Taking care of your couple after the baby arrives
The birth of a baby is an upheaval. It is also the advent of a new equation between young parents. How to take care of your couple after the baby arrives? Here are some helpful tips for a smooth transition.
Lucidity and organization: the key words to take care of your relationship
The arrival of a baby, especially if it is the first, can put the couple to the test. Parents are sometimes confused by this new way of life. Indeed, the baby requires a lot of time and attention. The new mother is gradually recovering from childbirth while the father tries to find his place. In this state shared between fatigue and emotion, it is essential to admit that the couple can be weakened: no need to claim perfect happiness.
To feel less overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks at hand, optimize your organization. First and foremost, take your baby’s needs into account to avoid “crisis” situations. For example, you can reduce the stress factor by avoiding shortages of diapers or powdered milk.
If you manage to organize yourself as a couple, to help each other, then everyone will feel more free and you will thus avoid tensions. The feeling of frustration is quite common among young parents who see their leisure time drastically reduced. Helping each other is also allowing yourself to rest without guilt.
Impose face-to-face moments
A child, especially in the first months of his life, takes up almost all the space in a married life. Letting yourself be overwhelmed by the spiral of everyday life quickly becomes very easy: you have to make it your own, together, to continue to make the couple precious. It is therefore essential to set aside some one-on-one moments in order to continue to exchange, share and confide in each other. Rather than thinking about this still distant week of saving holidays, try as much as possible to make time for both of you immediately (when the baby is in bed, for example). Flee the screens and focus more on tenderness and gestures of love.
Recognize and defuse the signs of a crisis
With a baby, the life change is drastic, often much more than what future parents imagined during pregnancy. This can lead to fatigue that can make spouses irritable. The division of labor is a delicate subject and when one of the partners expresses his need for rest and freedom, it can be perceived as selfishness. In addition, resentment can gradually appear. All these emotions are sometimes manifested by murderous words, daily disagreements or situations that turn into disaster. Maintaining healthy communication is essential when becoming a parent, it helps to avoid getting bogged down in a bad relationship. You know your partner: as soon as you identify bad faith or fatigue, take a step back and defuse the situation with humor, distance, dialogue, caresses …
Finding your sexuality to take care of your relationship
After childbirth, it is not uncommon for new mothers not to recognize their bodies. The belly remains distended for several months, the organs need time to get back into place, an episiotomy or cesarean section can leave sensitive tissues. Not to mention that all the attention of the partner and relatives has shifted from the beautiful pregnant woman to the newborn. In this context, there is no point in forcing the premature return of a sexuality similar to the one before. The woman needs a little time to reclaim her body, to accept the changes and transformations; there is nothing alarming about this. Man, on the other hand, may feel neglected, exhausted, and completely focused on the needs of the baby. There too, do not worry: you will gradually make time for a loving bond.
Take care of yourself to be well in your relationship.
It seems impossible during the first months, as the arrival of the baby is so intense. But as soon as the child becomes more independent, that he sleeps for example, do not forget to make time for yourself. Beauty and well-being treatments, meetings with your friends, reading in the café, long walks or sports activities: each partner must nurture their personal life in order to bring great energy to the couple. Not only will you feel better about yourself, but you will also have new things to tell you and laughter to share, coming from a universe outside your home.
The arrival of a child in a couple changes a whole way of life and it is easy to be sucked in by a daily life dedicated to the baby. With a few simple principles, you can keep the flame of your couple alive in their new configuration. The links between you will be even stronger: solidarity, respect for others, empathy and beautiful complementarity.