Taking a nap after eating – is it healthy and what happens then in your body?

Taking a nap during the day is a pleasant habit to which a large proportion of Poles of all ages are used to. Sleep not only regenerates the body, but also the mind, which is why it is such an important part of every human life. However, is the popular siesta a healthy habit? Where does sleepiness come from after a meal? How to prevent it?

  1. After eating, it is worth waiting at least half an hour and then allowing yourself a regenerative nap
  2. People who have problems with the circulatory system most often feel sleepy after a meal
  3. It is worth analyzing energy drops after eating – appropriate tests and a visit to a specialist can help solve this problem
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Structure of the digestive system

Digestive system it is one of the most important systems in the entire body – it is designed to nourish the human being. In the gut alone, there are over 500 types of different bacteria that help with immunity and fight infection. To understand why napping after a meal can be harmful, it’s important to understand the structure and function of your digestive organs.

The digestive system of an adult human reaches a length of up to 9 meters. It consists mainly of: the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine and anus. There are also three glands that are part of its structure – salivary glands, liver, pancreas. All these elements must work together perfectly in order for the meal to be digested.

The process of digesting food

At the very beginning, the food is crushed, crushed and mixed with saliva so that it can easily slide into the esophagus. Then it bypasses the trachea and is then moved to the stomach (1,5 l capacity), for which they are responsible peristaltic movements esophageal muscles. Food is in it for up to 8 hours. – at this time, it mixes with gastric juices and hydrochloric acid, which has a destructive effect on some bacteria, viruses and fungi that are dangerous to humans.

The intestines are the central part of the digestive system – they are 4 to 8 meters long. The first episode is the duodenum, into which all pancreatic and liver ducts go. Behind it there are jejunum and spiral intestines, where, due to intestinal villi, food ingredients are absorbed. Interestingly, according to some sources, their surface area may reach the size of a tennis court.

Undigested food remains, on the other hand, move to the large intestine, where they are thickened and formed into feces. These residues are to be excreted at the end of digestion. The whole process is supported by the bacteria present there, which are also responsible for the production of vitamins K and B.

Sleep – value for health

Sleep is the basis of every human being’s physical and mental regeneration. It is thanks to him that it rebuilds itself the nervous systemwhose work affects most organs and organs throughout the body. There are many processes taking place during sleep – it is worth learning about them in order to understand how a nap works and choose the right time for it.

  1. A healthy bedroom – 10 rules that will help you sleep well

Sleep helps, first of all, to regenerate the CNS, i.e. central nervous system. It allows you to disable the operation of certain areas of it, as well as enable repair processes. But for that to happen, all phases of healthy, full sleep – NREM and REM – must be achieved. The first one reduces the frequency of brain waves. As a result, the mind becomes quieter so that it can enter a deep, relaxing sleep characterized by an almost complete shutdown of mental activity. The second of them, i.e. do REMcharacterized by the recording of events that took place during the day and the repair of neurotransmitters. It is during this stage that dreams occur.

Taking a nap during the day, not only after eating – rules

Taking a nap during the day for many people is a remedy for stress and fatigue after a few hours at work. The ubiquitous rush also often causes sleepless nights, which contribute to both physical and mental exhaustion. Healthy rest after a meal does not have to bring negative consequences, but there are some important rules to follow.

First of all, it is important to take a nap. It should not follow a heavy meal as sleep slows down your metabolism. The digestive system must first digest the food, using its accumulated energy reserves. It is worth eating a light meal before the planned rest, and then wait at least half an hour before the time of siesta.

In addition to the time of day, the duration of the nap is also important. It is recommended that you limit yourself to 20 minutes of sleep. This action prevents the body from going into the deep phase, but allows for quick regeneration and gaining energy for the rest of the day. Remember, however, that you should not spend less than 10 minutes on this type of rest.

An important rule that should also be followed in order for a short nap to be of the highest quality is choosing the right place. Make sure the room is darkened, e.g. by sliding down roller shutters or blinds. You also need to pay attention to the thickness of the bedding and mattress. A hard base has a great effect on the spine, and appropriate pillows and a duvet allow you to maintain the correct position during sleep.

