman for being tempted by an apple, today those of us who do not feel guilty are free to live with great pleasure and comfort.

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