Afternoon nap after a meal – disadvantages

Taking a nap during the day (not only after eating), although it may seem to have only advantages, in some cases is counterproductive. Its opponents recognize the disturbance of the circadian rhythm as one of the main drawbacks. A large part of people after having an afternoon siesta pay attention to problems with sleeping, including insomnia, and waking up at night.

  1. What is the risk of insomnia? Serious health effects

Doctors also warn against a noticeable tendency indicating an increased risk of developing type II diabetes due to taking naps after meals. It has been proven that individuals who practice the siesta after lunch are more likely to suffer from a deficiency of insulin produced by the body. Therefore, it should be remembered that the occurring drowsiness can cause many dangerous diseases that must be consulted with a specialist immediately.

Sleep after eating – effects

It is known for a long time that eating late in the evening just before going to bed is not a good solution. However, few people wonder what processes take place in the human body during a siesta after a full meal. First of all, attention should be paid to the digestive process that gets delayed during this kind of body and mind rest. The lying position makes digestion difficult, and also slows down the movement of the stomach contents through further elements of the digestive system (the so-called intestinal passage).

Retention of food contents causes an increase in the secretion of digestive acid, which leads to the problem of acid reflux and heartburn. In addition, many people who take a nap after lunch complain of constipation, gas and gas. These symptoms and ailments are mainly caused by a slow metabolism.

Causes of drowsiness after eating

Sleepiness after eating most often it is caused by a process that takes place in the body just after a meal during the day. It involves the transport of blood from the central nervous system to the intestines. Thus, its amount in the UON decreases, which causes unpleasant fatigue. There is no need to worry as the somnolence is easily controlled and alleviated. However, if it is impossible to overcome, and thus hinders normal functioning, you should see a specialist as soon as possible.

Common hypothyroidism could be one of the many possible causes of these problems. Hormones are responsible for most of the processes taking place in the body. The reduction in thyroxine, or TSH, that occurs with this disease, often leads to lethargy and chronic fatigue.

  1. The worst habits before falling asleep

Excessive sleepiness after a meal can also be caused by too high blood glucose levels. This problem most often occurs in people who struggle with type I diabetes. Particular attention should be paid to children and the elderly. Drowsiness after meals, and also just after getting up on an empty stomach, often indicates a disorder that should be consulted with a diabetologist as soon as possible.

In the event of drowsiness forcing a siesta, it is worth checking the blood sugar level. You can do the test yourself at home using a blood glucose meter. Glucose fluctuations are caused by the release of insulin from the pancreas, which is responsible for reducing the amount in cells. These problems can characterize shaking hands, the need to take a nap i ravenous appetite.

What to eat to stay awake after a meal – counteracting unhealthy naps

If it is difficult to control yourself before taking a nap after a meal, it is worth paying attention to the foods you eat. Tall glycemic index and composing sweet dishes can lead to drowsiness after meals. The release of insulin is mainly caused by sweets, large amounts of carbohydrates, as well as products with a high protein content (especially tryptophan).

Ways to fight naps after lunch

Eating a healthy, balanced diet, which mainly takes into account, can help in the fight against sleepiness after meals products with a low glycemic index. Frequent walks are also important to oxygenate the brain and reduce lethargy after lunch. It is worth including healthy fats in your diet, incl. nuts and vegetable oils, as well as reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

Having trouble sleeping? Try the Ashwagandha dietary supplement available at Medonet Market.

Taking a nap after lunch doesn’t have to be a bad habit if you follow a few rules. Getting enough sleep at night, regular meals and at least half an hour of exercise a day will not only help reduce fatigue, but also improve research results. However, if compliance with the above-mentioned recommendations does not have a positive effect on reducing sleepiness, you should consult an appropriate specialist.

See also:

  1. Where does insomnia come from?
  2. Sleep phases
  3. How to sleep to get enough sleep?

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